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List of works by Tetsuya Oda

A Comparison Study for Different Settings of Crossover and Mutation Rates Using WMN-GA Simulation System

A GA-based System for WMN and its Performance Evaluation for Different Scenarios

A Study of Using SmartBox to Embed Emotion Awareness through Stimulation into E-learning Environments

Analysis of WMN-GA Simulation Results: Optimization of Number of Mesh Routers Considering Exponential and Weibull Distributions of Mesh Clients

Effect of Population Size for Node Placement in WMNs Considering Giant Component and Number of Covered Users Parameters

Effects of Mutation and Crossover in Genetic Algorithms for Node Placement in WMNs Considering Giant Component Parameter

Effects of Mutation and Crossover in Genetic Algorithms for Node Placement in WMNs Considering Number of Covered Users Parameter

Effects of population size for location-aware node placement in WMNs: evaluation by a genetic algorithm--based approach

Evaluation of a MANET Testbed in Outdoor Bridge Environment Using BATMAN Routing Protocol

Experimental results from a MANET testbed in outdoor bridge environment considering BATMAN routing protocol

Genetic Algorithms for Node Placement in WMNs: Effect of Changes in Population Size and Number of Generations

Impact of Population Size and Number of Generations on the Performance of Dense WMNs

Investigation of Packet Loss in Mobile WSNs for AODV Protocol and Different Radio Models

Multimedia Transmissions over a MANET Testbed: Problems and Issues


Node Placement in WMNs and Visualization of Evolutionary Computation Process Using WMN-GA System

scholarly article published September 2012

Optimization of Number of Mesh Routers in WMNs Using WMN-SA System Considering Uniform Distribution for Different Number of Mesh Clients

Performance Analysis of WMNs Using Hill Climbing Algorithm Considering Different Iterations per Phase

Performance Analysis of WMNs Using Hill Climbing Algorithm Considering Normal and Uniform Distribution of Mesh Clients

Performance Analysis of WMNs Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Different Temperature Values

Performance Comparison of a WMN-SA System for Different Distributions of Mesh Clients

Performance Evaluation of WMN Using WMN-GA System for Different Mutation Operators

Performance Evaluation of WMN-GA Simulation System for Different Settings of Genetic Operators Considering Giant Component and Number of Covered Users

Performance Evaluation of WMN-GA System for Dense Networks Considering Different Distributions

Performance Evaluation of WMN-GA System for Low Densities of Clients and Different Settings of Population Size

Performance Evaluation of WMN-GA System for Node Placement in WMNs Considering Exponential and Weibull Distribution of Mesh Clients and Different Selection and Mutation Operators

Performance Evaluation of WMN-GA System for Node Placement in WMNs for Normal and Uniform Distributions of Mesh Clients Considering Different Grid Shapes

Performance Evaluation of WMN-GA for Wireless Mesh Networks Considering Mobile Mesh Clients

Performance Evaluation of WSNs for Different MAC Protocols Considering TwoRayGround Radio Model and AODV Routing Protocol

Performance evaluation for different settings of crossover and mutation rates considering number of covered users

Performance evaluation of WMN-GA system for different settings of population size and number of generations

Visualization of Evolutionary Computation Process for Node Placement in WMNs Considering Weibull and Exponential Distribution of Mesh Clients

scholarly article published September 2012

WMN–GA: a simulation system for WMNs and its evaluation considering selection operators