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List of works by David S. Yantek

A control suite to reduce roof bolting machine drilling noise

conference proceedings item published in 2010

A noise control package for vibrating screens

journal article published in 2013

A test method for evaluating the thermal environment of underground coal mine refuge alternatives

journal article published in 2019

Acoustic testing facilities at the Office of Mine Safety and Health Research

journal article published in 2012

Analysis of a mechanism suspension to reduce noise from horizontal vibrating screens

journal article published in 2011

Analysis of heat loss mechanisms for mobile tent-type refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in 2016

Analysis of heat loss mechanisms for mobile tent-type refuge alternatives

journal article published in 2016

Analysis of heat loss mechanisms for mobile tent-type refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in February 2016

Application of a microphone phased array to identify noise sources on a horizontal vibrating screen

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Application of a microphone phased array to identify noise sources on a roof bolting machine

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Concerns with the environmental susceptibility of mine utility vehicle and rubber-tired mantrip lithium-ion batteries

conference proceedings item published in 2024

Considerations for blast survivability of built-in-place refuge alternative doors

conference proceedings item published in February 2019

Cooling systems for refuge alternatives in hot mine conditions

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Cryogenic air supply feasibility for a confined space: underground refuge alternative case study

journal article published in 2024

Cryogenic air supply for cooling built-in-place refuge alternatives in hot mine

journal article published in 2020

Cryogenic air supply for cooling built-in-place refuge alternatives in hot mines

conference proceedings item published in February 2019

Cryogenic air supply for cooling built-in-place refuge alternatives in hot mines

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Cryogenic air supply for cooling built-in-place refuge alternatives in hot mines

abstract published in 2020

Development and evaluation of a urethane jacketed tail roller for continuous mining machines

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Development of a test apparatus to determine optimal fan configurations for haul trucks and LHDs

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Development of a validated finite element model of a longwall cutting drum

conference proceedings item published in 2012

Development of elastomeric isolators to reduce roof bolting machine drilling noise

journal article published in 2011

Development of roof-bolting machine bit and chuck isolators for drilling noise reductions

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Effect of ventilation system configuration on purging of harmful gases in a built-in-place refuge alternative with a borehole air supply

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Effects of mine strata thermal behavior and mine initial temperatures on mobile refuge alternative temperature

journal article published in 2017

Effects of mine strata thermal behavior and mine initial temperatures on mobile refuge alternative temperature

journal article published in 2018

Effects of mine strata thermal behavior and mine initial temperatures on mobile refuge alternative temperature

journal article published in February 2018

Effects of the constant mine strata temperature assumption and initial mine air and strata temperatures on refuge alternative internal air temperature

conference proceedings item published in 2016

Effects of the constant mine strata temperature assumption and initial mine air and strata temperatures on refuge alternative internal air temperature

conference proceedings item published in February 2016

Estimated sound power radiated by surfaces on a continuous miner tail section using vibration measurements

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Estimating the performance of sound restoration hearing protectors by using the speech intelligibility index

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Evaluation of a cryogenic air supply as a breathable air source for a confined space

conference proceedings item published in 2022

Evaluation of a prototype local ventilation system to mitigate retail store worker exposure to airborne particles

journal article published in 2023

Evaluation of person-wearable methane monitors

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Evaluation of stiffeners for reducing noise from horizontal vibrating screens

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Evaluation of thermal displacement ventilation in contamination purging inside a 60-person built-in-place refuge alternative (BIP RA) in an underground coal mine

conference proceedings item published in 2020

Evaluations of a noise control for roof bolting machines

journal article published in 2012

Evaluations of noise controls for roof bolting machines used to drill 25-mm-diameter holes

conference proceedings item published in 2011

Examination of a newly developed mobile dry scrubber (DS) for coal mine dust control applications

conference proceedings item published in 2016

Examination of a newly developed mobile dry scrubber (DS) for coal mine dust control applications

journal article published in 2016

Examination of a newly developed mobile dry scrubber (DS) for coal mine dust control applications

conference proceedings item published in February 2016

Explosion testing of relief valves for underground refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Fresh air flow required to maintain safe carbon dioxide levels and provide a breathable air environment in a refuge alternative

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Heat mitigation for underground coal mine refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Heat mitigation for underground coal mine refuge alternatives using cryogenic air or borehole air supplies

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Heat/humidity tests of a built-in-place refuge alternative

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

Heat/humidity tests of a built-in-place refuge alternative

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Heat/humidity tests of a built-in-place refuge alternative using simulated miners

journal article published in 2019

Horizontal vibrating screen noise in coal preparation plants, dominant noise sources, and noise controls

conference proceedings item published in 2012

In-cab noise reduction on an air-rotary drill rig

journal article published in 2007

In-mine experimental investigation of temperature rise and development of a validated thermal simulation model of a mobile refuge alternative

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Interior thermal environment of a 6-person metal-type refuge alternative (RA)

conference proceedings item published in 2016

Investigating the relationship between mine air and strata temperature changes and the use of portable refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Investigating the relationship between mine air and strata temperature changes and the use of portable refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in February 2018

Investigation of temperature rise in mobile refuge alternatives

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2014

Laboratory evaluation of noise and airflow for haul truck fans

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Less sound underground: reducing roof bolting machine drilling noise

lay conference proceedings item published in 2010

Mathematical modeling for carbon dioxide level within confined spaces

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Mathematical modeling for carbon dioxide level within confined spaces

journal article published in 2023

Noise and vibration assessment of a roof bolting machine

journal article published in 2010

Noise and vibration reduction of a vibrating screen

journal article published in 2006

Noise and vibration reduction of a vibrating screen

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Noise control concepts for a longwall cutting drum

conference proceedings item published in 2014

Noise control in underground metal mining

NIOSH information circular published in 2009

Noise controls for vibrating screen mechanisms

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Noise controls for vibrating screen mechanisms

journal article published in 2012

Noise source identification on a horizontal vibrating screen

journal article published in 2009

Noise source identification on a stageloader system

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Noise survey of aggregate industry vibrating screens

conference proceedings item published in 2011

Numerical modeling of the effect of underground mine fires on ambient conditions of refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Occupancy derating for underground coal mine refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in 2023

Overview of NIOSH research on built-in-place refuge alternatives in underground coal mines

journal article published in 2016

Portable refuge alternatives temperature and humidity tests

journal article published in 2018

Portable refuge alternatives temperature and humidity tests

journal article published in 2019

Practical application of a partial cab to reduce the A-weighted sound level at the operator's station on surface drill rigs

journal article published in 2007

Practical application of a partial cab to reduce the a-weighted sound level at the operator's station on surface drill rigs

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Sound radiation analysis of a longwall cutting drum

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Sound radiation modeling and correlation of a longwall cutting drum

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Source path contribution analysis of an underground haul truck used in metal/non-metal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2012

Storage time and venting characteristics for cryogenic air supplies on cryocooler shutdown

conference proceedings item published in 2021

Structural vibration as a noise source on vibrating screens

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Temperature and humidity rise for 23-person tent-type mobile refuge alternative

conference proceedings item published in 2016

Temperature and humidity rise for 23-person tent-type mobile refuge alternative

conference proceedings item published in February 2016

Temperature and humidity tests for mobile refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

Temperature and humidity tests for mobile refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Temperature rise within a mobile refuge alternative - experimental investigation and model validation

journal article published in 2017

The effects of seasonal heat and humidity on mine strata temperatures in underground coal mines

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

The effects of seasonal heat and humidity on mine strata temperatures in underground coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2017

The evolution of drill bit and chuck isolators to reduce roof bolting machine drilling noise

conference proceedings item published in 2010

The evolution of drill bit and chuck isolators to reduce roof bolting machine drilling noise

journal article published in 2012

Underground evaluation of noise controls for LHDs and haul trucks used in underground metal/non-metal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2014

Underground mine air and strata temperature change due to the use of refuge alternatives

journal article published in 2020

Underground mine air and strata temperature change due to the use of refuge alternatives

abstract published in 2020

Underground mine refuge alternatives heat mitigation

journal article published in 2020

Validation of temperature and humidity thermal model of 23-person tent-type refuge alternative

journal article published in 2016