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List of works by Moain Sadeq

An Overview of Iron Age Gaza in Light of the Archaeological Evidence

chapter published in 2014

Antiquites de Gaza

magazine article published in 1999

Die mamlukische Architektur der Stadt Gaza

Egyptian ‘Funerary Cones’ from El-Moghraqa, Gaza

Excavation at the Blakhiya Byzantine cemetery in Gaza, 1996

article published in 2010

Fouilles de Blakhiyah-Anthédon

chapter published in 2000

Gaza Research Project. Report on the 1999 and 2000 Seasons at al-Moghraqa

Gaza Research Project: 1998 Survey of the Old City of Gaza

Gaza et l’Égypte de l’époque prédynastique à l’Ancien Empire: Premiers résultats des fouilles de Tell es-Sakan

article published in 2001

Late Bronze Age Gaza: prestige production at el-Moghraqa

Les fouilles de Tell es-Sakan (Gaza) : nouvelles données sur les contacts égypto-cananéens aux IVe-IIIe millénaires

scientific article published in 2001

Pottery from Halat Aobeer and Hazem Al-Jasrah, Qatar

Sakan, Tell es-

encyclopedia article published in 2008

Society in Qatar before the Oil Industry in Light of Archaeological Evidence

scientific article published on 18 April 2018

Tell el-ʿAjjul 1999. A Joint Palestinian Swedish Field Project: First Season Preliminary Report

article published in 2000

Tell el-ʿAjjul 2000: second season preliminary report

article published in 2002

Tell es-Sakan

chapter published in 2000

Tell es-Sakan 2000

article published in 2000

Tell es-Sakan, un site du Bronze ancien découvert dans la région de Gaza (information)

scientific article published in 2000

The frontier of Egypt in the Early Bronze Age: preliminary soundings at Tell es-Sakan (Gaza Strip)

chapter published in 2005

Travaux archéologiques à Tell Sakan (Bande de Gaza) en 1999

article published in 2000

Unpublished Mamluk Blazons and Mottos on Glazed pottery at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada

Urban History of South-Western Palestine during the Bronze Age: A Historical and Archaeological Study in the View of Gaza Region

article published in 2012

Urban development in South-Western Palestine and its implications: a historical and archaeological study in the view of Gaza Region