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List of works by Edwin C. M. van den Brink

A Comparative Study of the Egyptian Pottery from Tel Ma'ahaz, Stratum I

chapter published in 2001

A Late Bronze Age II clay coffin from Tel Shaddud in the Central Jezreel Valley, Israel: context and historical implications

A Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age I Progression at the Buchman South quarter in Modi’in – in the central piedmont (Shephela) of Israel

scholarly article by Edwin C. M. van den Brink published 2013 in Paleorient

A late predynastic/early dynastic settlement site in the northeastern Nile Delta, Egypt

article published in 1989

An Egyptian Presence at the End of the Late Early Bronze Age I at Tel Lod, Central Coastal Plain, Israel

chapter published in 2002

Appraising South Levantine-Egyptian interaction: Recent discoveries from Israel and Egypt

article published in 2008

Aspects of Radiocarbon Determinations and the Dating of the Transition from The Chalcolithic Period to Early Bronze Age I in the Southern Levant

Chalcolithic groundwater mining in the southern Levant: open, vertical shafts in the Late Chalcolithic central coastal plain settlement landscape of Israel

scientific article published on 2 September 2019

Continuity and Discontinuity in the Shephela (Israel) between the Late Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze I: The Modi’in “Deep Deposits” Ceramic assemblages as a case study

scholarly article by Valentine Roux et al published 2013 in Paleorient

Egyptian Elements and Influence on the Early Bronze Age I of the Southern Levant. Recent excavations, Research and Publications

Egyptian-Canaanite Interaction at Nahal Tillah, Israel (ca. 4500-3000 B. C. E.): An Interim Report on the 1994-1995 Excavations

scientific article published in August 1997

Late protodynastic-early first dynasty Egyptian finds in Late Early Bronze Age I Canaan: an update

article published in 1998

New Light on King Narmer and the Protodynastic Egyptian Presence in Canaan

New evidence for Egyptian connections during a late phase of Early Bronze Age I from the Soreq Basin in south-central Israel

chapter published in 2001

Pottery function and culinary practices of Yarmukian societies in the late 7th millennium cal. BC: First results

scientific article published in 2016

Some Comments on the Late EB I Sequence of Canaan and the Relative Dating of Tomb Uj at Umm el Gaʿab and Graves 313 and 787 from Minshat Abu Omar with Imported Ware: Views from Egypt and Canaan

article published in 1998

The 'En Besor cylinder seal impressions in retrospect

chapter published in 1995

The Pottery-Incised Serekh-Signs of Dynasties 0-1. Part II : Fragments and Additional Complete Vessels

article published in 2001

The incised serekh signs of Dynasties 0-1, part I: complete vessels

chapter published in 1996

The protodynastic I Egyptian presence in southern Canaan: a preliminary report on the 1994 excavations at Nahal Tillah, Israel

chapter published in 2001

Timber analysis and 14C dating of wooden Egyptian cylinder seals from the Israel Museum collection

article published in 1997