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List of works by Gui-Qiang Chen

$L^1$--framework for continuous dependence and error estimates for quasilinear anisotropic degenerate parabolic equations


A fluid dynamic formulation of the isometric embedding problem in differential geometry

scientific article published in 2009

Asymptotic stability of Riemann waves for conservation laws

scholarly article by G.-Q. Chen et al published January 1997 in Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik


Compressible Euler Equations¶with General Pressure Law

scholarly article

Concentration and cavitation in the vanishing pressure limit of solutions to the Euler equations for nonisentropic fluids

Conditional gain is necessary and sufficient for the robust stabilization of nonlinear systems

Continuous Dependence of Entropy Solutions to the Euler Equations on the Adiabatic Exponent and Mach Number

Convergence of Second-Order Schemes for Isentropic Gas Dynamics


Convergence of difference schemes with high resolution for conservation laws


Decay of Entropy Solutions of Nonlinear Conservation Laws

Dependence of entropy solutions in the large for the Euler equations on nonlinear flux functions

Divergence-Measure Fields and Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

article published in 1999

Divergence-Measure Fields, Sets of Finite Perimeter, and Conservation Laws


Entropies and weak solutions of the compressible isentropic Euler equations

Entropy Solutions in L ? for the Euler Equations in Nonlinear Elastodynamics and Related Equations

Entropy flux-splittings for hyperbolic conservation laws part I: General framework

scholarly article by Gui-Qiang Chen & Philippe G. Lefloch published 1995 in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

Evolution of Discontinuity and Formation of Triple-Shock Pattern in Solutions to a Two-Dimensional Hyperbolic System of Conservation Laws

Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Measure-Valued Solutions for Degenerate Conservation Laws

Existence and Stability of Compressible Current-Vortex Sheets in Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics

article published in 2007

Existence and Stability of Multidimensional Transonic Flows through an Infinite Nozzle of Arbitrary Cross-Sections

Existence and Stability of Supersonic Euler Flows Past Lipschitz Wedges

Existence and continuous dependence of large solutions for the magnetohydrodynamic equations

scholarly article by Gui-Qiang Chen & Dehua Wang published 1 July 2003 in Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik

Extended Divergence-Measure Fields and the Euler Equations for Gas Dynamics


Fluids, Elasticity, Geometry, and the Existence of Wrinkled Solutions

Fluids, geometry, and the onset of Navier–Stokes turbulence in three space dimensions

Formation of $\delta$-Shocks and Vacuum States in the Vanishing Pressure Limit of Solutions to the Euler Equations for Isentropic Fluids

Formation of Singularities in Compressible Euler–Poisson Fluids with Heat Diffusion and Damping Relaxation

Free boundary problems in shock reflection/diffraction and related transonic flow problems

scientific article

Free boundary problems: the forefront of current and future developments.

scientific article


Gauss-Green theorem for weakly differentiable vector fields, sets of finite perimeter, and balance laws


Global Entropy Solutions and Newtonian Limit for the Relativistic Euler Equations

scientific article published in 2022

Global Solutions of Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics with Large Initial Data

Global Solutions to a Model for Exothermically Reacting, Compressible Flows with Large Discontinuous Initial Data

Global Solutions to the Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations for a Reacting Mixture

Global Steady Subsonic Flows through Infinitely Long Nozzles for the Full Euler Equations

Global Weak Rigidity of the Gauss–Codazzi–Ricci Equations and Isometric Immersions of Riemannian Manifolds with Lower Regularity

scientific article published on 18 August 2017

Global entropy solutions to exothermically reacting, compressible Euler equations

Global solutions of the compressible navier-stokes equations with larger discontinuous initial data

Hyperbolic conservation laws with discontinuous fluxes and hydrodynamic limit for particle systems

Hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff relaxation terms and entropy

scholarly article by Gui-Qiang Chen et al published June 1994 in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

Hyperbolic conservation laws with umbilic degeneracy, I

Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws with a symmetry

Initial Layers and Uniqueness of¶Weak Entropy Solutions to¶Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

Isometric Immersions and Compensated Compactness

Kolmogorov’s Theory of Turbulence and Inviscid Limit of the Navier-Stokes Equations in $${\mathbb {R}^3}$$

Large-Time Behavior of Entropy Solutions of Conservation Laws

Large-time behavior of periodic entropy solutions to anisotropic degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations

article published in 2009

Local uniqueness of steady spherical transonic shock-fronts for the three--dimensional full Euler equations

article published in 2013

Multidimensional transonic shocks and free boundary problems for nonlinear equations of mixed type

scholarly article

Nonlinear Stability of Relativistic Vortex Sheets in Three-Dimensional Minkowski Spacetime

On Nonlinear Stochastic Balance Laws

On Two-Dimensional Sonic-Subsonic Flow

On global discontinuous solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations

On the structure of solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws

On the theory of divergence-measure fields and its applications

On the zero-Rossby limit for the primitive equations of the atmosphere*

Potential theory for shock reflection by a large-angle wedge

scientific article

Regularity of solutions to regular shock reflection for potential flow


Relativistic Euler equations for isentropic fluids: Stability of Riemann solutions with large oscillation

scholarly article by Gui-Qiang Chen & Yachun Li published November 2004 in Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik


Shallow water equations: viscous solutions and inviscid limit

article by Gui-Qiang Chen & Mikhail Perepelitsa published 29 April 2012 in Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik

Solutions for a nonlocal conservation law with fading memory

Some recent methods for partial differential equations of divergence form

Spectral Viscosity Approximations to Multidimensional Scalar Conservation Laws

scholarly article by Gui-Qiang Chen et al published October 1993 in Mathematics of Computation

Stability of Compressible Vortex Sheets in Steady Supersonic Euler Flows over Lipschitz Walls

Stability of Entropy Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for a Class of Nonlinear Hyperbolic-Parabolic Equations

Stability of Nonlinear Feedback Systems: A New Small-Gain Theorem

Stability of Riemann solutions with large oscillation for the relativistic Euler equations

Stability of transonic characteristic discontinuities in two-dimensional steady compressible Euler flows

Stability of transonic shock-fronts in three-dimensional conical steady potential flow past a perturbed cone

Stability of transonic shocks in steady supersonic flow past multidimensional wedges

article published in 2017

Steady transonic shocks and free boundary problems in infinite cylinders for the Euler equations

scholarly article by Gui-Qiang Chen & Mikhail Feldman published 2003 in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

Structure of Riemann Solutions for 2-Dimensional Scalar Conservation Laws

The Vanishing Viscosity Method in One-Dimensional Thermoelasticity

scholarly article by Gui-Qiang Chen et al published February 1995 in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

The method of quasidecoupling for discontinuous solutions to conservation laws

Transonic nozzle flows and free boundary problems for the full Euler equations

Transonic shocks and free boundary problems for the full Euler equations in infinite nozzles

Uniqueness and Stability of Riemann Solutions¶with Large Oscillation in Gas Dynamics


Uniqueness of transonic shock solutions in a duct for steady potential flow

Validity of nonlinear geometric optics for entropy solutions of multidimensional scalar conservation laws

article published in 2006

Vanishing Viscosity Approach to the Compressible Euler Equations for Transonic Nozzle and Spherically Symmetric Flows

Vanishing Viscosity Method for Transonic Flow

Weak Continuity of the Cartan Structural System and Compensated Compactness on Semi-Riemannian Manifolds with Lower Regularity

scientific article published in 2021

Weakly Nonlinear Geometric Optics for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws

Well-posedness for non-isotropic degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations

Well-posedness for two-dimensional steady supersonic Euler flows past a Lipschitz wedge

article published in 2008

Zero relaxation and dissipation limits for hyperbolic conservation laws

scholarly article by Gui-Qiang Chen & Tai-Ping Liu published June 1993 in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics