Patxo Telleria play about Mikel Laboa's twelve songs
Patxo Telleria's play
2012 film by Aitor Mazo, Patxo Telleria
television series
2016 film by Patxo Telleria
Play in Basque by Patxo Telleria
Play in basque
television film
2017 film by Antonio Cuadri
written work by Patxo Telleria
2016 edition of written work by Patxo Telleria
theater play in Basque by Patxo Telleria
2018 film by Fernando Bernués
2009 film by Patxo Telleria, Aitor Mazo
written work by Patxo Telleria
2005 edition of written work by Patxo Telleria
Screenplay by Patxo Telleria
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About Paulina