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List of works by Peter Zhang

A case study of shale gas well casing deformation in longwall chain pillars under deep cover

conference proceedings item published in 2023

A case study on longwall mining near shale gas wells in barrier pillars - influence, safety, and risks

conference proceedings item published in 2020

A case study on longwall mining near shale gas wells in barrier pillars - influence, safety, and risks

conference proceedings item published in June 2020

A comparison of EM emission reduction methods for personal dust monitors

conference proceedings item published in 2023

A first step in developing standing roof support design criteria based on ground reaction data for Pittsburgh Seam longwall tailgate support

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Acquisition and interpretation of critical scientific data for shale gas wells influenced by longwall mining

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Analyzing shale gas well casing deformation in pittsburgh seam longwall chain pillars: a case study integrating numerical methods and field monitoring

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Application of Q-methodology in studying construction stakeholders' perceptions of OSH risks - an introduction to the preliminary stage

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Assessing longwall gateroad ground response and support alternatives

journal article published in 2021

Assessing longwall gateroad ground response and support alternatives

abstract published in 2021

Coal rib failure and support in longwall gate entries

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Coal rib failure and support in longwall gate entries

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Comparison of measured and modeled casing deformations of a test well in a longwall abutment pillar

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Effect of cover depth on longwall-induced subsurface deformations and shale gas well casing stability

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Effect of longwall-induced subsurface deformations on shale gas well casing stability under deep covers

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Effect of longwall-induced subsurface deformations on shale gas well casing stability under deep covers

journal article published in 2019

Effects of longwall-induced subsurface deformations and permeability changes on shale gas well integrity and safety under shallow cover

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Effects of surface topography, strata dip, and casing cementing on longwall-induced subsurface deformations and gas well casing stresses

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Engineering guidelines for shale gas wells influenced by longwall mining

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Evaluating the stability of shale gas wells in longwall barrier pillars

journal article published in 2019

Evaluation of permeability and transport characteristics formed by the induced fracture network around gas wells drilled through longwall abutment pillars

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Evaluation of support and ground response as longwall face advances into and widens pre-driven recovery room

conference proceedings item published in 2007

FLAC3D modeling evaluation of the comprehensive NV-35 gas well pillar study

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Geotechnical considerations for concurrent pillar recovery in close-distance multiple seams

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Geotechnical considerations for concurrent pillar recovery in close-distance multiple seams

journal article published in 2018

Ground response to high horizontal stresses during longwall retreat and its implication on longwall headgate support

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Ground response to high horizontal stresses during longwall retreat and its implications for longwall headgate support

journal article published in 2019

Identifying longwall-induced fracture zone height through core drilling

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Identifying longwall-induced fracture zone height through core drilling

journal article published in 2022

Influence of longwall mining on the stability of gas wells in chain pillars

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Influence of longwall mining on the stability of gas wells in chain pillars

journal article published in 2020

Influence of longwall mining on the stability of shale gas wells in barrier pillars

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Lessons learned from recent longwall mine-by cases with uncemented casings

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Longwall mining, shale gas production, and underground miner safety and health

journal article published in 2021

Longwall mining, shale gas production, and underground miner safety and health

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Longwall-induced deformations and shale gas well casing stresses: engineering principles

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Longwall-induced ground movement at a shale gas well site located in a district barrier pillar-FLAC3D modeling results and interpretation

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Longwall-induced shale gas well casing deformations and stresses-critical effects of geologic and geometric parameters

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Longwall-induced subsurface deformations and permeability changes-shale gas well casing integrity implication

conference proceedings item published in 2019

NIOSH gas well stability research - status and significant findings

conference proceedings item published in 2022

NIOSH gas well stability research: investigation into the causes of an anomalous shale gas well casing deformation at a deep longwall mine

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Permeability determination for potential interaction between shale gas wells and the coal mine environment due to longwall-induced deformations under deep cover

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Roof bolter canopy air curtain effects on airflow and dust dispersion in an entry using blowing curtain ventilation - a computational fluid dynamics evaluation

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Roof failure in longwall headgates - causes, risks, and prevention

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Roof stability and support strategies associated with longwall-induced horizontal stress changes in belt entries

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Roof stability and support strategies associated with longwall-induced horizontal stress changes in belt entries

journal article published in 2022

Shale gas production under the influence of undergroung longwall coal mining

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Shale gas production under the influence of undergroung longwall coal mining

conference proceedings item published in June 2020

Shale gas well casing deformation in longwall chain pillars under deep cover - field measurement and numerical modeling

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Shale gas well stability under the influence of underground longwall coal mining

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Shale gas well stability under the influence of underground longwall coal mining

conference proceedings item published in March 2021

The current perspective of the PA 1957 gas well pillar study and its implications for longwall gas well pillar

journal article published in 2021

The current perspective of the Pennsylvania 1957 Gas Well Pillar Study and its implications for longwall gas well pillars

conference proceedings item published in 2020

The effect of standing support stiffness on primary and secondary bolting systems

conference proceedings item published in 2003

The effects of a passing longwall face on the roadway, pillars, and standing supports in northern West Virginia

conference proceedings item published in 2018

The unpredictable life cycle of a coal pillar

conference proceedings item published in 2007