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List of works by Richard Vaughan Nicholls

(B. M.) Holden The metopes of the temple of Athena at Ilion. (Edwin C. Land prize essay.) Northampton, Mass.: Smith College. 1964. Pp. xiv + 43. 31 plates. $2.00

(D.) Arnold Die Polykletnachfolge: Untersuchungen zur Kunst von Argos und Sikyon zwischen Polyklet und Lysipp. (Jahrbuch des D. A. I., Ergänzungsheft 25.) Berlin: W. de Gruyter. 1969. Pp. xii + 293. 33 plates. 40 figures. DM 36.–

(G. M. A.) Hanfmann A short guide to the excavations at Sardis. Cambridge, Mass.: the Author. 1962. Pp. 15. 1 plan. 11 text figures. Printed for private circulation on behalf of the Supporters of Sardis

article by R. V. Nicholls et al published November 1966 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

(H.) Hoffmann Attic red-figured rhyta. Mainz: P. von Zabern. 1962. Pp. viii + 56. 24 plates. DM 49.80

(K.) Schefold Meisterwerke griechischer Kunst. 2nd ed. [Exhibition catalogue.] Basle: B. Schwabe. 1960. Pp. xii + 320. 743 illus. 28

(M.) Bieber Alexander the Great in Greek and Roman art. Chicago: Argonaut. 1964. Pp. 98. 63 plates. $7.50

(W.-D.) Heilmeyer Frühe olympische Tonfiguren. (Olympische Forschungen, 7.) Berlin: W. de Gruyter. 1972. Pp. viii + 138. 16 text figs. 40 plates. DM 78

A Euboean Centaur

Corinth. Vol. XV, part 2. The Potters' Quarter: the Terracottas. By A. N. Stillwell. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1952. Pp. xi + 300, with 59 plates, 1 folding plan and 8 text figures. $15

Greek Terracottas. By R. A. Higgins. 11 × 8½. Pp. liv + 169 + 68 pls. (4 in colour) + 30 figs. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1967. £7.7s.

I. A Roman Couch in Cambridge

scientific article published in 1979


More Bone Couches

Type, Group and Series: A Reconsideration of Some Coroplastic Fundamentals