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List of works by Paul Ashbee

A reconsideration of the British Neolithic

Acculturation and Continuity in Atlantic Europe mainly during the Neolithic period and the Bronze Age. Papers presented at the IVth Atlantic Colloquium, Ghent, 1975. Edited by Siegfried J. de Laet (Dissertationes Archaeologicae Gandenses, xvi). 10¾

Amesbury barrows 61 and 72: a radiocarbon postscript

article published in 1992

An Experiment in Field Archaeology

scholarly article by Paul Ashbee published in June 1961

Ausgrabungen und Funde in Westfalen-Lippe, i (1983). 30 × 21.5 cm. Pp. vi + 390, 176 ills.+ 5 fold. maps. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, for the Landschaftverbandes Westfalen-Lippe, Westfälisches Museum für Archäologie, Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege. I

Beakers from Northumberland. By John Tait. 9½ × 6½. Pp. 73 + 4 pls. + 108 figs. Oriel Press, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965. 10s

Before Civilisation. The Radiocarbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe. By Colin Renfrew. 9½ × 6. Pp. 292 + 12 pls. + end papers + 58 figs. London: Jonathan Cape, 1973. £3·95.

British Prehistory. A New Outline. Edited By Colin Renfrew. 8½ × 5½. Pp. xiv + 348 + 42 figs. London: Duckworth, 1974. £6.95

Charles W. Phillips. My life in archaeology. xiv + 175 pages, 39 plates. 1987. Gloucester: Alan Sutton; ISBN 0-86299-362-8 hardback £14.95

Das Mittelneolithikum zur Zeit der Trichterbecherkultur in Nordostholstein. By Jürgen Hoika. 30.5 × 21.5 cm. Pp. 270, 102 figs. +86 pls. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz (Offa-Bucher, 61), 1987. ISBN 3-529-01161-4. Price not stated

Das Spätneolithikum in Schleswig-Holstein. By Hans Joachim Kühn. (Offa-Bücher, Band 40.) 29.5 × 21 cm. Pp. 146 + 17 figs. + 20 maps + 19 pls. Neumunster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1979. ISBN 3529-01140-1. Price not stated

Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein Niedersachsen. Edited by Ekkehard Aner and Karl Kersten. Band V, Südschleswig-West: Nordfriesland, prepared by Karl Kersten. 33 × 25 cm. Pp. viii + 185 + 152

Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen. Band VI. Nordslesvig-Syd, Tønder, Åbenrå und Sønderborg Amter. By Ekkehard Aner and Karl Kersten. 33·5 × 24·5 cm. Pp. viii + 164 + 139

Die Funde der älteren Bronzezeit des nordischen Kreises in Dänemark, Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen. By Ekkehard Aner and Karl Kersten. Band I, Frederiksborg und Københavns Amt; Band II, Holbaek, Sorø und Praestø Amter; Karten zu Band I–

Die Megalithgraber von Lengerich-Wechte. By Heinz Knoll.(Bodenaltertümer Westfalens, 21.) 30·3×21 cm. Pp. 40, 2 figs. + 62pls. + fold. map. Münster: Aschendorff, 1983. ISBN 3-402-05134-6. DM 45

Dorset Barrows. By L. V. Grinsell. 9¾ × 7¼. Pp. 192 + 3 pls. Published by the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society with the aid of a grant from the Council for British Archaeology and printed at the Friary Press, Dorchester, 1959

book reviewby Paul Ashbee published in October 1960

Durrington Walls: Excavations 1966–1968. By G. J. Wainwright with I. H. Longworth. xiv + 421 pages, 138 figures, 13 plates. Reports of the Research Committee of The Society of Antiquaries of London, No. XXIX. The Society of Antiquaries, Burlington

book review by Paul Ashbee published December 1972 in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London

English Heritage Book of Stonehenge. By Julian Richards. 245 × 185mm. Pp. 141, 13 col. pls., 108 monochrome ills. London: Batsford for English Heritage, 1991. ISBN 0-7134-6141-1 (hardback) £25.00; ISBN 0-7134-6142-X (paperback) £12.95.English Heri

Excavation of Three Long Barrows near Avebury, Wiltshire

scientific article published in December 1979

Excavation of a Barrow near the Hardy Monument, Black Down, Portesham, Dorset

scientific article

Excavation of a homestead of the Roman era at Halangy Down, St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly, 1950

Exploration of a Drowned Landscape. Archaeology and History of the Isles of Scilly. By Charles Thomas. 25.5 × 19 cm. Pp. 320, 131 ills. London: B. T. Batsford, 1985. ISBN 0-7134-4852-0. £19.95

scholarly article by Paul Ashbee published in March 1986

Frühe Jahre eines Urgeschichtsforschers. By Gustav Schwantes, with a postscript by Karl Wilhelm Struve. (Offa-Ergänzungsreihe, 7.) 24 × 17 cm. Pp. 152, 10 pls., 1 fig. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz, 1983. ISBN 3-529-016757-8. DM. 25

Great Tottington's Sarsen Stones

article published in 2004

Gustaf Kossinna: der Nachlass—Versuch eine Analyse. By Hildegard Gräfin Schwerin von Krosigk (Offa-Ergänzungsreihe, Band 6). 24 × 17 cm. Pp. 223, 8 figs., 1 pl. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1982. ISBN 3-529-01655-1. DM 30

Hawkeseye: The Early Life of Christopher Hawkes. By Diana Bonakis Webster. 254 × 174mm. Pp. xiii + 265, 18 figs., 62 pls. Stroud and Wolfeboro Falls: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1991. ISBN 0-86299-882-6. £17·95

Ireland in Prehistory. By Michael Herity and George Eogan. 25·5 × 19 cm. Pp. xvi + 302 + 99 figs. + 16 pls. London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. £8·95

Isobel Foster Smith and her pursuit of prehistory: an appreciation

article published in 2007

J. V. S. Megaw & D. D. A. Simpson et al.: Introduction to British prehistory from the arrival of Homo sapiens to the Claudian invasion. Leicester: University Press, 1979. 575 pp., 225 figs. £19.00 (cased); £7.95 (paper)


Julliberrie's Grave, Chilham: Retrospective and Perspective

article published in 1996

Kragenflaschen: ihre Verbreitung und ihre Zeitstellung im europäischen Neolithikums. By Heinz Knöll. (Offa-Bücher Band 41.) 29·5 × 21 cm. Pp. 109 + 11 figs. + 19 maps + 21 pls. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1981. DM 75

L'Europe à la fin de l'âge de la Pierre. Actes du Symposium international consacré aux problèmes du Néolithique européen. Edited by Bohumil Soudský and Émilie Pleslová. 9 × 7. Pp. 664 + 46 pls. + 79 figs. Prague: Éditions de l'Académie tc

Landscape and Antiquity, Aspects of English Culture at Stourhead 1718 to 1838. By Kenneth Woodbridge. 10 × 7½. Pp. xiii + 304 + 55 pls. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970. £5.00.


Les derniers chasseurs. L'épipaléolithique en France et en Belgique: essai de synthese. Vols. I–III. By J.-G. Rozoy. 29·5 × 21 cm. Pp. 1256 + 259 figs. + 81 tables. Charleville: Société Archéologique Champenoise (Bulletin, Numéero Spécial)


Linearbandkeramik aus Elsloo und Stein. By P. J. R. Modderman with contributions by R. R. Newell, Elizabeth J. Brinkman, and Corrie C. Bakels. (Nederlandse Oudheden III.) (Translation into German by J. W. Onderdelinden.) 10½ × 7¼. Textband: pp. ix


Mildenhall: memories of mystery and misgivings

Offa, 37 (Festschrift für Hermann Hinz). Edited by Bernhard Hänsel and Karl Wilhelm Struve. Pp. 407 + 232 figs. + 2 maps + 16 tab. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1980. Price not stated

Offa, 38 (1981), Festschrift für Karl Wilhelm Struve. Edited by Michael Müller-Wille. 29·5 × 21 cm. Pp. 485 + 35 pls. + 220 figs. + 45 tables + 10 maps. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1982. ISBN 3-529-01237-1. Price not stated.

Peter Arundel Jewell

obituary published in 1999

Practical Archaeology. By Graham Webster. 8½ × 5½. Pp. xii + 176 + 8 pls. + 20 figs. London, Adam & Charles Black, 1963. 21s

Pre-Roman Britain. By S. Thomas. 10 × 7½. Pp. 191 + 320 Pls. London, Studio Vista, 1965. 63s

review of Pre-Roman Britain by Stanley Thomas

Prehistoric Art. By Powell T. G. E.. Pp. 286. 263 illustrations, 47 in colour, 216 in monochrome, 1 map. Thames & Hudson, London. Price 35s. (cloth), 21s. (paper)


Prehistoric Avebury. By Aubrey Burl. 26 × 19·5 cm. Pp. ix + 275 + 105 figs, and pls. in text + 12 colour pls. London: Yale University Press, 1979. £8·95.

Prehistoric and Early Christian Ireland: a Guide. By Estyn Evans. 9 × 6. Pp. 241 + 100 ills. London: Batsford, 1966. 45s

Problems in European Prehistory. By Colin Renfrew. 23·5 × 15·5 cm. Pp. vii + 405 + 66 figs. + 40 pls. Edinburgh: University Press, 1979. £5·00 (paperback), £10·00 (cloth).

Rescue Archaeology. Edited By Philip A. Rahtz. 7¾ × 5. Pp. viii + 299 + 6 figs. + 2 diags. + 34 pls. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books (Pelican), 1974. 90p.

Rethinking the Neolithic. By Julian Thomas, 255 × 178mm. Pp. xvi + 212, 60 figs. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991. ISBN 0-521-40377-4. £35.00

Reviews of Books

Scilly's statue-menhir rediscovered

Soils for the Archaeologist. By I. W. Cornwall. 10 × 6¼. Pp. 230 + figs. 19. London: Phoenix House Ltd., 1958. 50s.

Sonia Chadwick-Hawkes, M.A., F.S.A.

obituary published in 1999

South West England by Aileen Fox. (Vol. 41, Ancient People and Places.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1964. 254 pp., including 98 pls., 81 figs. 35s

book review published in 1965

Stake and Post Circles in British Round Barrows

Stonehenge: its possible noncompletion, slighting and dilapidation

article published in 1998

The Age of Stonehenge. By Colin Burgess. 24 × 16 cm. Pp. 402 + 82 figs. + 19 pls. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1980. £12·00

The Ancient British

book published in 1978

The Bronze Age barrow cemetery at Snail Down: a celebration and consideration

article published in 2007

The Date of the Windmill Hill Long Barrow

scholarly article by Paul Ashbee published in December 1966

The Early Barrow Diggers. By Barry M. Marsden. 8¾ × 5½ Pp. ix + 126 + 20 pls. Ayles-bury: Shire Publications, 1974. £3·25The Mound People, Danish Bronze Age Man Preserved. By P. V. Glob. (Translated from the Danish by Joan Bulman.) 10×6¼. Pp.

The Earthen Long Barrow in Britain

scientific article published in August 1971

The Excavation of Tregulland Burrow, Treneglos Parish, Cornwall

article by Paul Ashbee published July 1958 in Antiquaries Journal

The Excavation of Two Long Barrows in Wessex

article by Faith de M. Morgan & P. Ashbee published June 1958 in Antiquity

The Excavation of a Cist-Grave Cemetery and Associated Structures Near Hughtown, St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, 1949–50

article by Paul Ashbee published January 1954 in The Archaeological Journal

The Experimental Earthworks revisited

scientific article published in September 1998

The Fortunate Isles, A History of the Isles of Scilly (5th ed.). By R. L. Bowley. 8¾ × 5½. Pp. 132 + 12 pls. + 2 figs. Reading: Bowley Publications Ltd., 1964. 12s. 6d

The Fussell's Lodge Long Barrow Excavations 1957

scientific article published in 1966

The Great Barrow at Bishop's Waltham, Hampshire.

scholarly article by Paul Ashbee published in January 1958

The Medway megaliths in perspective

article published in Archaeologia Cantiana in 1993

The Pastmasters. Eleven Modern Pioneers of Archaeology. Edited by Glyn Daniel and Christopher Chippindale. 240 × 165mm. Pp. 176, 22 pls. London, Thames and Hudson, 1989. ISBN 0-500-05051-1. £18·00

scholarly article by Paul Ashbee published in March 1989

The Radiocarbon Dating of the Fussell’s Lodge Long Barrow

The Trundholm horse's trappings: a chamfrein?

The West Kennet Long Barrow: Excavations 1955–56. By Stuart Piggott. Appendices by L. H. Wells, F. P. Lisowski and D. R. Brothwell. 11 × 8. Pp. viii + 97 + 27 pls. Archaeological Report No. 4 of the Ministry of Works. London: Her Majesty's Station

scholarly article by Paul Ashbee published in March 1963

The Wilsford Shaft

The World of Ancient Man. By Ian W. Cornwall. 8½ × 5½. Pp. xii + 271 + 25 figs. + 46 Drgs. London: Phoenix House, 1964. 35s

The World of the Past. Edited by Hawkes Jacquetta. Vol. I, pp. xix + 601 + v; maps 6; figs. 18; pls. xxiv. Vol. II; pp. xv + 709 + iv; maps 8; figs. 22; pls. xxiv. Thames & Hudson, London, 1963. 6 gns

The excavation of Amesbury barrows 58, 61a, 61, 72

article published in 1985

The excavation of Milton Lilbourne barrows 1-5

article published in 1986

Timber Mortuary Houses and Earthen Long Barrows Again

Werkzeuge des Fruhmenschen in Europa. By Alfred Rust. 11½ × 8¼. Pp. 72 + 29 figs. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1971. DM. 19.80

William Stukeley's Kentish studies of Roman and other remains

article published in 2001

William Stukeley, the Kit's Coty Houses and his coves: a note

article published in 1993