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List of works by Zhan Wen Chen

A model relating tool torque and its associated power and specific energy to rotation and forward speeds during friction stir welding/processing

Age hardening of a Pb—0.1wt.%Ca—0.3wt.%Sn alloy and the effects of heat during battery manufacturing on this process

Castability of low-antimony/lead battery alloys

Corrosion behaviour of low-antimony lead alloy in sulfuric acid solution

Dry sliding wear performance and behaviour of powder bed fusion processed Ti–6Al–4V alloy

Effect of Lack of Fusion Formed during Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy on Impact Toughness

Effect of Temperature on Sliding Wear Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Processed by Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Techniques

Effect of build direction dependent grain structure on fatigue crack growth of biomedical Co–29Cr–6Mo alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion

Effect of surface morphology of Ti6Al4V alloy parts manufactured by electron beam powder bed fusion on bonding strength of adhesive joints

Effects of Increasing Feed Rate on Tool Deterioration and Cutting Force during End Milling of 718Plus Superalloy Using Cemented Tungsten Carbide Tool

Effects of Process Parameters on Temperature and Stress Distributions During Selective Laser Melting of Ti–6Al–4V

Evaluation of carbon diffusion in heat treatment of H13 tool steel under different atmospheric conditions

Fatigue strength of friction stir lap welded AA2024 to Ti6Al4V dissimilar joints

article published in 2022

Formation and progression of die soldering during high pressure die casting

Friction stir welding

Horizontal growth direction of dendritic solidification during selective electron beam melting of a Co-based alloy

Incipient melting during friction stir processing of AZ91 magnesium castings

Influence of welding parameters on macrostructural and thermomechanical properties in micro friction stir spot welded under high-speed tool rotation

article published in 2019

Intermetallic phases formed during galfanizing

1989 doctoral thesis by Zhan Wen Chen at University of Auckland

Joining of leadantimony and leadcalcium alloy lugs by a laboratory cast-on-strap process

Mechanism of hot crack propagation and prevention of crack formation during electron beam powder bed fusion of a difficult-to-weld Co-Cr-Ni-W superalloy

Microstructure formed during selective laser melting of IN738LC in keyhole mode

Microstructures in interface region and mechanical behaviours of friction stir lap Al6060 to Ti–6Al–4V welds

Modes of tool deterioration during milling of 718Plus superalloy using cemented tungsten carbide tools

On the forming mechanism of banded structures in aluminium alloy friction stir welds

Reducing lack of fusion during selective laser melting of CoCrMo alloy: Effect of laser power on geometrical features of tracks

Selective laser melting of Co-29Cr-6Mo alloy with laser power 180–360 W: Cellular growth, intercellular spacing and the related thermal condition

Shear flow and formation of Nugget zone during friction stir welding of aluminium alloy 5083-O

Skin solidification during high pressure die casting of Al–11Si–2Cu–1Fe alloy

Structures of intermetallic phases formed during immersion of H13 tool steel in an Al–11Si–3Cu die casting alloy melt

The effect of silicon in steel on the growth of intermetallic phases during hot dipping in a Zn-5% Al melt

The effect of squeeze casting pressure and iron content on the impact energy of Al7Si0.7Mg alloy

Tool Deterioration of Stainless Steel 316 in Wet Milling Operation Using Carbide Tool

Transmission electron microscopic observation of precipitates in and aged Pb0.1wt.%Ca0.3wt.%Sn alloy

Wear behaviours of PVD-TiN coating onTi-6Al-4V alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion or conventionally processed