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List of works by Kristiina Brunila

A Diminished Self: Entrepreneurial and Therapeutic Ethos Operating with a Common Aim

Academic researchers on the project market in the ethos of knowledge capitalism

Affective Subjectivation in the Precarious Neoliberal Academia

Anxiety and the making of research(ing) subjects in neoliberal academia

Bad behaviour in school: a discursive approach

Becoming entrepreneurial: Transitions and education of unemployed youth

Becoming integrateable: hidden realities of integration policies and training in Finland

Challenging gender inequalities in education and in working life – a mission possible?

Coming to discursive-deconstructive reading of gender equality

Constituting Immigrant Care Workers Through Gendering and Racialising Practices in Education

Democratic Education for Hope: Contesting the Neoliberal Common Sense

Economic Worries—Therapeutic Solutions?: Entrepreneurial and Therapeutic Governing of Transitions of Young People

Educating for the future? Mapping the emerging lines of precision education governance

Education and Training as Projectised and Precarious Politics

Emerging Multi-Professional Assemblages of Precision Guidance Producing the Resilient and Future-Oriented Citizen

Enhancing criticality and resistance through teaching in the neoliberal academy

scientific article

Epilogue: Silences and Challenges

Equality work in teacher education in Finland

Exploring the possibilities of gender equality pedagogy in an era of marketization

Governing emotionally vulnerable subjects and ‘therapisation’ of social justice

Governing of young people ‘at risk’ with the alliance of employability and precariousness in the EU youth policy steering

Hooked on a feeling: education, guidance and rehabilitation of youth at risk

Identity politics, the ethos of vulnerability, and education

Integration becoming business: Marketisation of integration training for immigrants

Interrupting psychological management of youth training


Multiple Transitions: Educational Policies and Young People's Post-Compulsory Choices

New rules of the game: youth training in Brazil and Finland as examples of the new global network governance

Nomadinen tutkimus, kirjoittaminen ja tutkijuus

Outreach youth work and employability in the ethos of vulnerability

Preoccupied with the self: towards self-responsible, enterprising, flexible and self-centred subjectivity in education

Prison Break. Education of young adults in closed prisons—building a bridge from prison to civil society?

Racialised Integration: Arabic-Speaking Refugees and Immigrants’ Experiences on the Paradoxes of Integration

Reproducing inequality through ambivalence, ignorance, and innocence – Revisiting practices of equality and human rights in Finnish teacher education

Reviewing and reframing the influence of relative age on ADHD diagnosis: beyond individual psycho(patho)logy

scientific article

Revisiting the vulnerability ethos in cross-sectoral transition policies and practices for young people in the era of marketisation of education

Shaping the Selves of “At Risk” Youth in Debt and Poverty in the Context of Economic Vulnerability

Tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuusasiantuntijuuden affektiivinen tyyli palvelutaloudessa

The Ambivalences of Becoming a Professor in Neoliberal Academia

The Nordic therapeutic welfare state and its resilient citizens

The Positivity Imperative in Youth Education as a Form of Cruel Optimism

The Projectisation, Marketisation and Therapisation of Education

The Rise of the Survival Discourse in an Era of Therapisation and Neoliberalism

The cultivation of subjectivity of young people in youth support systems

scientific article

The discursive production of misbehaviour in professional literature

The making of entrepreneurial subjectivity in adult education

The power of critical feminist pedagogy in challenging “learnification” and the neoliberal ethos

Transitions, Justice, and Equity in Education in Finland

Troubling gender equality: Revisiting gender equality work in the famous Nordic model countries

Vanhanaikainen, joustamaton ja välinpitämätön koulutus? Koulutusmarkkinat ja yritykset nuorten koulutuksen pelastajina Suomessa

Vulnerabilizing Young People

What’s the problem (represented to be) in Finnish youth policies and youth support systems?

‘Learn Skills and Get Employed’: Constituting the Employable Refugee Subjectivity through Integration Policies and Training Practices