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List of works by Vincent Favier

Comparison as a mode of knowledge production in academic contexts: interpreting history through the lens of religious narratives

presentation in a workshop

Journées de commémoration du mouvement historique du 9 février 1990

Remoboko blog post

La chorale universitaire de Niamey

Remoboko blog post

L’accueil des nouveaux bacheliers. Les étudiants découvrent l’environnement académique

presentation in a workshop

L’association chrétienne “Campus Pour Christ” accueille les nouveaux bacheliers

Remoboko blog post

Mobiliser l'Histoire dans le contexte académique nigérien : le prisme des récits religieux

book section published in 2023

Muslim associations from secondary to higher education in Niger: shaping good Muslims, producing new citizens

On the Tarmac, Waiting for Take-off

Remoboko blog post

Preachers & Teachers: (filming) social performance, orders and disorders between Salafi, Pentecostal students and teachers on the university campuses of Niamey, Niger, and Ibadan, Nigeria

presentation in a workshop

Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa: Trends and Experiences

Religiosität, Wissen und Performance. Forschen und filmen auf einem Universitätscampus in Niamey, Niger

Sunday Dancing Club at MFM

Remoboko blog post

Teaching and Preaching: Religiosity, Knowledge, and Performance at the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niger

The Association des Étudiants Musulmans du Niger (AEMN): Shaping Good Muslims, Producing a Muslim Elite. Islamic Activism in the Educational Landscape in Niger

journal article from 'Journal of Education in Muslim Societies' published in 2022

The Rhetoric of Morality in Niger: Discussing Islam and Politics in Philosophy Seminars at the Université Abdou Moumouni

presentation in a conference

The innocent spy who came in from the cold: Fieldwork in the Sahel and self-reflexivity

Three Questions to Vincent Favier

Remoboko blog post

“Allah liberates people from fire at each fast-breaking, each night”: Ramadan at the Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey

Remoboko blog post

“Praise the Lord!”: Bible Study at the University of Ibadan

Remoboko blog post