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List of works by Luis Alberto Borrero

<i>Patagonian Prehistory: Human Ecology and Cultural Evolution in the Land of Giants.</i> Raven Garvey. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2021, 288 pp. $65.00, cloth. ISBN 9781647690267.

scientific article published in 2022

A pre-European archaeology in Malvinas/Falkland Islands? A review

scientific article published on 30 May 2022

Ambiguity and Debates on the Early Peopling of South America

Análisis de ADN mitocrondrial en restos humanos del Holoceno tardío del sur de Santa Cruz

scientific preecedings published in 2019

Archaeological evidences are still missing: a comment on Fariña et al. Arroyo del Vizcaíno site, Uruguay

scientific article

Arqueología de Cabo Vírgenes, Provincia de Santa Cruz

scientific preecedings published in 2005

Arqueología en Cabo Vírgenes y Cañadón Gap

book section published in 2008

Bahía Solano: su interpretación paleoetnozoológica en un marco regional


Bergumermeer and Modeling: A Comment on Odell

Book reviews

Combination of humans, climate, and vegetation change triggered Late Quaternary megafauna extinction in the Última Esperanza region, southern Patagonia, Chile


Comment on "The 12.9-ka ET Impact Hypothesis and North American Paleoindians"

comments by Luis Alberto Borrero

Durmiendo bajo el faro. Estudio de un entierro humano en Cabo Vírgenes (C.V.17), provincia de Santa Cruz, República Argentina

scientific paper

El poblamiento de la Patagonia. Toldos, milodones y volcanes

book published in 2001

Environmental changes and hunter-gatherers in southern Patagonia: Lago Argentino and Cabo Vírgenes (Argentina)

scientific paper

Estratigrafía de los concheros de Bahía Solano: campaña 1976-1977


Expandiendo el alcance de las reconstrucciones de subsistencia. Isótopos estables y conjuntos arqueofaunísticos

Exploring lithic transport in Tierra del Fuego (Southern South America)

scholarly article


scientific article published in 2019

Geoarqueología y distribuciones subsuperficiales de materiales arqueológicos: localidad Cabo Vírgenes

scientific chapter published in 2010

Ground sloths and humans in southern Fuego-Patagonia: taphonomy and archaeology

scholarly article by Luis Alberto Borrero published in March 2012

Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) isotopic ecology in southern South America: spatial and temporal tendencies, and archaeological implications

scientific article published in December 2009

Historia Evolutiva y Subsistencia de Cazadores-Recolectores Marítimos de Tierra del Fuego

scientific article published on 10 September 2010

Human Dispersal in the Atlantic Slope of Patagonia and the Role of Lithic Availability

scholarly article

Human and natural agency: some comments on Pedra Furada

Human dispersal and climatic conditions during Late Pleistocene times in Fuego-Patagonia

scholarly article

Hunter‐gatherer home ranges and marine resources an archaeological case from Southern Patagonia

scientific paper

Identifying non-anthropogenic accumulation in zooarchaeological assemblages using naive Bayesian classifier: A trace-oriented actualistic taphonomic approach in the hyperarid coasts of the Atacama desert

scientific article published in January 2024

Interdisciplinary evidence for early domestic horse exploitation in southern Patagonia

scientific article published on 8 December 2023

Investigaciones Paleoindias al Sur de la Linea Ecuatorial

Isotopes and Rocks: Geographical Organisation of Southern Patagonian Hunter-Gatherers

scientific paper published in 2009

La colonia de nidificación de pingüinos de Magallanes de Cabo Vírgenes a lo largo del tiempo

scientific paper published in 2010

Lithic collections deposited at the British Museum

scientific paper

Los cazadores recolectores norpatagónicos: comentarios al libro

book chapter published in 2011

Mobility and Use of Space in Late Pleistocene South America: Discussing Early Human Regional Trajectories

scientific article published in 2018

Naturalistic Observations on the Disarticulation of False Killer Whales (Pseudorca crassidens) Carcasses: Fifteen Years After

scientific paper published in 2017

Nuevos sitios arqueológicos para la región de Bahía Solano (Chubut)


Observaciones tafonómicas acerca de la desarticulación decarcasas de pinnípedos en ambientes litorales, el caso de Islote Lobos (Golfo San Matías, RíoNegro)

book chapter published in 2010

Plan de Monitoreo del Parque Nacional Monte León. La información de superficie

book section published in 2008

Pristine archaeologists and the settlement of southern South America

Problemas geomorfológicos y cronológicos relacionados con materiales arqueológicos atribuidos a las industrias Solanense y Oliviense

scientific paper

Reviewing human–environment interactions in arid regions of southern South America during the past 3000 years


Shifting niches of marine predators due to human exploitation: the diet of the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) since the late Holocene as a case study

article by Lisette Zenteno et al published 27 April 2015 in Paleobiology

Sobre el origen de las depresiones circulares del talud de tres arroyos, Tierra del fuego

scholarly article

Stable isotope analysis of human bone and ethnohistoric subsistence patterns in Tierra del Fuego

Synergistic roles of climate warming and human occupation in Patagonian megafaunal extinctions during the Last Deglaciation

scientific article

Taphonomic and archaeological perspectives from northern Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

scientific article published in July 2015

Taphonomy and the role of pumas (Puma concolor) in the formation of the archaeological record

scientific article published in February 2018

Taphonomy of Guanaco Bones in Tierra del Fuego

scientific article published in November 1990

Terrestrial cosmogenic 10Be dating of the Última Esperanza ice lobe moraines (52°S, Patagonia) indicates the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) extent was half of the local LGM

scientific article published in 2022

The archaeology of transformation

scientific article published in 2011

The historical and archaeological evidence for Southern Cone human-environment interaction

The nature and timing of landscape change at Cerro Benítez, Última Esperanza, southern Patagonia (52°S): New insights into the history of megafaunal extinctions and human occupation

scientific article published in 2021

The process of human colonization of Southern South America: Migration, peopling and “The Archaeology of Place”

scholarly article by Luis Alberto Borrero published in June 2015

Tracing Driftwood in Archaeological Contexts: Experimental Data and Anthracological Studies at the Orejas De Burro 1 Site (Patagonia, Argentina)


Un enfoque paleoetnozoológico del comportamiento humano en relación con el aprovechamiento de recursos en un medio costero

chapter of congress act published in 1980

Un ensayo sobre genética, arqueología y movilidad humana temprana

scientific article published in 2019

Una primera aproximación a la variabilidad presente en las puntas denominadas Bird IV

scientific paper published in 2005

¿Intercambio O Movilidad?: Una Evaluación Sobre El Uso De Escalas De Análisis Espaciales Y Curvas De Declinación En Patagonia Centro-Meridional (Argentina)

scholarly article by María Cecilia Pallo published in September 2015