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List of works by David M. Wilson

A Medieval Boat from Kentmere, Westmorland

scientific article published on January 1966

A note on OE hearg and weoh as place‐name elements representing different types of pagan Saxon worship sites

chapter published in 1985

ARCHÄOLOGISCHE DENKMÄLER DER GEPIDEN IM MITTELDONAU-BECKEN (454–568 u.Z.). By D. Csallány. Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest 1961 (Archaeologica Hungarica, new series, vol. XXXVIII). pp. 406, 281 plates, 28 figures and

Almgren and Chronology: A Summary and some Comments

journal article; published in 1959

An Anglo-Saxon Bookbinding at Fulda (Codex Bonifatianus I)

An Anglo-Saxon Grave near Dartford, Kent

scholarly article by David M. Wilson published in January 1956

An Anglo-Saxon ring from Sarre, Kent

article published in 1957

An Inlaid Iron Folding Stool in the British Museum

article published in 1957

An unpublished fragment from the Goldsborough hoard

Ancient Fields: A tentative analysis of vanishing earthworks and landscapes. By H. C. Bowen. 8¾ × 5½. Pp. xii + 80 + 5 pls. and 5 figs. London: British Association for the Advancement of Science. 1961. 7s. 6d


section published in 1965

Arts of the Migration Period in the Walters Art Gallery. By M. C. Ross. 9½ x 7¾ in. 173 pp., 60 pls. Baltimore: Walters Art Gallery, 1961. Price $7.50 (plus postage).

book review published in 1964

Axel Steensberg and J. L. Østergaard Christensen: Store Valby. Historisk-arkaeologisk undersogelse af en nedlagt landsby på Sjaelland. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Hist.-filos. Skrifter 8, 1, pts. I–III.) Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1

Catalogue of Antiquities of the later Saxon period. I. Anglo-Saxon Ornamental Metalwork 700–1100

book published in 1964

Copper alloy

chapter published in 1979

Danmarks Kirker, Arhus amt. 28 x 19 cm. 475pp., illustrated. Kobenhavn: The National Museum and G.E.C. Gad.

book review published in 1973

Das romisch-frankische Graberfeld von Krefeld-Gellep, 1960-1963. By Renate Pirling. 26 x 18 cm. Teil I: 246 pp., 9 pls., 7 col. pls., 9 figs., 2 folding plans. Teil II: 121 pp., 159 pls, Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag for Romisch-gerrnanisch Kommission

book review published in 1975

Das romisch-frankische Graberfeld von Krefeld-Gellep. By Renate Pirling. 10 x 7 in. 1 Teil: 239 pp., 10 pls., 25 figs., 1 folding plan. 2 Teil: 15 pp., 133 pls. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann, 1966. Price 130 DM

book review published in 1967

Death in Towns: Urban Responses to the Dying and the Dead, 100–1600. Edited by Steven Bassett. 230mm. Pp. x + 258, 34 figs., 23 pls. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1992. ISBN 0-7185-1418-1. £49.00


Die Bewohner von Halimba im 10. and 11. Jahrhundert. By G. Török. 11½×8. Pp. 169+pls. 100+figs. 36 and 4 folding plans. Budapest: Archaeologia Hungarica, xxxix, 1962. No price given.

Die Goldhörner von Gallehus. By Eric Oxenstierna. 9¼×6¼. Pp. 247+figs. 179. Lidingö, Sweden: by the author at Falkstigen 10, 1956. £3. 1s.

Die Schatz funde Gotlands der Wikingerzeit, I, II. By M. Stenberger. 12 x 9 in. 654 pp., 173 figs., 16 tables, 408 pls. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historle ock Antlkvitets Akademien, 1947 and 1958. Price 115 Sw. kr.

book review published in 1963

Die Sudsiedlung von Haithabu. Studien zur frühmittelalterlichen Keramik in Nordseeküstenbereich und in Schleswig-Holstein. By Heiko Steuer. (Die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu, vi). 11¾ × 8. Pp. 229 + 15 figs. + 17 tables + 107 pls. + 19 maps. Neumüns

Die ethnischen Probleme der Hunnenzeit in Ungarn by M. Párducz, Akadémiaikiadó, Budapest, 1963 (Studia Archaeologica, I). 82 pp., 12 pls., 11 figs., 3 folding plans. No price given

Early Christian Ireland. By Máire and Liam de Paor. 8×5¾. Pp. 264, 36 line-drawings and maps and 76 half-tone figs. London: Thames and Hudson, 1958. 25s.

book review published in 1959

G. Faider-Feytmans: Les collections d'archéologie régionale du musée de Mariemont, II, Les nécropoles mérovingennes. Mariemont: Musée de Mariemont, 1970. 2 vols. 274 pp., 151 pls., 22 figs. B.Frs. 980

Glyn Daniel (ed.): Towards a history of archaeology. London: Thames & Hudson, 1981. 192 pp. £12.00

H. R. Ellis Davidson: The Viking road to Byzantium. London: Allen and Unwin, 1976. 341 pp., 4 pls., 6 figs., 8 maps. £8.95

Irene Scouloudi 1907–1992

scholarly article

Kolloquium über spätantike und frühmittelalterliche Skulptur. Edited by V. Milojčić. 11¾ × 8¾. Pp. 111 + 67 pls.+2 plans. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1971. DM. 83

Lord Fletcher of Islington 1903-1990

obituary published in 1990

Manx Archaeological Survey, 1st-5th Reports (5 vols. as one, 2nd impression). By P. M. C. Kermode. 6th Report (84 pp., 19 pls.). By J. R. Bruce. Douglas: The Manx Museum, 1966. Price together £5.

book review published in 1969

Medieval Britain in 1956

scientific article published on January 1957

Medieval Britain in 1957

scientific article published on January 1958

Medieval Britain in 1958

scientific article published on January 1959

Medieval Britain in 1959

scientific article published on January 1960

Medieval Britain in 1960

scientific article published on January 1961

Medieval Britain in 1961

scientific article published on January 1962

Medieval Britain in 1962 and 1963

scientific article published on January 1964

Medieval Britain in 1964

scientific article published on January 1965

Medieval Britain in 1965

scientific article published on January 1966

Medieval Britain in 1966

scientific article published on January 1967

Medieval Britain in 1967

scientific article published on January 1968

Medieval Britain in 1968

scientific article published on January 1969

Medieval Britain in 1969

scientific article published on January 1970

Medieval Britain in 1970

scientific article published on January 1971

Ole Klindt-Jensen: A history of Scandinavian archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson, 1975. 144 pp., 124 figs. £3.95

Recent Archaeological Excavations in Europe. Edited by Rupert Bruce-Mitford. 25 x 20 cm. 335 pp., figs. and plates. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1975. Price £12.00.

book review published in 1976

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Reviews of Books

Runes and their Origin. Denmark and Elsewhere. By Erik Moltke, translated by Peter G. Foote 22.5 × 14 cm. Pp. 554, many ills. Copenhagen: Nationalmuseets Forlag, 1985. ISBN 87-480-0578-9.

Some Archaeological Additions and Corrections to J D A Thompson, Inventory of British Coin Hoards

article published in 1958

Some Neglected Late Anglo-Saxon Swords

scientific article published on January 1965

St Ninian's Isle and its treasure, vol I

book published in 1973

St Ninian's Isle and its treasure, vol II

book published in 1973

The Bangor Conference, 1972

report published in 1972

The Caen conference, 1963

report published in 1964

The Canterbury conference, 1964

report published in 1964

The Danish conference, 1975

report published in 1975

The Dundee Conference, 1973

report published in 1973

The Foundation and Early Years of The Society for Medieval Archaeology

The Galway conference, 1971

report published in 1971

The Glasgow conference, 1966

report published in 1966

The Hereford conference, 1960

report published in 1960

The Isle of Man conference, 1961

report published in 1961

The King's Lynn Conference, 1962

report published in 1963

The King's School, Canterbury, Disc Brooch

scientific article published on January 1960

The London conference, 1967

report published in 1967

The Norwegian conference, 1965

report published in 1965

The Nottingham conference, 1970

report published in 1970

The Orkney and Shetland Conference, 1969

report published in 1969

The Penzance conference, 1967

report published in 1968

The Relics of St. Cuthbert. Studies by various authors collected and with an historical introduction by C. F. Battiscombe. 12¼ x 9¾ in. x+561 pp., 58 plates. Oxford: for the Dean and Chapter of Durham Cathedral, 1956. Price £12 12s.

book review published in 1958

The Southampton Conference, 1959

report published in 1959

The Southampton Conference, 1974

report published in 1974

The Trewhiddle Hoard

scientific article published in 1961

The Viking Achievement: the Society and Culture of Early Medieval Scandinavia

book published in 1970

The Viking. By Bertil Almgren and others. 12 × 11½. Pp. 288 + 52 pls. + 23 maps. London: C. A. Watts & Co., 1966. £7

The Vikings' Relationship with Christianity in Northern England


The Vikings. By Holger Arbman. (Ancient Peoples and Places.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1961. pp. 212, 67 plates, 41 figures and maps. 30s

The York conference, 1976

report published in 1976

The brooches

chapter published in St Ninian's Isle and its treasure in 1973

Three Viking Graves in the Isle of Man

book published in 1966

Two 10th-century bronze objects

article published in 1965

Two 9th Century Strap-ends from York

article published in 1964

Two plates from a late Saxon casket

Viking Age Ringed Pins from Dublin. (Medieval Dublin Excavations 1962-81 Series B., Vol. 4.) By Thomas Fanning. 22 x 31 em. xi + 140pp., 106 figs., 14pls. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1994. ISBN 1-874045-27-5 hb.; 1-874045-28-3 pb

book review published in 1995

Viking Art

book published in 1966

Århus Sendervold, en byarkeologisk undersogelse. By H. Hellmuth Andersen, P. J. Crabbe, and H. J. Madsen. 11¾ × 8¼. Pp. 337 +numerous figs., pls., and maps. Copenhagen: Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab (Skrifter, xi), 1971. 161 D.Kr