original song written, composed, and performed by Bruce Springsteen
song by Bruce Springsteen
1978 single by Bruce Springsteen
song written and composed by Bruce Springsteen and Patti Smith, originally recorded by Patti Smith in 1977 and released in 1978
1996 film directed by Ernie Fritz
song written and composed by Bruce Springsteen, originally recorded by Bruce Springsteen in 1982 and released in 1984
autobiography by Bruce Springsteen
song by Bruce Springsteen
song written and composed by Bruce Springsteen, originally recorded by Bruce Springsteen and released in 1984
2013 studio album by Pet Shop Boys
original song written, composed, and performed by Bruce Springsteen
song by Bruce Springsteen
original song written and composed by Bruce Springsteen
1980 single by Bruce Springsteen
2014 film by Bruce Springsteen
song written and performed by Bruce Springsteen
original song written and composed by Bruce Springsteen
2003 documentary film directed by Chris Hilson
2010 film by Columbia Records
song wirtten, composed and recorded by Bruce Springsteen in 1984
original song written, composed and recorded by Bruce Springsteen in 1984
song written and composed by Bruce Springsteen
book by Bruce Springsteen
original song written and composed by Bruce Springsteen
song wirtten, composed and recorded by Bruce Springsteen in 2007
Book by Barack Obama & Bruce Springsteen
song by Bruce Springsteen
translated song; Swedish adaptation of "4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)", lyrics adapted by Ulf Lundell
2013 film by Baillie Walsh
concert residency by Bruce Springsteen in New York City
song wirtten, composed and recorded by Bruce Springsteen in 1993
song written and composed by Bruce Springsteen, originally recorded by Bruce Springsteen in 1979 and released in 1980
2016 short film by Jim Cummings
2005 film
2019 music documentary featuring Bruce Springsteen
book edition published in 2018
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