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List of works by Keith Wyatt

A role for lengsin, a recruited enzyme, in terminal differentiation in the vertebrate lens

scientific journal article

A single destabilizing mutation (F9S) promotes concerted unfolding of an entire globular domain in gammaS-crystallin

scientific article

Biophysical Properties of γC-Crystallin in Human and Mouse Eye Lens: The Role of Molecular Dipoles

scientific article

Endogenous retroviral insertion in Cryge in the mouse No3 cataract mutant

scientific article published on 12 January 2007

Expressed sequence tag analysis of adult human iris for the NEIBank Project: steroid-response factors and similarities with retinal pigment epithelium

scientific article (publication date: 15 June 2002)

Expressed sequence tag analysis of adult human lens for the NEIBank Project: over 2000 non-redundant transcripts, novel genes and splice variants

scientific article (publication date: 15 June 2002)

Expressed sequence tag analysis of human RPE/choroid for the NEIBank Project: over 6000 non-redundant transcripts, novel genes and splice variants

scientific article (publication date: 15 June 2002)

Expressed sequence tag analysis of human retina for the NEIBank Project: retbindin, an abundant, novel retinal cDNA and alternative splicing of other retina-preferred gene transcripts

scientific article (publication date: 15 June 2002)

Gene duplication and separation of functions in alphaB-crystallin from zebrafish (Danio rerio).

scientific article

Grouping and identification of sequence tags (GRIST): bioinformatics tools for the NEIBank database.

scientific article

Interaction of complement factor h and fibulin3 in age-related macular degeneration

scientific article

Lengsin Is a Survivor of an Ancient Family of Class I Glutamine Synthetases Re-engineered by Evolution for a Role in the Vertebrate Lens

scientific article

Platelet-derived growth factor D, tissue-specific expression in the eye, and a key role in control of lens epithelial cell proliferation

scientific article

Solution structure of (gamma)S-crystallin by molecular fragment replacement NMR.

scientific article

gammaN-crystallin and the evolution of the betagamma-crystallin superfamily in vertebrates

scientific article published in May 2005