operetta by Paul Abraham
1927 song composed by Hilda Loewe with lyrics by Fritz Löhner-Beda
aria from the 1929 operetta "Das Land des Lächelns"; music by Franz Lehár, libretto by Fritz Löhner-Beda and Ludwig Herzer
1920 film directed by Jacob and Luise Fleck
opera by Franz Lehár
operetta (musikalische Komödie) by Franz Lehár
1937 operetta by Joseph Beer
original song composed by Artur Marcell Werau, lyrics by Fritz Löhner-Beda
1930 operetta by Franz Lehár
1928 film
1929 operetta by Franz Lehár, revised version of his 1923 operetta Die gelbe Jacke
song composed in 1938 by Fritz Löhner-Beda and Hermann Leopoldi when they were held in concentration camp Buchenwald
1935 film by Otto Kanturek
song based on "Rosa, wir fahren nach Lodz ", adapted by Leo Leandros and Klaus Munro
opera by Paul Abraham
translated version of the original song Dein ist mein ganzes Herz, adapted to English by Harry B. Smith
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