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List of works by Sabina Jeschke

A Composite Calculation for Author Activity in Wikis: Accuracy Needed

A Concept for User-Centered Development of Accessible User Interfaces for Industrial Automation Systems and Web Applications


A Conceptual Agent-Based Planning Algorithm for the Production of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Aircrafts by Using Mobile Production Units


A Framework Providing a Basis for Data Integration in Virtual Production

article published in 2011

A Graph Based Hybrid Approach of Offline Pre-planning and Online Re-planning for Efficient Assembly under Realtime Constraints


A Marsupial Relationship in Robotics: A Survey

A Modular Factory Planning Approach Based on Vertical Integration of the Information Flow

A New Approach for 3D Edge Extraction by Fusing Point Clouds and Digital Images

A concept of mathematical methods for the optimization of the post-processing of nuclear resonance spectra of the human skeletal musculature

A mechanism to improve Stereo Vision Systems in automated heterogeneous platoons

A programmable flexible simulation environment for discrete many-body systems: VideoEasel

Access to UML diagrams with the HUTN

Accessibility and Model-Based Web Application Development for eLearning Environments


Accessibility in Virtual Knowledge Spaces for Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Achieving IT security in a Telematic Rescue Assistance System

Adaptive Information Integration: Bridging the Semantic Gap between Numerical Simulations

An agent-based concept for planning and control of the production of carbon fibre reinforced plastics aircraft structures with mobile production units


An efficient development process for an innovative transport unit


An optimized algorithm for distributing large numbers of students to small exercise groups

Artificial Cognition in Autonomous Assembly Planning Systems

Attractive Universities: New Curricula in Natural Sciences and Engineering

BELEARNING: Designing accessible eLearning applications

Bachelor+: A year abroad with Nidi-International

Challenge diversity: New curricula in Natural Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering

scholarly article by Sabina Jeschke et al published October 2007 in Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference

Chances and risks of using clicker software in XL engineering classes - From theory to practice

article published in 2013

Classroom-laboratory interaction in an electronic engineering course


Collaborative learning in teaching information management

Concepts for Cooperative Knowledge Spaces in Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Considering multi-evaluation perspectives in an agent-based FMS scheduling approach

Creating Local Geographies for Map-Based Cyber Navigation

Crystalline Ge1-xSnx Heterostructures in Lateral High-Speed Devices

Defining a Universal Actor Content-Element Model for Exploring Social and Information Networks Considering the Temporal Dynamic

Design and implementation of a vehicle dynamics control system by means of torque vectoring for an autonomous vehicle

Developing Accessible Applications with User-Centered Architecture

Developing a PBL-based rescue robotics course

Discussions on accessibility in industrial automation systems

Diving in? How Users Experience Virtual Environments Using the Virtual Theatre


Early Accessibility Evaluation in Web Application Development


Early Bird: Preparing engineering freshmen for engineering challenges

Economic evaluation of “Intelligent MegaSwapBoxes” for advanced Intermodal Freight Transport through value orientated cost-effectiveness estimation

Edge extraction by merging 3D point cloud and 2D image data

Embedding virtual and remote experiments into a cooperative knowledge space

Enhancing technological literacy: Robotics in academic education of non-engineers

article published in 2008

Enhancing the Learning Success of Engineering Students by Virtual Experiments

Experiences from an international student and staff exchange program

Extending an agent-based FMS scheduling approach with parallel genetic algorithms

Gender gap in technological disciplines: Societal causes and consequences

IT-Infrastructure for an Integrated Visual Analysis of Distributed Heterogeneous Simulations

Individualization and Flexibility through Computer Algebra Systems in Virtual Laboratories

scholarly article published 2006

Information extraction from mathematical texts by means of natural language processing techniques

article published in 2007

Integrating Medical Robotics in the Robinson Program

Integration of an online digital logic design lab for it education

International student mobility in engineering education


Interruptibility and Its Negative Impact on Graph Exploration Missions by a Team of Robots

Introductory mathematics computer course

KEA - A Knowledge Management System for Mathematics

KEA - a Mathematical Knowledge Management System combining Web 2.0 with Semantic Web Technologies

KEA - applications of ontology engineering on mathematical natural language texts

Key Performance Indicators for the Impact of Cognitive Assembly Planning on Ramp-Up Process

Knowledge Management in Vocational Training - A Case Study of the EU Project RELOAD

Knowledge Management in mArachna

Longitudinal and Lateral Control in Automated Highway Systems: Their Past, Present and Future

Management and optimal distribution of large student numbers

Management and optimal distribution of large student numbers

Managing Mathematical Texts with OWL and Their Graphical Representation

Measurement of the Cognitive Assembly Planning Impact

Merging Web Accessibility and Usability by Patterns

Modeling and processing of time interval data for data-driven decision support

Multi-dimensional production planning using a vertical data integration approach: A contribution to modular factory design

Natural Language Processing of Mathematical Texts in mArachna

Natural Sciences in the Information Society: First experiences

Networked Experiments and Scientific Resource Sharing in Cooperative Knowledge Spaces

Networked Experiments in Cooperative Knowledge Spaces

Networked virtual and remote laboratories for research collaboration in natural sciences and engineering

Networking Resources for Research and Scientific Education in BW-eLabs


Networking Resources for Research and Scientific Education in BW-eLabs

Networking resources for research and scientific education in nanoscience and nanotechnologies

New media in education and research

On Remote and Virtual Experiments in eLearning in Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

On Remote and Virtual Experiments in eLearning in Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

OpenBologna: a strategic instrument for integrating students in curriculum development


Optimized Factory Planning and Process Chain Formation Using Virtual Production Intelligence

Organization and Operation of Electronically Coupled Truck Platoons on German Motorways


RENS – Enabling a Robot to Identify a Person

Real time detection of the back view of a preceding vehicle for automated heterogeneous platoons in unstructured environment using video

Reducing hardware risks in the development of Telematic rescue assistance systems: a methodology

scientific article published on January 1, 2010

Robotics as demonstrator discipline for networked virtual and remote laboratories

Robotics in Academic Medical Engineering Education

Selfoptimized Assembly Planning for a ROS Based Robot Cell

Semantic integration of multi-agent systems using an OPC UA information modeling approach

Serendipity rendezvous as a mitigation of exploration's interruptibility for a team of robots

Spirit: University of Stuttgart's life-cycle-based gender-mainstreaming-concept

Supporting collaboration in professional soft-skill training courses

Telenotarzt auf dem Prüfstand

The Telemedical Rescue Assistance System "TemRas"--development, first results, and impact

scientific article

The Teutates-Project: Tablet-PCs in Modern Physics Education

The eChalk System: Potential of Teaching with Intelligent Digital Chalkboards

The virtual production simulation platform: from collaborative distributed simulation to integrated visual analysis

Theory of Digital Natives in the Light of Current and Future E-Learning Concepts

Towards Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems in Factory Automation Scenarios

User adaptive design of active vehicle safety systems with regard to the driver behavior of elderly drivers

User-Centered Design of Accessible Web and Automation Systems

Using Mixed Node Publication Network Graphs for Analyzing Success in Interdisciplinary Teams

Using web accessibility patterns for web application development


VPI-FP: an integrative information system for factory planning


Virtual Room Concepts for Cooperative, Scientific Work

What’s it like to be an engineer? Robotics in academic engineering education

Work in progress — Engineering math with EARLY BIRD

mArachna - Applying Natural Language Processing Techniques to Ontology Engineering

mArachna - Ontology Engineering for Mathematical Natural Language Texts

Über die Messung von Intellektuellem Kapital