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List of works by Henry Fuseli

'Henry V', Act II, Scene 2, Henry V Discovering the Conspirators (from the Boydell series)

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Royal Shakespeare Theatre

'Macbeth', Act I, Scene 3, the Weird Sisters

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Royal Shakespeare Theatre

A Scene from 'The Wife of Bath's Tale' (from Geoffrey Chaucer's, 'Canterbury Tales') (recto); Falstaff in the Laundry Basket mocked by Five Women (?) (verso)

painting by Henry Fuseli

A Shakespearean Subject

painting by Henry Fuseli

A Woman Sitting by the Window

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 33898)

Aetolierna bönfaller Meleager att försvara Calydon

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Albemarle Street, London

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825) (attributed to), Museums Sheffield

An Intimate Concert

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 198382)

An Old Man Murdered by Three Younger Men


painting by Henry Fuseli

Bodmer und Füssli vor der Büste Homers

painting by Henry Fuseli

Britomart Delivering Amoretta from the Enchantment of Busirane

painting by Henry Fuseli

Christ Disappearing at Emmaus

painting by Henry Fuseli


painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825) (follower of), Victoria and Albert Museum

Danaë and Perseus on Seriphos (?)

painting by Henry Fuseli

Das Schweigen/Silence

postcard depicts painting of Silence


painting by Henry Fuseli

Dispute between Hotspur, Glendower, Mortimer and Worcester

painting by Henry Fuseli

Expectations (Evening Thou Bringest All)

lithograph - print made by Henry Fuseli

Ezzelin Mourning Meduna

print by Henry Fuseli

Fairy Mab

painting by Henry Fuseli

Falstaff in the Laundry Basket

painting by Henry Fuseli (Kunsthaus Zürich)

Frauen- und Männerhand gekreuzt

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Friar Puck

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Tabley House

Head of a Damned Soul from Dante's "Inferno," (verso)

painting by Henry Fuseli

John Milton's Paradise Lost, Satan and the Birth of Sin (Book II, 746-758) Painting no. 6 from The Milton Gallery

painting by Johann Heinrich Fuseli

Julia Appearing to Pompey in a Dream

drawing by Henry Fuseli

Lady Macbeth Seizing the Daggers

painting by Henry Fuseli

Lady Macbeth gående i sömnen

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Laying Nude and piano player

painting by Henry Fuseli

Lear and Cordelia

engraving by John Raphael Smith

Leonora Discovers Alonzo’s Dagger

painting by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Leonore Discovering the Dagger Left by Alonzo

painting by Henry Fuseli

Lyssnande atletisk gestalt

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Macbeth Rushing Forward, a Dagger in his Left Hand and a Sword in His Right

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Macbeth, Banquo and the Witches (from William Shakespeare's 'Macbeth', Act I, sc.iii)

painting by Henry Fuseli

Macbeth, Shakespeare: the three weird sisters

painting by Henry Fuseli

Mamillius conjuring up Sprites and Goblins for his Mother, Hermione (from William Shakespeare's 'The Winter's Tale', Act II sc. i)

painting by Henry Fuseli


drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 52877)

Milton Dictating to His Daughter

painting by Henry Fuseli

Milton When a Boy Instructed by His Mother

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Walker Art Gallery

Milton, when a youth

painting by Henry Fuseli

Mistress Page in 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' by William Shakespeare

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825) (attributed to), The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery, University of Leeds

O Evening thou Bringest All

print by Henry Fuseli

Oedipus Cursing His Son, Polynices

painting by Henry Fuseli

Paolo Malatesta and Francesca da Polenta surprised by Gianciotto Malatesta

painting by Henry Fuseli

Percival Delivering Belisane from the Enchantment of Urma

painting by Henry Fuseli

Percival Frees Belisane from the Spell of Urma

watercolor by Henry Fuseli

Portrait of Magdalena Hess from Zurich

painting by Henry Fuseli

Portrait of Maria Hess

painting by Henry Fuseli

Portrait of a Lady

painting by Henry Fuseli

Prince Arthur and the Fairy Queen.

painting by Henry Fuseli

Prospero (a fragment from 'Prospero, Miranda and Caliban')

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), York Art Gallery

Psyche walks past the Fates undeterred


painting by Henry Fuseli

Robin Goodfellow-Puck

painting by Henry Fuseli

Satan Defying the Powers of Heaven

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 205085)

Satan Defying the Powers of Heaven

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 198388)

Satan Touched by Ithuriel's Spear

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Satan and Death with Sin Intervening

painting by Henry Fuseli

Satan and Death with Sin Intervening

painting by John Henry Fuseli

Sergel på promenad i Rom

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Sergel’s atelier in Rome

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli


painting by Johann Heinrich Füssli (Kunsthaus Zürich)

Sketch for "Oath on the Rütli," Female Figure (verso)

painting by Henry Fuseli

Study for the three witches in Macbeth

painting by Henry Fuseli

Study of a Back of a Female Nude, Standing

watercolor by Henry Fuseli

Symplegma of a Man with Three Women

drawing by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Teiresias Foretells the Future to Odysseus

drawing by Henry Fuseli

Teiresias Foretells the Future to Odysseus

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff

Tekemessa and Eurysake

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Apotheosis Of Penelope Boothby.

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Apothesis of Penelope Boothby

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Wolverhampton Art Gallery

The Daughters of Pandareos

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Death of Oedipus

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Walker Art Gallery

The Dismission of Adam and Eve from Paradise

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Dream of Queen Katherine (from William Shakespeare's 'Henry VIII', Act IV, Scene 2)

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Dream of Queen Katherine (from William Shakespeare's 'Henry VIII', Act IV, Scene 2) (fragment)

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Victoria and Albert Museum

The Dream of Queen Katherine (from William Shakespeare's 'Henry VIII', Act IV, Scene 2) (fragment)

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Victoria and Albert Museum (the-dream-of-queen-katherine-31971)

The Erinyes Drive Alcmaeon from the Corpse of his Mother, Eriphyle, Whom He Has Killed.

painting by Johann Henry Fuseli (Kunsthaus Zürich)

The Fire King

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Victoria and Albert Museum

The Infant Shakespeare between Tragedy and Comedy

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), King's College London

The Italian Count

Painting by Henry Fuseli

The Macklin Bible -- St. John's Vision

print ACT ID: 54121

The Mandrake: A Charm (previously called Witch digging up a corpse)

object from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow

The Mandrake: a Charm

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Mighty Mother Sails Through the Air

etching - print made by Henry Fuseli

The Night-Hag Visiting Lapland Witches

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Nightmare

1781 painting by Henry Fuseli

The Nightmare

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Oath on the Rütli

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Rape of Ganymede

print by Henry Fuseli in the National Gallery of Art

The Return of Milton's Wife

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Walker Art Gallery

The Serpent tempting Eve (Satan's first address to Eve)

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Shepherd's Dream

drawing by Henry Fuseli

The Shepherd’s Dream, from ‘Paradise Lost’

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Spirit of Samuel Appearing to Saul

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Tempest

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Museums Sheffield

The Vision of Catherine of Aragon

painting by Henry Fuseli

The Vision of Catherine of Aragon

painting by Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Fylde Council Town Hall

The artist's despair before the grandeur of ancient ruins

drawing by Henry Fuseli

The sleepwalking Lady Macbeth

painting by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Theodore Meets in the Wood the Spectre of His Ancestor Guido Cavalcanti

painting by Johann Heinrich Füssli

Thor Battering the Midgard Serpent

1790 painting by the Swiss artist Henry Fuseli

Tiresias appears to Ulysses during the sacrifice

painting by Henry Fuseli

Titania and Bottom

painting by Henry Fuseli

Titania, Bottom and the Fairies

painting by Henry Fuseli