journal article from 'Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines' published in 2007
journal article from 'Journal of Religion in Africa' published in 2012
journal article from 'Cahiers d'études africaines' published in 2009
encyclopedia article published in 2009
journal article from 'Cultural Anthropology' published in 2012
journal article from 'Afrique contemporaine' published in 2014
journal article from 'Politique africaine' published in 2011
journal article from 'Afrique contemporaine' published in 2017
encyclopedia article published in 2014
journal article from 'Paideuma' published in 2000
encyclopedia article published in 2014
journal article from 'Afrique contemporaine' published in 2019
encyclopedia article published in 2019
journal article from 'Journal des anthropologues' published in 2011
encyclopedia article published in 2018
journal article from 'Histoire, monde et cultures religieuses' published in 2015
journal article from 'Afrique contemporaine' published in 2017
book section published in 2005
encyclopedia article published in 2013
book section published in 2014
book published in 2015
journal article from 'Africa' published in 2016
book section published in 2012
book published in 2006
journal article from 'Observatoire international du religieux, CERI-GSRL, Bulletin' published in 2017
journal article from 'Débats. Courrier d’Afrique de l’Ouest' published in 2007
thesis published in 2001
book section published in 2000
journal article from 'Les Cahiers d'Outre-Mer' published in 2016
journal article from 'Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara' published in 1998
book section published in 1999
journal article from 'Afrique contemporaine' published in 2018
journal article from 'Islamic Africa' published in 2014
journal article from 'Cahiers d'études africaines' published in 2010
report published in 2018
journal article from 'Afrique contemporaine' published in 2017
book section published in 2006
journal article from 'Autrepart' published in 2000
book section published in 2003
journal article from 'L'Archicube' published in 2017
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