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List of works by Jessy Jose

A Novel Survey for Young Substellar Objects with the W -band Filter. II. The Coolest and Lowest Mass Members of the Serpens-South Star-forming Region

scientific article published on 3 April 2020

A Novel Survey for Young Substellar Objects with the W-band Filter. V. IC 348 and Barnard 5 in the Perseus Cloud

scientific article published on 6 September 2022

A multiwavelength census of stellar contents in the young cluster NGC 1624

scientific article published in January 2011

A multiwavelength investigation of the H II region S311: young stellar population and star formation

scientific article published in January 2016

A study of the starless dark cloud LDN 1570: distance, dust properties, and magnetic field geometry

scientific article

A weakly non-adiabatic one-zone model of stellar pulsations: application to Mira stars

scientific article published in January 2003

ASAS-SN Discovery of A Supernova in SDSS J235509.00+101252.9

scholarly article

ASAS-SN Discovery of an Unusual Nuclear Transient in PGC 043234

scholarly article

An initial overview of the extent and structure of recent star formation within the Serpens Molecular Cloud using Gaia Data Release 2

scientific article published in January 2019

An outburst and FU Ori-type disc of a former low-luminosity protostar

scientific article published on 20 December 2023

Breaking the habit: the peculiar 2016 eruption of the unique recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a

scientific article published in January 2018

Characterization of Stellar and Substellar Members in the Coma Berenices Star Cluster

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Confirmation of PNV J00430400+4117079 as another eruption of the recurrent nova M31N 1990-10a and additional constraints on the eruption date

scientific article published in January 2016

Correction to: Revealing the dust grain polarization properties as a function of extinction and distance towards NGC 1893

scientific article published on 21 September 2023

Deep optical survey of the stellar content of Sh2-311 region

scientific article published in January 2015

Detonations in white dwarf dynamical interactions

scientific article published in January 2013

Discovery of a M81 nova candidate

scientific article published in January 2016

Discovery of a Probable Nova in M81

scientific article published in January 2017

Discovery of a Probable Nova in M81

scholarly article

Discovery of an Apparent Nova in M 81

scientific article published in January 2019

Discovery of an Apparent Nova in M81

scientific article published in January 2017

Discovery of three nova candidates in M81

scientific article published in January 2017

Discovery of three nova candidates in M81

scientific article

Discovery of two Probable Novae in M81

scientific article published in January 2017

Does an NeNa cycle exist in explosive hydrogen burning

scientific article published in January 2004

Galactic 1.275-MeV emission from ONe novae and its detectability by INTEGRAL/SPI

scientific article

Gamma-ray observations of Nova Sgr 2015 No. 2 with INTEGRAL

scientific article published in January 2018

Independent Discovery of a Probable Luminous Nova in M81

scholarly article

Independent Discovery of a Probable Nova in M81

scientific article published in January 2018

Independent Discovery of a Probable Nova in M81

scientific article

Independent Discovery of an Apparent Nova in M81

scientific article

Influence of new reaction rates on ^18^F production in novae

scholarly article

Limit-cycle behavior in one-zone convective models

scholarly article

Lithium production in the merging of white dwarf stars

scientific article published in January 2012

Low-mass young stellar population and star formation history of the cluster IC 1805 in the W4 H II region

scientific article published in January 2017

Mixing in classical novae: a 2-D sensitivity study

scientific article published in January 2011

NGC 1624-2: a slowly rotating, X-ray luminous Of?cp star with an extraordinarily strong magnetic field

scientific article

New nova candidate in M 81

scientific article published in January 2016

New optical nova candidate in M 31

scholarly article

New optical nova candidate in the M 31 disk

scientific article published in January 2014

New optical nova candidate in the disk of M 31

scientific article published in January 2015

New slow-evolving variable or optical nova candidate in the M 31 disk

scientific article published in January 2015

Nucleosynthesis during the merger of white dwarfs and the origin of R Coronae Borealis stars

scholarly article

On mixing at the core-envelope interface during classical nova outbursts

scientific article

On presolar stardust grains from CO classical novae

Optical and near-infrared survey of the stellar contents associated with the star-forming complex Sh2-252

scientific article published in January 2012

Optical light curve parameters of the M31 recurrent nova M31N 2006-11c during its 2015 outburst

scholarly article

Optical photometric and polarimetric investigation of NGC 1931

scientific article published in January 2013

Optical photometric variable stars towards the Galactic H II region NGC 2282

scientific article

Performance improvements for nuclear reaction network integration

scientific article

Photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of YSOs in nearby star-forming regions – I. Eruptive YSOs

scientific article published on 31 March 2023

Placing the Spotted T Tauri Star LkCa 4 on an HR Diagram

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Polarimetric and Photometric Investigation of the Dark Globule LDN 1225: Distance, Extinction Law, and Magnetic Fields

Pre-discovery confirmation of M81 nova candidate

scientific article

Probing the global dust properties and cluster formation potential of the giant molecular cloud G148.24+00.41

scientific article published in March 2023

Probing the physics of Seyfert galaxies using their emission-line regions

Probing the physics of narrow line regions in active galaxies. II. The Siding Spring Southern Seyfert Spectroscopic Snapshot Survey (S7)


Probing the physics of narrow-line regions in active galaxies. III. Accretion and cocoon shocks in the liner NGC 1052

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Probing the physics of narrow-line regions of Seyfert galaxies

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Revealing the dust grain polarization properties as a function of extinction and distance towards NGC 1893

scientific article published in 2022

S7 : Probing the physics of Seyfert Galaxies through their ENLR & HII Regions

Six months of multiwavelength follow-up of the tidal disruption candidate ASASSN-14li and implied TDE rates from ASAS-SN

scientific article published in January 2016

Sixe: an X-ray experiment for the MINISAT platform

scientific article published in January 2001

Spectroscopic Classification of ASASSN -14kr

scholarly article

Spectroscopic classification and additional photometry of classical nova M81N 2016-10b

scientific article published in January 2016

Spectroscopic confirmation of M81N 2018-04b (AT2018asx) as a nova eruption

scientific article published in January 2018

Spectroscopy and photometry of the nova M31N 2015-08c and photometry of the recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a

scientific article published in January 2015

Star formation and young population of the H II complex Sh2-294

scientific article

Star formation in W3--AFGL 333: young stellar content, properties, and roles of external feedback

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Star formation in bright-rimmed clouds and clusters associated with the W5 E H II region

scientific article published in January 2011

Star formation in the filament of S254-S258 OB complex: a cluster in the process of being created

scholarly article

Star–Disk Interactions in Multiband Photometric Monitoring of the Classical T Tauri Star GI Tau

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Stellar contents and star formation in the young open cluster Stock 8

scientific article

Swift/XRT shows type I and type II bursting activity in the Rapid Burster

scientific article published in January 2009

Synthesis of C-rich dust in CO nova outbursts

scientific article published in January 2016

The ASAS-SN bright supernova catalogue – I. 2013–2014

scholarly article

The Low-mass Population in the Young Cluster Stock 8: Stellar Properties and Initial Mass Function

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Planck Cold Clump G108.37-01.06: A Site of Complex Interplay between H ii Regions, Young Clusters, and Filaments

scientific article published on 12 September 2018

The WiFeS S7 AGN Survey: Current Status and Recent Results on NGC 6300

The effects of thermonuclear reaction-rate variations on nova nucleosynthesis: a sensitivity study

scholarly article

The effects of variations in nuclear interactions on nucleosynthesis in thermonuclear supernovae

scientific article

The effects of variations in nuclear processes on type I X-ray burst nucleosynthesis

scientific article published in January 2008

The eruption of the candidate young star ASASSN-15qi

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The impact of the chemical stratification of white dwarfs on the classification of classical novae

scientific article published in January 2003

The influence of uncertainties in the ^15^O({alpha}, {gamma})^19^Ne reaction rate on models of type I X-ray bursts

scientific article published in January 2011

The prompt gamma-ray emission of novae

The sensitivity of nucleosynthesis in type I X-ray bursts to thermonuclear reaction-rate variations

scientific article published in January 2008

The sharpest ultraviolet view of the star formation in an extreme environment of the nearest Jellyfish Galaxy IC 3418

scientific article published on 28 July 2021

The young cluster NGC 2282: a multiwavelength perspective

scientific article published in January 2015

Three-dimensional simulations of the interaction between the nova ejecta, accretion disk, and companion star

scholarly article

Three-dimensional simulations of turbulent convective mixing in ONe and CO classical nova explosions

scientific article published in January 2016

Two-dimensional simulations of mixing in classical novae: The effect of white dwarf composition and mass

scientific article published in January 2018

Type Ia supernova SN 2003du: Optical observations

scientific article published in January 2005

YSO jets in the Galactic plane from UWISH2 - V. Jets and outflows in M17

scientific article

Young stellar population and ongoing star formation in the HII complex Sh2-252

scientific article published in January 2013

Young stellar population of bright-rimmed clouds BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39

scientific article published in January 2014

γ-rays from classical novae: expectations from present and future missions

scholarly article