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List of works by Félix Vallotton

A Edgar Poe

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 111283)

A Port

painting by Félix Vallotton

Adolescente entrant dans l'eau

painting by Félix Vallotton

After the Bath

painting by Félix Vallotton

Album Cover for "Paris Intense"

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42214)


painting by Félix Vallotton

Andromède debout et Persée

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Valloton (on loan to Metropolitan Museum from Winterthur Museum)

Au Violon (Off to the Jug)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42216)

Aïcha Goblet

painting by Félix Vallotton

Baigneure aux oiseaux

painting by Félix Vallotton

Baigneuse assise de dos sur le sable

painting by Félix Vallotton

Baigneuse aux roseaux

painting by Félix Vallotton

Baigneuse de face, fond gris

painting by Félix Vallotton

Bancs de sable sur la Loire

painting by Félix Vallotton

Basket of tangerines and bananas

painting by Félix Vallotton

Bather and Child (La baigneuse à l'enfant)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109802)

Bather with Swans (La baigneuse aux cygnes)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109803)

Bathers Caught in a Storm (Les baigneuses surprises par l'orage)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109801)

Bathers on the Grass (Baigneuses étendues sur l'herbe)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109796)


painting by Félix Vallotton

Bathing on a Summer Evening

painting by Félix Vallotton

Bathing woman drying her back with a rolled cloth

painting by Félix Vallotton

Bathsheba at her bath

painting by Félix Vallotton

Blonde Nude

painting by Félix Vallotton

Blooming Field

painting by Félix Vallotton

Bois de la Gruerie and Ravin des Meurissons

painting by Félix Vallotton

Book jacket for "Les Rassemblements"

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 106752)

Box Seats at the Theater, the Gentleman and the Lady

painting by Félix Vallotton

Breton Valley, Troieras

painting by Félix Vallotton

C'est la Guerre!

C'est la Guerre!

Charles Baudelaire

painting by Vallotton

Chaste Suzanne

painting by Félix Vallotton

Church ruins in Hurlus

painting by Félix Vallotton

Châlons War Cemetery

painting by Félix Vallotton

Château Gaillard and the Square of Les Andelys

painting by Félix Vallotton

Château Gaillard aux Andelys

painting by Félix Vallotton

Citrus Trees Garden in Cagnes

painting by Félix Vallotton

Cloud in Romanel

painting by Félix Vallotton

Coast in Hongleur

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

Corn Fields

painting by Félix Vallotton

Coucher de soleil à Grasse

painting by Félix Vallotton

Couple dans un intérieur

painting by Félix Vallotton

Cruche et hortensia

painting by Félix Vallotton

Dame-Jeanne et caisse

painting by Félix Vallotton

Dans les Ténèbres

Deuxieme Bureau (Box Office)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42217)

Dinner, lighting effect

painting by Félix Vallotton

Docteur Louis Moret

painting by Félix Vallotton

Doctor Arthur Hahnloser

painting by Félix Vallotton

Effet de brume, Honfleur

painting by Félix Vallotton

Eggs and Meat

painting by Félix Vallotton

Entering the Water (L'entrée dans l'eau)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109795)

Famille d'arbres

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme africaine

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme au chevalet

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme aux colliers

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme avec un poudrier

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme couchée dormant

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme fouillant dans un placard

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme lisant dans un intérieur

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme noire assise de face

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme nue avec un bras relevé

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme nue devant une salamandre

painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme nue dormant au bord de l'eau

1921 painting by Félix Vallotton

Femme nue lutinant un Silène

painting by Félix Vallotton

Fleurs blanches dans un vase décoré

painting by Félix Vallotton

Flowering Peach Trees, Provence

painting by Félix Vallotton

Frontispiece from "Paris Intense"

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42213)

Félix Fénéon Editing La Revue Blanche

painting by Félix Vallotton

Félix Jasinski in his Printmaking Studio

painting by Félix Vallotton

Félix Jasinski tenant son chapeau

painting by Félix Vallotton

Gabrielle Vallotton doing nails

painting by Félix Vallotton

Girl Lifting Her Chemise (Fillette enlevant sa chemise)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109799)

Grands Chasseurs--Le Cerf est prêt

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 154414)


painting by Félix Vallotton

Henri Daumier (Honore Daumier)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42210)

Henriette Bernheim, stepmother of the artist

painting by Félix Vallotton

Honfleur in Fog

painting by Félix Vallotton

House and Reeds

painting by Félix Vallotton

Interior with red armchair and figures

painting by Félix Vallotton

Interior, Bedroom with Two Figures

painting by Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925

Interior, woman in blue searching in a cupboard

painting by Félix Vallotton

Interiors with figures


Intérieur avec femme en rouge de dos

painting by Félix Vallotton

L'Accident (The Accident)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42220)

L'Averse (The Shower)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42219)


work by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

La Cuisinière au fourneau

painting by Félix Vallotton

La Dordogne á Carennac

painting by Felix Vallotton from 1925

La Lectrice

painting by Félix Vallotton

La Manifestation (The Demonstration)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42211)

La Mare

painting by Félix Vallotton

La Modiste (The Milliner)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 62633)

La Risle près de Berville

painting by Félix Vallotton

La Réussite

painting by Félix Vallotton

La Source

painting by Félix Vallotton

La Tranchée

La Visite

painting by Félix Vallotton

La chambre rouge

painting by Félix Vallotton

La lecture abandonnée

painting by Félix Vallotton

La marée montante près de Houlgate

painting by Félix Vallotton

La paresse (Laziness)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 69505)

La revue blanche: supplement Nib: Que les chiens sonts heureux

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 138047)

Landscape at Saint-Jeannet, Provence

painting by Félix Vallotton

Landscape in Vence

painting by Félix Vallotton

Landscape in the Jura Mountains near Romanel

painting by Félix Vallotton

Landscape, Arques-la-Bataille

painting by Félix Vallotton

Landscape. Arcques-la-Bataille

painting by Félix Vallotton

Last Sun Rays

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le 14 juillet à Étretat

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Bain

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 106716)

Le Bain (The Bath)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42209)

Le Bain turc

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Gagnant (The Winner)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 39191)

Le Haut-de-forme, intérieur

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Jambon

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Livre des masques

version, edition, or translation

Le Monôme (Parading through the Streets in Single File)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42218)

Le Panier de cerises

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Pharo, Marseille

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Poker (Poker)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42212)

Le Pont Neuf

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Provincial

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Rayon

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le Salon d'angle

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le chapeau violet

painting by Félix Vallotton

Le port de Honfleur la nuit

painting by Félix Vallotton

Leaving the Water (La sortie du bain)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109797)

Les Agaves

painting by Félix Vallotton

Les Alyscamps, Morning Sun

painting by Félix Vallotton

Les Chanteurs (The Singers)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 42215)

Les Charbonnières

painting by Félix Vallotton

Les Fils de fer

Les Passants

painting by Félix Vallotton

Les chalands, bord de Seine

painting by Félix Vallotton

Les cinq peintres

painting by Félix Vallotton

Louis-Alfred Natanson

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

L’Estérel et la baie de Cannes

painting by Félix Vallotton

Madame Vallotton and her Niece, Germaine Aghion

painting by Félix Edouard Vallotton

Marigolds and Tangerines

painting by Felix Vallotton

Martello Tower in Guernsey

painting by Félix Vallotton

Marthe Mellot

painting by Félix Vallotton

Marée basse à Villerville

painting by Félix Vallotton

Mer haute, Villerville

painting by Félix Vallotton

Misia à sa coiffeuse

painting by Félix Vallotton

Monsieur Ursenbach

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

Mrs Vallotton at the piano

painting by Félix Vallotton

My portrait

painting by Félix Vallotton

Naked Woman Kneeling in front of a Red Couch

painting by Félix Vallotton

Naked Women playing Checkers

painting by Félix Vallotton

Nature morte avec autoportrait

painting by Félix Vallotton

Nature morte avec nappe à carreaux bleue

painting by Félix Vallotton

Nature morte à l'assiette bleue

painting by Félix Vallotton

Nu allongé sur un tapis rouge

painting by Félix Vallotton

Nu au lit

painting by Félix Vallotton

Nu de dos sur un canapé rouge

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Edouard Vallotton

Nude in Blue Fabric

painting by Félix Vallotton

Nude with Blue Sash

painting by Felix-Edouard Vallotton

Nuit tombante sur la Loire

painting by Félix Vallotton

Octave Mirbeau

painting by Félix Vallotton

Orpheus dismembered

painting by Félix Vallotton


German magazine (1895-1900)

Part of the Town of Pont-Audemer

painting by Félix Vallotton

Paul Vallotton, the Artist's Brother

painting by Félix Vallotton

Paul Verlaine

painting by Félix Vallotton

Paysage composé, sous-bois

painting by Félix Vallotton

Paysage de ruines et d'incendies

painting by Félix Vallotton

Paysage à Marcillac

painting by Félix Vallotton

Petite baigneuse assise sur le sable

painting by Félix Vallotton

Place Clichy, Paris

painting by Félix Vallotton

Playing in the Sun (Jeux au soleil)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109800)

Point du Jour, banks of the Seine

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

Pommes et vase marocain

painting by Félix Vallotton

Pont sur le Béal

painting by Félix Vallotton

Pont à la romaine à Cagnes

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

Porta del Bulagaio, Perugia

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait d'Hector Berlioz

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait d'Octave Mirbeau

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait of Alexandre Natanson

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait of Ambroise Vollard

painting by Félix Edouard Vallotton

Portrait of Edouard Vuillard

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait of Gabrielle Vallotton

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait of Gabrielle Vallotton (1908)

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait of Georges Haasen

painting by Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925

Portrait of Gertrude Stein

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait of Hedy Hahnloser

painting by Felix-Edouard Vallotton

Portrait of Janiski holding his hat

painting by Félix Edouard Vallotton

Portrait of Marthe Mellot

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait of Mme Haasen

painting by Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925

Portrait of a woman

painting by Félix Vallotton

Portrait of a young woman in a velvet dress

painting by Felix-Edouard Vallotton

Portrait of the artist's parents

painting by Felix-Edouard Vallotton


print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 93932)


print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109710)

Quatre torses

painting by Félix Vallotton

Red Peppers on round, white Table

painting by Félix Vallotton

Road at St Paul (Var)

painting by Félix Vallotton

Ruines à Souain

painting by Félix Vallotton


print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 138049)

Scène d'intérieur

painting by Félix Vallotton

Self-portrait (Félix Vallotton, 1887)

painting by Félix Vallotton

Self-portrait (Félix Vallotton, 1908)

painting by Félix Vallotton

Self-portrait (Félix Vallotton, 1923)

painting by Félix Vallotton

Self-portrait at 20

painting by Félix Vallotton

Self-portrait with dressing gown

painting by Félix Vallotton

Self-portrait, 1897

painting by Félix Vallotton

Shooting on German wire

painting by Félix Vallotton

Sitting on a rock

painting by Félix Vallotton

Soldats sénégalais au camp de Mailly

painting by Félix Vallotton

Soleil couchant

painting by Félix Vallotton

Standing Female Nude

1911 painting by Félix Vallotton

Standing Nude Holding Gown on Her Knee

painting by Felix Vallotton

Still Life with Apples

painting by Félix Vallotton

Still Life with Apples and Glass of Water

painting by Félix Vallotton

Still Life with Flowers

painting by Félix Vallotton

Still Life with Pitcher and Plate

painting by Félix Vallotton

Still life with newspaper

painting by Félix Vallotton

Street Scene in Paris (Coin de rue à Paris)

painting by Félix Vallotton

Sun bathing on the beach

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

Sunset, Gray-Blue High Tide

painting by Félix Vallotton

Sunset, Orange Sky

painting by Félix Vallotton

Sur la plage

painting by Félix Vallotton

Temps gris, Varengeville

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Abduction of Europa

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Artist's Mother

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Artist's Parents

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Ball

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Bistro

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Black Stocking

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Church of Souain

painting by Felix Vallotton

The Corpse (Study for The Dead Christ)

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 127217)

The Green Hat (Le chapeau vert)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 39190)

The Kiss

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Laundress, Blue Room

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Library (still-life)

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Lie

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Mistress and the Servant

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Murderous Life

novel by Félix Vallotton

The Old Concierge

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Old Olive Tree

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Pursuit

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 106810)

The Seine lined with willows, Tournedos

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Sheaves

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Sick Girl

painting by Félix Vallotton

The White and the Black

painting by Félix Vallotton

The Wind

painting by Felix Vallotton

The library

painting by Félix Vallotton

The rest of the models

painting by Félix Vallotton

The toast

painting by Félix Vallotton

Three Bathers

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 106715)

Three Bathers

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 110682)

Three Women and One Little Girl Playing in the Water

painting by Felix-Edouard Vallotton

Torso of Woman

painting by Félix Vallotton

Tulipes et statuette de Maillol

painting by Félix Vallotton

Tulipes perroquet, fond bibliothèque

painting by Félix Vallotton

Two Girls in Chemises (Deux fillettes en chemise)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109798)

Two Seated Bathers (Deux baigneuses assises)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 109794)

Two Standing Female Nudes

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 54696)

Two Studies of a Woman Dressing

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 127362)


painting by Félix Vallotton

Vases de Honfleur

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

Verdun, sketch

painting by Félix Vallotton

Victor Hugo

View of Honfleur, Summer Morning

painting by Félix Vallotton

View of Honfleur, moming

painting by Felix-Edouard Vallotton

Villa Beaulieu, Honfleur

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

Woman Reading

painting by Félix Vallotton

Woman Writing in an Interior

painting by Félix Emile-Jean Vallotton

Woman at a Piano

painting by Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925

Woman in a Black Hat

painting by Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925

Woman reading nude

painting by Félix Vallotton

Young Woman with Yellow Scarf

painting by Félix Vallotton


painting by Félix Vallotton

Étude de fesses

painting by Félix Vallotton

O prozřetelném plození dětí

book edition published in 1903