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List of works by Kenny W. Fent

10 Considerations related to cardiovascular and chemical exposure risks

journal article in trade publication published in 2017

A Deeper Look into Protecting Wildland Firefighter Safety and Health

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2024

Airborne contaminants during controlled residential fires.

journal article published in 2018

Assessing the risk to firefighters from chemical vapors and gases during vehicle fire suppression

journal article published in 2011

Case studies: evaluation of chemical hazards at a criminal investigation section of a police department

journal article published in 2010

Characterizing exposure to benzene, toluene, and naphthalene in firefighters wearing different types of new or laundered PPE

journal article published in 2022

Characterizing exposures to flame retardants, dioxins, and furans among firefighters responding to controlled residential fires

journal article published in 2021

Chemical, noise hazards at drum refurbishing plant

lay newsletter published in 2012

Contamination of firefighter personal protective equipment and skin and the effectiveness of decontamination procedures

journal article published in 2017

Evaluating exposure to VOCs and naphthalene for firefighters wearing different PPE configurations through measures in air, exhaled breath, and urine

journal article published in 2023

Evaluating the ingress of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) specifically naphthalene through firefighter hoods and base layers

journal article published in 2025

Evaluating vehicle fire training inhalation hazards

journal article published in 2012

Evaluating workplace protection factors (WPFs) of different firefighter PPE interface control measures for select volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

journal article published in 2024

Evaluation of first responders' biological monitoring results after Maui County Hawaii wildfires

field study published in 2024

Evaluation of isocyanate exposure during polyurethane foam application and silica exposure during rock dusting at an underground coal mine

abstract published in 2010

Exposure and cancer risks among structural firefighters

abstract published in 2023

Exposures to pharmaceutical dust at a mail order pharmacy

journal article published in 2012

Firefighter dermal exposure assessment with silicone samplers

abstract published in 2022

Firefighter hood contamination: efficiency of laundering to remove PAHs and FRs

journal article published in 2019

Firefighters' absorption of PAHs and VOCs during controlled residential fires by job assignment and fire attack tactic

journal article published in 2020

Firefighters' and instructors' absorption of PAHs and benzene during training exercises

journal article published in 2019

Firefighters' urinary concentrations of VOC metabolites after controlled-residential and training fire responses

journal article published in 2022

Flame retardants, dioxins, and furans in air and on firefighters' protective ensembles during controlled residential firefighting

journal article published in 2020

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2008-0237-3097, evaluation of cancer, indoor environmental quality, and potential chemical hazards at a police department, Cincinnati Police Department, Criminal Investigation Section, Cincinnati, Ohio

field study published in 2009

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2008-0241-3113, evaluation of chemical and particle exposures during vehicle fire suppression training, Miami Township Fire and Rescue, Yellow Springs, Ohio

field study published in 2010

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2008-0286-3084, evaluation of cancer and magnetic fields in an office, County of Guilford, Information Services Department, Greensboro, North Carolina

field study published in 2009

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2009-0085-3107, evaluation of isocyanate exposure during polyurethane foam application and silica exposure during rock dusting at an underground coal mine, Consolidation Coal Company, Blacksville, West Virginia

field study published in 2010

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2009-0154-3101, evaluation of magnetic field exposure to office employees from an electrical transformer, Lebanon Correctional Institute, Lebanon, Ohio

field study published in 2010

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2009-0171-3119, evaluation of electromagnetic field exposures at a research institution's laboratories and atomic time radio stations - Colorado

field study published in 2011

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2010-0017-3133, evaluation of police officers' exposures to chemicals while working inside a drug vault - Kentucky

field study published in 2011

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2010-0026-3150, exposures to pharmaceutical dust at a mail order pharmacy - Illinois

field study published in 2011

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2010-0031-3130, evaluation of chemical hazards and noise exposures at a drum refurbishing plant - Indiana

field study published in 2011

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2011-0045-3149, evaluation of prostate cancer, diesel exhaust exposures, and radio frequency exposures among employees at a rail yard - Alabama

field study published in 2011

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of chemical exposures during fire fighter training exercises involving smoke simulant

field study published in 2013

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of dermal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fire fighters

field study published in 2013

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of dermal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fire fighters (summary)

field study published in 2013

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of employee exposure to lead and other chemicals at a police department

field study published in 2013

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of forensic crime lab employees' chemical exposures, job stress, and work-related health concerns

field study published in 2016

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of pharmaceutical dust exposures at an outpatient pharmacy

field study published in 2013

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of radiofrequency radiation exposures at an atomic time radio station

field study published in 2013

Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of safety climate, health concerns, and pharmaceutical dust exposures at a mail order pharmacy

field study published in 2013

Impact of select PPE design elements and repeated laundering in firefighter protection from smoke exposure

journal article published in 2020

Mortality among workers exposed to toluene diisocyanate in the US polyurethane foam industry: update and exposure-response analyses

journal article published in 2016

NIOSH evaluation of health hazards in a crime lab

journal article published in 2011

National Firefighter Registry: understanding & reducing cancer (withdrawn)

NIOSH publication published in 2021

Pharmaceutical dust exposure at pharmacies using automatic dispensing machines: a preliminary study

journal article published in 2014

Police officers' chemical exposures in a drug vault

journal article published in 2012

Protecting Firefighters

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2021

Response to Goodman et al

publication published in 2017

Systemic exposure to PAHs and benzene in firefighters suppressing controlled structure fires

journal article published in 2014

The National Firefighter Registry for Cancer: Understanding the Link Between Firefighting and Cancer

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2023

The Wildland Firefighter Exposure and Health Effect (WFFEHE) study: rationale, design, and methods of a repeated-measures study

journal article published in 2022

Ultrafine and respirable particle exposure during vehicle fire suppression

journal article published in 2015

Understanding airborne contaminants produced by different fuel packages during training fires

journal article published in 2019

Use of preliminary exposure reduction practices or laundering to mitigate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination on firefighter personal protective equipment ensembles

journal article published in 2023

Volatile organic compounds off-gassing from firefighters' personal protective equipment ensembles after use

journal article published in 2015