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List of works by Sandeep Kumar

A Combination of Bias-Field Corrected Fuzzy C-Means and Level Set Approach for Brain MRI Image Segmentation

A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Organic and Nonorganic Cotton Diseases

A Comparative Study on Modern Smart Irrigation System and Monitoring the Field by using IOT

A Review on E-waste: Fostering the Need for Green Electronics

A Review on Organic Cotton: Various Challenges, Issues and Application for Smart Agriculture

A Review: Eye Tracking Interface with Embedded System & IOT

A Solar Tracking and Remote Monitoring System Using IoT

A Study on Smart Electronics Voting Machine Using Face Recognition and Aadhar Verification with IOT

A Study on Vehicle Detection through Aerial Images: Various Challenges, Issues and Applications

A comparative study on face spoofing attacks

A smart application to detect pupil for small dataset with low illumination

A study on face recognition techniques with age and gender classification

Advance Green Energy Scheduling In Smart Grid Using IOT

Affinity based seeded region growing algorithm for medical image segmentation

Age and gender classification using Seg-Net based architecture and machine learning

Automated Home-Based Physiotherapy

Automatic Detection of Brain Tumor from CT and MRI Images using Wireframe model and 3D Alex-Net

Automatic Live Facial Expression Detection Using Genetic Algorithm with Haar Wavelet Features and SVM

Automatic classification of cotton boll using signature curve and boundary descriptors

Churning of Bank Customers Using Supervised Learning

Color Object Detection Based Image Retrieval Using ROI Segmentation with Multi-Feature Method

Comparing the performance analysis of three tank level control system using feedback and feedforward-feedback configuration

Comparision Study on Various Face Detection Techniques

Coverage and Latency Analysis for NB-IoT in Uplink Transmission

Crowd anomaly detection using Aggregation of Ensembles of fine-tuned ConvNets

Cyber Security in Smart Hospitals: A Investigational Case Study

DataQuest: An Approach to Automatically Extract Dataset Mentions from Scientific Papers


Effect of maintenance resource constraints on flow-shop environment in a joint production and maintenance context

Efficient 3D AlexNet Architecture for Object Recognition Using Syntactic Patterns from Medical Images

Electricity Management in Smart Grid Using IoT

Enhanced SBIR based Re-Ranking and Relevance Feedback

Face Spoofing, Age, Gender and Facial Expression Recognition Using Advance Neural Network Architecture-Based Biometric System

Face spoofing detection using improved SegNet architecture with a blur estimation technique

Gender Classification Using Machine Learning with Multi-Feature Method

Healthcare Monitoring Using Internet of Things

IRIS based Recognition and Spoofing Attacks: A Review

Improved Recurrent Neural Network Schema for Validating Digital Signatures in VANET

Integrated production and maintenance planning for parallel machine system considering cost of rejection

Integrated yet distributed operations planning approach: A next generation manufacturing planning system

Investigating the value of integrated operations planning: A case-based approach from automotive industry

IoT based Smart Home Surveillance and Automation

Joyo: The House Assistant Technology for Smart Home

Land Use/Land Cover Change Analysis using NDVI, PCA

Leaf Disease Detection and Classification based on Machine Learning

Live Detection of Face Using Machine Learning with Multi-feature Method

Multiple Face Detection Using Hybrid Features with SVM Classifier

Narrowband internet of things: analysis of frame structure, NPSS sequence generation and detection

Network Design and Implementation of Dynamic Routing Protocols Using Packet Tracer

Neural Network-based Soil Detection and Classification

Object detection and recognition using contour based edge detection and fast R-CNN

Object-Based Image Retrieval Using the U-Net-Based Neural Network

Portable Camera-Based Assistive Device for Real-Time Text Recognition on Various Products and Speech Using Android for Blind People

Pre Disaster Management Using ICT Technology

Real-Image Transformation into a Caricature Image Using Neural Network

Remote Patient Monitoring Using IoT, Cloud Computing and AI

Review on secure traditional and machine learning algorithms for age prediction using IRIS image

Robust Deep Learning Technique: U-Net Architecture for Pupil Segmentation

Robust Pupil Segmentation using UNET and Morphological Image Processing

Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric Technique with Unique Identity Number and IOT

Segmentation of Cotton Bolls by Efficient Feature Selection Using Conventional Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm with Perception of Color

Sharing is Caring! Joint Multitask Learning Helps Aspect-Category Extraction and Sentiment Detection in Scientific Peer Reviews

Social Spider Algorithm Employed Multi-level Thresholding Segmentation Approach

Three Dimensional Wireframe Model of Medical and Complex Images Using Cellular Logic Array Processing Techniques

Three dimensional objects recognition & pattern recognition technique; related challenges: A review

UFS-LSTM: unsupervised feature selection with long short-term memory network for remote sensing scene classification