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List of works by Jerzy Lukierski

$ N = \frac{1}{2} $ deformations of chiral superspaces from new quantum Poincaré and Euclidean superalgebras

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 6, June 2012

A field theory describing interacting two-particle subsystems

scholarly article published April 1969

Acceleration-enlarged symmetries in nonrelativistic space-time with a cosmological constant

Acceleration-extended Galilean symmetries with central charges and their dynamical realizations

Action for supergravity interacting with super-p-brane sources

scholarly article

Addendum to “Quantum deformations of D= 4 Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic o ⋆ ( 4 ) symmetries in unified o ( 4 ; C ) setting” [Phys. Lett. B 754 (2016) 176–181]

Algebraic structure of Galilean superconformal symmetries

scholarly article by Sergey Fedoruk & Jerzy Lukierski published 1 September 2011 in Physical Review D

All possible de Sitter superalgebras and the presence of ghosts

All real forms of Uq(sl(4;C)) and D = 4 conformal quantum algebras

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published 21 August 1993 in Journal of Physics A

Analytic Representations of Two‐Point Functions with Noncanonical Light‐Cone Singularities. I

Analytical representations of global and local supersymmetry

Asymptotic logarithmic behaviour and the complex dimensionality parameter

BPS States in M Theory and Twistorial Constituents

scientific article published on 01 May 2001

BRST formulation of the Gupta–Bleuler quantization method

article published in 1991

Basic quantizations of D = 4 Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic o ⋆ 4 $$ {\mathfrak{o}}^{\star }(4) $$ symmetries

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 11, November 2017

Basic twist quantization of the exceptional Lie algebra g2

scholarly article by Andrzej Borowiec et al published October 2005 in Journal of Mathematical Physics

Bicrossproduct Hopf superalgebras and D=4 κ‐deformed Poincaré supergroup

Bilocal field operator describing an arbitrary two-particle state by means of one-particle states

article by Jerzy Lukierski published October 1971 in Lettere al nuovo cimento rivista internazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica

Braided algebras and the κ-deformed oscillators

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski & Mariusz Woronowicz published 23 March 2011 in General Relativity and Gravitation

Braided tensor products and the covariance of quantum noncommutative free fields

Causal propagator as boundary value of the analytic function in coordinate space

Chern–Simons particles with nonstandard gravitational interaction

Classical and Quantum Mechanics of Free κ-Relativistic Systems

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published October 1995 in Annals of Physics

Color-de Sitter and color-conformal superalgebras

article by Jerzy Lukierski & V. Rittenberg published 15 July 1978 in Physical Review D

Complex Lee-Wick poles as CDD ghosts

article published in 1970

Composite gravity and composite supergravity from non-linear realizations of supersymmetry

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski published January 1983 in Physics Letters B

Contractions yielding new supersymmetric extensions of the poincaré algebra

scholarly article by J.A. de Azcárraga et al published August 1991 in Reports on Mathematical Physics

Covariant BRST quantization of the four-dimensional superparticle

article published in 1989

Covariant Mellin transforms and the Weyl group quantization

Covariant Operator Formalism for Quantized Superfields

article published in 1988

Covariant wave equations for an unstable particle

D = 4 extended Galilei superalgebras with central charges

D=4supergravity dynamically coupled to a massless superparticle in a superfield Lagrangian approach

scholarly article

Deformations of Maxwell algebra and their dynamical realizations

scholarly article by Joaquim Gomis et al published 12 August 2009 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Deformations of Maxwell superalgebras and their applications

Deformed Maxwell Algebras and their Realizations

scholarly article published 2009

Degeneracy of physical vacuum in vector meson theories with conserved current

Dynamical gauge fields in four dimensions from σ-models

Early scientific days of Ludwik Turko

Enlarged NH symmetries: Particle dynamics and gauge symmetries

Equal-time commutators for the renormalized current in quantum electrodynamics

Equal-time singularities in renormalized quantum field theory

Equal-time singularities in renormalized quantum field theory

Equivalence of two formulations of massive spin-one field theory

Euclidean superconformal symmetry and its relation with minkowski supersymmetries

Euclidean supersymmetrization of instantons and self-dual monopoles

Euclidean supersymmetry with different self-dual and anti-dual sectors

Exotic Galilean conformal symmetry and its dynamical realisations

Extended supersymmetry in five dimensions with central charges

scholarly article

Field Operator for Unstable Particle and Complex Mass Description in Local QFT

Field Theory Describing Arbitrary Two-Body Scattering Amplitude as a Born Term

article by Jerzy Lukierski published 1973 in Fortschritte der Physik

Field operator for an interacting unstable elementary system

Field theory describing interacting two-particle subsystems

scholarly article published September 1969

Field‐Theoretic Description of Massless Particles with Higher Spin and Definite Parity. I. Integer Spin

Fourfold gradings of superalgebras and structures equations describing extended superspaces

article by Zbigniew Hasiewicz & Jerzy Lukierski published June 1985 in Physics Letters B

From Gauging Nonrelativistic Translations to N-Body Dynamics


From N = 4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ Galilean superparticle to three-dimensional non-relativistic N = 4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ superfields

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 no. 5, May 2018

From algebra to κ-Lorentz quasigroup. A deformation of relativistic symmetry

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published September 1993 in Physics Letters B

Functional integration around one-instanton solutions in four-dimensionalHP 1 σ-model

Fundamental fermionic coordinates and quark variables

scholarly article in European Physical Journal D, vol. 29 no. 1, January 1979

Galilean conformal and superconformal symmetries

Galilean conformal mechanics from nonlinear realizations

scholarly article

Galilean exotic planar supersymmetries and nonrelativistic supersymmetric wave equations

Galilean superconformal symmetries

Galilean-Invariant (2+1)-Dimensional Models with a Chern–Simons-Like Term andD=2 Noncommutative Geometry

Gauge transformations in quantum field theory

General D=1 local supercoordinate transformations and their supercurrent algebras

scholarly article by M. Chaichian et al published February 1990 in Physics Letters B

General classical solutions of a supersymmetric non-linear coupled boson-fermion model in two dimensions

General superspaces from supertwistors

Generalization of the Bjorken asymptotic expansion for non-integer asymptotic powers

Generalizations of Maxwell (super)algebras by the expansion method

scholarly article by J.A. de Azcárraga et al published April 2013 in Nuclear Physics B

Generalized Wigner-Inönü contractions and Maxwell (super)algebras

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski published April 2011 in Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics

Generalized cosmological term from Maxwell symmetries

scholarly article

Generalized free fields and the representations of Weyl group

Generalized space–time supersymmetries, division algebras and octonionic M-theory

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski & Francesco Toppan published July 2002 in Physics Letters B

Geometric origin of central charges

Global scale transformations for renormalized field operators

Graded orthosymplectic geometry and OSp (4;1)-invariant fermionic ? models

Graded orthosymplectic groupOSp 8;1 and fundamental fermionic twistor variables

Gravity on de Sitter 3-brane, an induced Einstein–Hilbert term and massless gravitons

Gravity,p-branes, and a spacetime counterpart of the Higgs effect

scholarly article

Gupta-Bleuler quantization of massive superparticle models in 6, 8, and 10 dimensions

scientific article published on 01 July 1988

Hermitian analyticity, IR/UV mixing and unitarity of noncommutative field theories

Higher spins from non-linear realizations of OSp ( 1 | 8 )

Holomorphic and real Euclidean supersymmetries in three and four dimensions

scholarly article in European Physical Journal D, vol. 37 no. 3, March 1987

Jordanian quantum deformations of D = 4 anti-de Sitter and Poincaré superalgebras

Jordanian twist quantization of D=4 Lorentz and Poincaré algebras and D=3 contraction limit

scholarly article by A. Borowiec et al published 24 October 2006 in European Physical Journal C

Kappa-deformations: historical developments and recent results

Lagrangian formulation of the Zachariasen model with a CDD pole


Lagrangian model of conformal invariant interacting quantum field theory


Lie-deformed quantum Minkowski spaces from twists: Hopf-algebraic versus Hopf-algebroid approach

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published February 2018 in Physics Letters B

Massive relativistic free fields with Lorentz spins and electric charges

Massive relativistic particle model with spin from free two-twistor dynamics and its quantization

scholarly article

Massive relativistic particle models with bosonic counterpart of supersymmetry

Massive twistor particle with spin generated by Souriau–Wess–Zumino term and its quantization

Massless higher spin D = 4 superparticle with both N = 1 supersymmetry and its bosonic counterpart

Maxwell group and HS field theory

Maxwell superalgebra and superparticles in constant gauge backgrounds

scientific article

N = 2 massive matter multiplet from quantization of extended classical mechanics

N = 2 supersymmetric planar particles and magnetic interaction from noncommutativity

N=1 super-WZW and N=1, 2, 3, 4 super-KdV models as D=2 current superfield theories

New Lie-algebraic and quadratic deformations of Minkowski space from twisted Poincaré symmetries

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski & Mariusz Woronowicz published February 2006 in Physics Letters B

New N = 6 infinite-dimensional superalgebra with central extension

New particle model in extended space–time and covariantization of planar Landau dynamics


New quantum Poincaré algebra and κ-deformed field theory

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published October 1992 in Physics Letters B

New quantum deformations ofD=4 conformal algebra

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published February 1996 in European Physical Journal D

New spinorial particle model in tensorial space-time and interacting higher spin fields

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 2, February 2013

Noncommutative parameters of quantum symmetries and star products

Noncommutative planar particle dynamics with gauge interactions


Nonlinear realizations of extended supersymmetries with central charges

scholarly article in European Physical Journal D, vol. 32 no. 5, May 1982

Nonlinear superfield realisations of extended supersymmetries

Nonrelativistic counterparts of twistors and the realizations of Galilean conformal algebra

scholarly article by S. Fedoruk et al published May 2011 in Physics Letters B

Nonuniqueness of the canonical formalism in the presence of an indefinite metric

Octonionic M-theory and D=11 generalized conformal and superconformal algebras

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski & Francesco Toppan published August 2003 in Physics Letters B

On Hopf algebroid structure of κ-deformed Heisenberg algebra

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published May 2017 in Physics of Atomic Nuclei

On a full geometrization of conservation laws in Gürsey’s formalism

On quantum deformations of d=4 conformal algebra

scholarly article in European Physical Journal D, vol. 48 no. 11, 1998

On superfield formulation of Euclidean supersymmetry

On the algebraic consistency conditions in canonical λφ4 theory

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski & L. Rytel published January 1975 in Nuclear Physics B

On the generalization of the haag-ruelle theory of asymptotic fields

On the scattering formalism for interacting multiparticle subsystems

On twist quantizations of D = 4 Lorentz and Poincare algebras

scholarly article by A. Borowiec et al published November 2005 in European Physical Journal D

Preon dynamics and the supersymmetric extension of local current algebra


Purely twistorial string with canonical twistor field quantization

scholarly article

Quantizations of $$D=3$$ D = 3 Lorentz symmetry

Quantum Affine (Super)Algebras¶ U q ( A 1 (1) ) and U q ( C (2) (2) )

scholarly article by S. M. Khoroshkin et al published 1 July 2001 in Communications in Mathematical Physics

Quantum D = 3 Euclidean and Poincaré symmetries from contraction limits

scientific article published in 2020

Quantum D=4 Poincare superalgebra

Quantum Deformations of Einstein’s Relativistic Symmetries

Quantum deformation of the Poincare supergroup and kappa -deformed superspace

Quantum deformations of D = 4 Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionico⋆(4)symmetries in unifiedo(4;C)setting

Quantum deformations of D=4 Lorentz algebra revisited: twistings of q-deformation

scholarly article by A. Borowiec et al published 26 August 2008 in European Physical Journal C

Quantum deformations of D=4 Poincaré and Weyl algebra from q-deformed D=4 conformal algebra

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski & Anatol Nowicki published April 1992 in Physics Letters B

Quantum deformations of conformal algebras introducing fundamental mass parameters

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published March 1996 in Physics Letters B

Quantum deformations of nonsemisimple algebras: The example of D=4 inhomogeneous rotations

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published May 1994 in Journal of Mathematical Physics

Quantum group sigma models

Quantum in any dimension

Quantum poincaré algebra with standard real structure

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published June 1993 in Journal of Geometry and Physics

Quantum κ-deformations of D=4 relativistic supersymmetries

Quaternionic supergroups and D = 4 Euclidean extended supersymmetries

Real and pseudoreal forms of D=4 complex Euclidean (super)algebras and super-Poincaré/ super-Euclidean r-matrices

scholarly article by A. Borowiec et al published 25 January 2016 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Real forms of Uq(OSp(1/2)) and quantum D=2 supersymmetry algebras

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski & A Nowicki published 21 February 1992 in Journal of Physics A

Real forms of complex quantum anti-de-Sitter algebra Uq(Sp(4; )) and their contraction schemes

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published November 1991 in Physics Letters B

Relative time dependence as gauge freedom and bilocal models of hadrons

Renormalizability of higher-spin theories

Renormalization Group Transformations as Symmetry Mappings

Renormalization group and scale invariance in terms of asymptotic fields

Renormalization group and scale transformations for renormalized field operators

scholarly article

Renormalized operator form of quantum action principle

Scale transformations for renormalized field operators: Discussion of the soluble model

Seven-dimensional De Sitter and six-dimensional conformal supersymmetries

Seven-spheres from octonions and geometric torsion

Stochastic description of extended hadrons

Superalgebras with Grassman‐algebra‐valued structure constants from superfields

scholarly article by José A. de Azcárraga & Jerzy Lukierski published April 1988 in Journal of Mathematical Physics

Superconformal anomalies

Supercovariant systems of q-oscillators and q-supersymmetric hamiltonians

Superfield commutators for D = 4 chiral multiplets and their apppications

scholarly article in European Physical Journal D, vol. 37 no. 4, April 1987

Superspinors and Graded Lorentz Groups in Three, Four and Five Dimensions

Supersymmetric Kac-Moody algebra in graded-chiral models

scholarly article by Ling-Lie Chau et al published March 1984 in Letters in Mathematical Physics

Supersymmetric dynamics on pre-QCD level with elementary quarks and composite gluons

Supersymmetric extension of the D4 bilocal current algebra

scholarly article by J.A. de Azcárraga et al published September 1987 in Physics Letters B

Supersymmetric particle model with additional bosonic coordinates

scientific article published in 1986

Supersymmetric particles inN=2superspace: Phase-space variables and Hamiltonian dynamics

scholarly article

Supersymmetric particles with internal symmetries and central charges

Supersymmetrization schemes of D = 4 Maxwell algebra

scholarly article by Kiyoshi Kamimura & Jerzy Lukierski published January 2012 in Physics Letters B

Supersymmetrized D = 11 de-sitter-like algebra from octonions

scholarly article by Z. Hasiewicz & Jerzy Lukierski published September 1984 in Physics Letters B

Supersymmetry currents and WZ-like terms in (supersymmetry)2 models

Supertwistors, massive superparticles and κ-symmetry

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009 no. 1, January 2009

The conditionZ 3=0 and equal-time commutation relations

The definition of the product δ(x)χx-α (α>0, real) and its applications

The spinning superparticle

article published in 1988

The symmetry algebras of Euclidean M-theory

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski & Francesco Toppan published April 2004 in Physics Letters B

Towards quantum noncommutativeκ-deformed field theory

scholarly article

Translational Chern–Simons action and new planar particle dynamics

Translational invariance and energy-momentum conservation law for unstable particles

Twisted classical Poincare algebras

scholarly article by Jerzy Lukierski et al published 7 April 1994 in Journal of Physics A

Twisting and $\kappa $-Poincaré

Twistorial versus spacetime formulations: Unification of various string models

scholarly article

Two-twistor description of a membrane

scholarly article

Two-twistor particle models and free massive higher spin fields

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 no. 4, April 2015

Yang-Baxter sigma models and Lax pairs arising from κ-Poincaré r-matrices

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 4, April 2016

kappa-deformation of Poincare superalgebra with classical Lorentz subalgebra and its graded bicrossproduct structure

q-deformation of Poincaré algebra

scholarly article

q-deformations of Virasoro algebra and conformal dimensions

scholarly article by M. Chaichian et al published June 1991 in Physics Letters B

q-deformed Jacobi identity, q-oscillators and q-deformed infinite-dimensional algebras

scholarly article by M. Chaichian et al published March 1990 in Physics Letters B

sl(1|1;)-cohomologies in BRST-Gupta-Bleuler quantization

κ -deformed covariant quantum phase spaces as Hopf algebroids

κ-Deformations of D=4 Weyl and conformal symmetries

κ-Deformed Wigner construction of relativistic wave functions and free fields on κ-Minkowski space

κ-deformed oscillators, the choice of star product and free κ-deformed quantum fields

κ-deformed oscillators: Deformed multiplication versus deformed flip operator and multiparticle clusters