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List of works by Charles Thomas Parker

Exemplar Abstract for Aureimonas jatrophae Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Exemplar Abstract for Aureimonas phyllosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Exemplar Abstract for Bacillus methylotrophicus Madhaiyan et al. 2010 pro synon. Bacillus velezensis Ruiz-García et al. 2005

Exemplar Abstract for Bacillus rhizosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Exemplar Abstract for Duganella radicis Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Exemplar Abstract for Duganella sacchari Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Exemplar Abstract for Kosakonia arachidis (Madhaiyan et al. 2010) Brady et al. 2013 and Enterobacter arachidis Madhaiyan et al. 2010

Exemplar Abstract for Leifsonia soli Madhaiyan et al. 2010

article published in 2003

Exemplar Abstract for Methylobacterium oryzae Madhaiyan et al. 2007

Exemplar Abstract for Methylobacterium phyllosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2009

Exemplar Abstract for Mucilaginibacter gossypii Madhaiyan et al. 2010

Exemplar Abstract for Mucilaginibacter gossypiicola Madhaiyan et al. 2010

Exemplar Abstract for Mycobacterium yongonense Kim et al. 2013 and Mycobacterium intracellulare yongonense (Kim et al. 2013) Castejon et al. 2018

Exemplar Abstract for Paenibacillus polysaccharolyticus Madhaiyan et al. 2017

Exemplar Abstract for Pleomorphomonas diazotrophica Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Exemplar Abstract for Pseudomonas sesami Madhaiyan et al. 2017

Exemplar Abstract for Rhodanobacter glycinis Madhaiyan et al. 2014

Exemplar Abstract for Sphingomonas carotinifaciens Madhaiyan et al. 2017

Exemplar Abstract for Sphingomonas jatrophae Madhaiyan et al. 2017

Exemplar Abstract for Vibrio damsela Love et al. 1982, Photobacterium damselae corrig. (Love et al. 1982) Smith et al. 1991, Photobacterium damsela (sic) (Love et al. 1982) Smith et al. 1991, Listonella damselae corrig. (Love et al. 1982) MacDonell a

scholarly article published 1 January 2003

Genomic encyclopedia of bacteria and archaea: sequencing a myriad of type strains

scientific article published in August 2014

Guidelines for interpreting the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes and for preparing a Request for an Opinion

scientific article published in 2023

International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. Prokaryotic Code (2008 Revision)

scientific article

Judicial Opinion 128

scientific article published in 2023

Judicial Opinions 112–122

scientific article published on 10 August 2022

Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus taxa

scientific article published on 30 June 2020

NamesforLife Semantic Resolution Services for the Life Sciences

NamesforLife Semantic Resolution Services for the Life Sciences (retracted)

Nomenclature Abstract for Abyssivirga Schouw et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Abyssivirga alkaniphila Schouw et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Acidicapsa Kulichevskaya et al. 2012 emend. Falagán et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Acidicapsa acidiphila Falagán et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Actinocrispum wychmicini Hatano et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Aeromicrobium marinum Bruns et al. 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Agathobacter Rosero et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Agathobacter rectalis (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Rosero et al. 2016

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Albidovulum inexpectatum Albuquerque et al. 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Albidovulum xiamenense Yin et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Aliiglaciecola Jean et al. 2013 emend. Jin et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Alkalibacillus almallahensis Pérez-Davó et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Alkalibacillus filiformis Romano et al. 2005

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Alkalibacillus halophilus Tian et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Alkalibacillus silvisoli Usami et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Alteribacillus alkaliphilus Azmatunnisa Begum et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Alteribacillus bidgolensis Didari et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Alteribacillus iranensis (Bagheri et al. 2012) Azmatunnisa Begum et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Alteribacillus persepolensis (Amoozegar et al. 2009) Didari et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Anaerobacillus alkalidiazotrophicus (Sorokin et al. 2008) Zavarzina et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Aquibacillus albus (Zhang et al. 2013) Amoozegar et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Aquibacillus halophilus Amoozegar et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Arsenicicoccus bolidensis Collins et al. 2004

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Arsenicicoccus dermatophilus Gobeli et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Arsenicicoccus piscis Hamada et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Aureimonas jatrophae Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Aureimonas phyllosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Bacillus methylotrophicus Madhaiyan et al. 2010 pro synon. Bacillus velezensis Ruiz-García et al. 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Bacillus rhizosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Bellilinea Yamada et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Bergeriella Xie and Yokota 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum Eeckhaut et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Caldalkalibacillus thermarum Xue et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Caldalkalibacillus uzonensis (Zhao et al. 2006) Zhao et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Caldanaerovirga Wagner et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Caldicoprobacter Yokoyama et al. 2010 emend. Bouanane-Darenfed et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Caldicoprobacter algeriensis Bouanane-Darenfed et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Caldicoprobacter faecalis (Winter et al. 1988) Bouanane-Darenfed et al. 2015


Nomenclature Abstract for Caldicoprobacter guelmensis Bouanane-Darenfed et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Caldicoprobacter oshimai Yokoyama et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Caldisalinibacter kiritimatiensis Ben Hania et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Calditerricola satsumensis Moriya et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Calditerrivibrio Iino et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Caloranaerobacter azorensis Wery et al. 2001

Nomenclature Abstract for Caloranaerobacter ferrireducens Zeng et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Carboxydothermus ferrireducens (Slobodkin et al. 1997) Slobodkin et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Carboxydothermus islandicus Novikov et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Carboxydothermus pertinax Yoneda et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Carboxydothermus siderophilus Slepova et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Catelliglobosispora Ara et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Catonella Moore and Moore 1994

Nomenclature Abstract for Cellulosilyticum Cai and Dong 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Cellulosilyticum ruminicola Cai and Dong 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Chitinispirillum Sorokin et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Chitinivibrio Sorokin et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Chryseobacterium ginsengiterrae Hahnke et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Chryseobacterium glaciei Pal et al. 2018

Nomenclature Abstract for Chryseobacterium halperniae Hahnke et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Chryseobacterium tenax (O'Sullivan et al. 2006) Hahnke et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Clostridium aldenense Warren et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Clostridium butyricum Prazmowski 1880 (Approved Lists 1980)

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Clostridium celatum Hauschild and Holdeman 1974 (Approved Lists 1980)

Nomenclature Abstract for Clostridium fimetarium Kotsyurbenko et al. 1997

scientific article published in January 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Clostridium pasteurianum Winogradsky 1895 emend. Holdeman et al. 1977 (Approved Lists 1980)

Nomenclature Abstract for Clostridium putrefaciens (McBryde 1911) Sturges and Drake 1927 (Approved Lists 1980)

Nomenclature Abstract for Clostridium sporogenes (Metchnikoff 1908) Bergey et al. 1923 (Approved Lists 1980)

Nomenclature Abstract for Colwellia asteriadis Choi et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Confluentibacter lentus Park et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Crassaminicella Lakhal et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Cuneatibacter Lagkouvardos et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Demequina activiva Park et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Dethiobacter Sorokin et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Devosia confluentis Park et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Domibacillus antri Xu et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Domibacillus indicus Sharma et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Domibacillus iocasae Sun and Sun 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Domibacillus robiginosus Seiler et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Domibacillus tundrae Gyeong et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Dorea Taras et al. 2002

Nomenclature Abstract for Dorea formicigenerans (Holdeman and Moore 1974) Taras et al. 2002

Nomenclature Abstract for Dorea longicatena Taras et al. 2002

Nomenclature Abstract for Duganella radicis Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Duganella sacchari Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Dysgonomonas Hofstad et al. 2000

Nomenclature Abstract for Enterobacter arachidis Madhaiyan et al. 2010

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Eubacterium aggregans Mechichi et al. 2000

Nomenclature Abstract for Faecalicatena Sakamoto et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Faecalimonas Sakamoto et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus barbaricus (Täubel et al. 2003) Glaeser et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus enclensis Dastager et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus gelatini (De Clerck et al. 2004) Glaeser et al. 2013 emend. Glaeser et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus halophilus Sharma et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus macauensis (Zhang et al. 2006) Glaeser et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus nanhaiensis (Chen et al. 2011) Glaeser et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus phosphorivorans Glaeser et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus rigui (Baik et al. 2010) Glaeser et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Fictibacillus solisalsi (Liu et al. 2009) Glaeser et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium croceum Park et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium cucumis Weon et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium cutihirudinis Glaeser et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium daejeonense Kim et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium dankookense Lee et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium defluvii Park et al. 2007 emend. Chen et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium degerlachei Van Trappen et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium endophyticum Gao et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium filum Ryu et al. 2007 emend. Li et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Flavobacterium glycines Madhaiyan et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Flexilinea Sun et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Frigoribacterium endophyticum Wang et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Frigoribacterium faeni Kämpfer et al. 2000

Nomenclature Abstract for Frondihabitans australicus (Zhang et al. 2007) Greene et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Frondihabitans cladoniiphilus Cardinale et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Frondihabitans peucedani Lee 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Gallaecimonas xiamenensis Wang et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Geovibrio thiophilus Janssen et al. 2002

Nomenclature Abstract for Glaciibacter Katayama et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Glaciimonas alpina Frasson et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Gulosibacter chungangensis Park et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Halolactibacillus alkaliphilus Cao et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Halolactibacillus halophilus Ishikawa et al. 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Herbiconiux flava Hamada et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Hespellia Whitehead et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Hespellia stercorisuis Whitehead et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Humibacter antri Lee 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Jatrophihabitans endophyticus Madhaiyan et al. 2013 emend. Lee et al. 2018

Nomenclature Abstract for Johnsonella Moore and Moore 1994

Nomenclature Abstract for Lachnobacterium Whitford et al. 2001

Nomenclature Abstract for Lactococcus fujiensis Cai et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Lactococcus hircilactis Meucci et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Lactococcus nasutitermitis Yang et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Leifsonia soli Madhaiyan et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Macrococcus canis Gobeli Brawand et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Marinobacterium profundum Hwang et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Marinococcus halophilus (Novitsky and Kushner 1976) Hao et al. 1985

Nomenclature Abstract for Marinococcus halotolerans Li et al. 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Marinococcus luteus Wang et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Marinococcus salis Reddy et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Marinococcus tarijensis Balderrama-Subieta et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Marinomonas fungiae Kumari et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Marinomonas mangrovi Zhang and Margesin 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Marvinbryantia Wolin et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Mesorhizobium acaciae Zhu et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Methylobacterium oryzae Madhaiyan et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Methylobacterium phyllosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Methylobacterium pseudosasae Madhaiyan and Poonguzhali 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Methylophilus rhizosphaerae Madhaiyan et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Microbacterium azadirachtae Madhaiyan et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Microcella alkaliphila Tiago et al. 2006

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Microcella putealis Tiago et al. 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Mobilitalea Podosokorskaya et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Moorella glycerini Slobodkin et al. 1997

Nomenclature Abstract for Moorella humiferrea Nepomnyashchaya et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Moorella mulderi Balk et al. 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Moorella stamsii Alves et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Moryella Carlier et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Mucilaginibacter gossypii Madhaiyan et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Mucilaginibacter gossypiicola Madhaiyan et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Neptuniibacter pectenicola Diéguez et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Neptunomonas Hedlund et al. 1999 emend. Yang et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Nitrosomonas stercoris Nakagawa and Takahashi 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Oceaniserpentilla Schlösser et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Oceaniserpentilla haliotis Schlösser et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Okibacterium endophyticum Wang et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Oribacterium Carlier et al. 2004 emend. Sizova et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Oribacterium asaccharolyticum Sizova et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Oribacterium sinus Carlier et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornatilinea Podosokorskaya et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinibacillus bavariensis Mayr et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinibacillus californiensis Mayr et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinibacillus contaminans Kämpfer et al. 2010

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinibacillus halophilus Bagheri et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinibacillus heyuanensis Wu et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinibacillus scapharcae Shin et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinicoccus hortensis Groth et al. 1999

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinimicrobium humiphilum Groth et al. 2001

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinimicrobium kibberense Mayilraj et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Ornithinimicrobium murale Kämpfer et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Ottowia pentelensis Felföldi et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Ottowia thiooxydans Spring et al. 2004


Nomenclature Abstract for Paenibacillus polysaccharolyticus Madhaiyan et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Paraliobacillus quinghaiensis Chen et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Paraliobacillus ryukyuensis Ishikawa et al. 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Paraliobacillus sediminis Cao et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Parasporobacterium Lomans et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Patulibacter americanus Reddy and Garcia-Pichel 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Paucisalibacillus algeriensis Bendjama et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Paucisalibacillus globulus Nunes et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Pelagirhabdus alkalitolerans Sultanpuram et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Pelagirhabdus fermentum (Zhilina et al. 2002) Sultanpuram et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Pelolinea Imachi et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Pelospora Matthies et al. 2000

Nomenclature Abstract for Phaeobacter inhibens Martens et al. 2006 emend. Dogs et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Phaeobacter leonis Gaboyer et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Phaeobacter porticola Breider et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Piscibacillus halophilus Amoozegar et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Piscibacillus salipiscarius Tanasupawat et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Pleomorphomonas diazotrophica Madhaiyan et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Pontibacillus chungwhensis Lim et al. 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Pontibacillus halophilus Chen et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Pontibacillus litoralis Chen et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Pontibacillus marinus Lim et al. 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Pontibacillus salicampi Lee et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Pontibacillus salipaludis Sultanpuram et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Pontibacillus yanchengensis Yang et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Porphyromonas Shah and Collins 1988 emend. Kawamura et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Pseudogracilibacillus auburnensis Glaeser et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Pseudogracilibacillus endophyticus Park et al. 2018

Nomenclature Abstract for Pseudogracilibacillus marinus Verma et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Pseudomonas sesami Madhaiyan et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Psychrobacillus psychrodurans (Abd El-Rahman et al. 2002) Krishnamurthi et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Psychrobacillus soli Pham et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Rhodanobacter glycinis Madhaiyan et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Robinsoniella Cotta et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Salibacterium halochares (Pappa et al. 2010) Reddy et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Salibacterium halotolerans Reddy et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Salibacterium lacus Wang et al. 2018

Nomenclature Abstract for Salibacterium qingdaonense (Wang et al. 2007) Reddy et al. 2015

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Salimicrobium album (Hao et al. 1985) Yoon et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Salimicrobium flavidum Yoon et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Salimicrobium halophilum (Ventosa et al. 1990) Yoon et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Salimicrobium jeotgali Choi et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Salimicrobium luteum Yoon et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Salimicrobium salexigens de la Haba et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Salinibacillus aidingensis Ren and Zhou 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Salinibacillus xinjiangensis Yang et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Salipaludibacillus aurantiacus Sultanpuram and Mothe 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Salipaludibacillus neizhouensis (Chen et al. 2009) Sultanpuram and Mothe 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Salirhabdus euzebyi Albuquerque et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Salirhabdus salicampi Lee and Whang 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Salisediminibacterium haloalkalitolerans Sultanpuram et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Salisediminibacterium halotolerans Jiang et al. 2012 emend. Sultanpuram et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Salisediminibacterium locisalis (Márquez et al. 2011) Sultanpuram et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Salsuginibacillus halophilus Cao et al. 2010

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Salsuginibacillus kocurii Carrasco et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Sediminibacillus albus Wang et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Sediminibacillus halophilus Carrasco et al. 2008

Nomenclature Abstract for Serinicoccus chungangensis Traiwan et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Serinicoccus marinus Yi et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Shewanella dokdonensis Sung et al. 2012

Nomenclature Abstract for Shuttleworthia Downes et al. 2002

Nomenclature Abstract for Solimonas aquatica Sheu et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Sphingopyxis Takeuchi et al. 2001 emend. Baik et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Sporobacterium Mechichi et al. 1999

Nomenclature Abstract for Stenotrophomonas bentonitica Sánchez-Castro et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Steroidobacter denitrificans Fahrbach et al. 2008

scientific article published in January 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Stomatobaculum Sizova et al. 2013

Nomenclature Abstract for Streptomyces jeddahensis Röttig et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Tepidibacillus decaturensis Dong et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Tepidibacillus fermentans Slobodkina et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Tepidibacillus infernus Podosokorskaya et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Tepidibacter formicigenes Urios et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Terribacillus aidingensis Liu et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Terribacillus goriensis (Kim et al. 2007) Krishnamurthi and Chakrabarti 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Terribacillus halophilus An et al. 2007

Nomenclature Abstract for Tetrasphaera australiensis Maszenan et al. 2000

Nomenclature Abstract for Tetrasphaera japonica Maszenan et al. 2000

Nomenclature Abstract for Tetrasphaera jenkinsii McKenzie et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Tetrasphaera veronensis McKenzie et al. 2006

Nomenclature Abstract for Thalassobacillus cyri Sánchez-Porro et al. 2009

Nomenclature Abstract for Thalassobacillus devorans García et al. 2005

Nomenclature Abstract for Thalassobacillus hwangdonensis Lee et al. 2010

Nomenclature Abstract for Thalassobacillus pellis Sánchez-Porro et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Thermanaerothrix Grégoire et al. 2011

Nomenclature Abstract for Thermodesulfobium Mori et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Thermodesulfobium acidiphilum Frolov et al. 2017

Nomenclature Abstract for Thermodesulfobium narugense Mori et al. 2004

Nomenclature Abstract for Thermohydrogenium Zacharova et al. 1996

Nomenclature Abstract for Thermolongibacillus altinsuensis Cihan et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Undibacterium aquatile Du et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Undibacterium danionis Kämpfer et al. 2016

Nomenclature Abstract for Undibacterium jejuense Kim et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Undibacterium macrobrachii Sheu et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Undibacterium seohonense Kim et al. 2014

Nomenclature Abstract for Wenzhouxiangellaceae Wang et al. 2015

Nomenclature Abstract for Wohlfahrtiimonas larvae Lee et al. 2014

article published in 2003

Nomenclature Abstract for Yuhushiella Mao et al. 2011

Recent trends in US patent grants and issues to be considered

Recent trends in US patent grants and issues to be considered

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The NamesforLife Semantic Index of Phenotypic and Genotypic Data