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List of works by Larry R. Squire

A demonstration that the hippocampus supports both recollection and familiarity

scientific article

A neuropsychological study of fact memory and source amnesia

scientific article

A novel approach to an old problem: analysis of systematic errors in two models of recognition memory

scientific article

A pencil rescues impaired performance on a visual discrimination task in patients with medial temporal lobe lesions

scientific article published on 15 October 2013

Acquisition of differential delay eyeblink classical conditioning is independent of awareness

scientific article published on February 2005

Activity in both hippocampus and perirhinal cortex predicts the memory strength of subsequently remembered information.

scientific article published on August 2008

Activity in the medial temporal lobe predicts memory strength, whereas activity in the prefrontal cortex predicts recollection

scientific article published on October 2008

An animal model of recognition memory and medial temporal lobe amnesia: history and current issues

scientific article published on 7 February 2010

Anterograde amnesia and temporally graded retrograde amnesia for a nonspatial memory task after lesions of hippocampus and subiculum.

scientific article published in June 2002

Artificial grammar learning depends on implicit acquisition of both abstract and exemplar-specific information

scientific article published in January 1996

Autobiographical memory, future imagining, and the medial temporal lobe

scientific article

Awareness of what is learned as a characteristic of hippocampus-dependent memory

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Characterizing amnesic patients for neurobehavioral study

scientific article published in December 1986

Classical conditioning, awareness, and brain systems

scientific article published in December 2002

Coding of episodic memory in the human hippocampus

scientific article published on 16 January 2018

Cognitive Neuroscience and the Study of Memory

scientific article published on March 1, 1998

Cognitive impairment following frontal lobe damage and its relevance to human amnesia

scientific article published in June 1989

Cognitive neuroscience

Comparison of explicit and incidental learning strategies in memory-impaired patients

scientific article published on 23 December 2013

Confusion abounds about confounds: response to Diana and Ranganath

scientific article published on 19 July 2011

Conscious and unconscious memory systems

scientific article

Constructing receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) with experimental animals: cautionary notes

scientific article published on 26 August 2008

Contrasting effects on path integration after hippocampal damage in humans and rats

scientific article published on February 12, 2013

Corrigendum: The beneficial effect of prior experience on the acquisition of spatial memory in rats with CA1, but not large hippocampal lesions: a possible role for schema formation.

scientific article

Dentate gyrus-specific knockdown of adult neurogenesis impairs spatial and object recognition memory in adult rats

scientific article published on 29 January 2009

Detailed recollection of remote autobiographical memory after damage to the medial temporal lobe

scholarly article

Different nonlinear functions in hippocampus and perirhinal cortex relating functional MRI activity to memory strength.

scientific article

Distinct roles of hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex in spatial and nonspatial memory

scientific article published on 31 August 2016

Experience-dependent eye movements reflect hippocampus-dependent (aware) memory

scientific article

Experience-dependent eye movements, awareness, and hippocampus-dependent memory

scientific article published on November 2006

Eye movements support the link between conscious memory and medial temporal lobe function

scientific article published on 29 June 2018

Failure to acquire new semantic knowledge in patients with large medial temporal lobe lesions

scientific article published on January 2005

Form-specific visual priming in the right cerebral hemisphere

scientific article published on May 1, 1992

Hippocampal area CA1 and remote memory in rats

scientific article published on 16 October 2017

Hippocampal damage equally impairs memory for single items and memory for conjunctions

scientific article published on January 1, 2003

Hippocampal damage impairs recognition memory broadly, affecting both parameters in two prominent models of memory

scientific article published on April 2013

Hippocampus and remote spatial memory in rats

scientific article

Hippocampus, perirhinal cortex, and complex visual discriminations in rats and humans

scientific article

Impaired capacity for familiarity after hippocampal damage

scientific article

Impaired odor recognition memory in patients with hippocampal lesions.

scientific article

Impaired priming of new associations in amnesia.

scientific article

Impaired remote spatial memory after hippocampal lesions despite extensive training beginning early in life

scientific article published on January 2005

Impaired visual and odor recognition memory span in patients with hippocampal lesions.

scientific article

Implicit learning of color-word associations using a Stroop paradigm

scientific article

In search of recollection and familiarity signals in the hippocampus

scientific article

Independence of recognition memory and priming effects: a neuropsychological analysis

scientific article published on January 1985

Intact Performance on Feature-Ambiguous Discriminations in Rats with Lesions of the Perirhinal Cortex

scientific article published on April 14, 2011

Intact text-specific reading skill in amnesia

scientific article

Intact visual discrimination of complex and feature-ambiguous stimuli in the absence of perirhinal cortex

scientific article

Intact visual perception in memory-impaired patients with medial temporal lobe lesions

scientific article

Intact working memory for relational information after medial temporal lobe damage

scientific article


Item memory, source memory, and the medial temporal lobe: concordant findings from fMRI and memory-impaired patients

scholarly article

Lack of evidence for a role of medial temporal lobe structures in visual perception

scientific article published on March 2006

Learning and remembering real-world events after medial temporal lobe damage

scientific article

Long-term memory in amnesia: cued recall, recognition memory, and confidence ratings

scientific article published on October 1988

Losing memories overnight: a unique form of human amnesia

scientific article

Map reading, navigating from maps, and the medial temporal lobe

scientific article

Measuring recollection and familiarity in the medial temporal lobe

scientific article

Medial Temporal Lobe Activity during Retrieval of Semantic Memory Is Related to the Age of the Memory

scientific article (publication date: 28 January 2009)

Medial Temporal Lobe Function and Recognition Memory: A Novel Approach to Separating the Contribution of Recollection and Familiarity

scientific article published on November 2, 2011

Medial entorhinal cortex lesions only partially disrupt hippocampal place cells and hippocampus-dependent place memory.

scientific article

Medial temporal lobe activity can distinguish between old and new stimuli independently of overt behavioral choice

scientific article published on 17 August 2009

Medial temporal lobe amnesia: Gradual acquisition of factual information by nondeclarative memory

scientific article

Medial temporal lobe and topographical memory

scientific article

Memory and metamemory: a study of the feeling-of-knowing phenomenon in amnesic patients

scientific article

Memory consolidation

scientific article published on 03 August 2015

Memory for relations in the short term and the long term after medial temporal lobe damage.

scientific article published on 11 February 2017

Memory for the temporal order of events in patients with frontal lobe lesions and amnesic patients

scientific article published in January 1990

Memory, Visual Discrimination Performance, and the Human Hippocampus

scientific article published on February 16, 2011

Memory, scene construction, and the human hippocampus

scientific article

Neural basis of the cognitive map: path integration does not require hippocampus or entorhinal cortex

scientific article

Neuropsychological and neuropathological observations of a long-studied case of memory impairment

scientific article published on 09 November 2020

Neuroscience: breaking down scientific barriers to the study of brain and mind

scientific article published in November 2000

Normal acquisition of novel verbal information in amnesia

scientific article published on November 1, 1991

Object recognition memory and the rodent hippocampus

scientific article

On the relationship between recall and recognition memory

scientific article published in July 1992

Paired-associate learning and priming effects in amnesia: A neuropsychological study

scientific article published on December 1, 1984

Part 15. Memory systems

Perceptual thresholds and priming in amnesia

Preserved capacity for learning statistical regularities and directing selective attention after hippocampal lesions

scientific article published on 06 September 2019

Preserved capacity for scene construction and shifts in perspective after hippocampal lesions

scientific article published on 16 July 2018

Priming across modalities and priming across category levels: extending the domain of preserved function in amnesia

scientific article published on April 1985

Quantifying medial temporal lobe damage in memory-impaired patients

scientific article published on January 2005

Rats depend on habit memory for discrimination learning and retention

scientific article published on 8 March 2007

Recall and recognition are equally impaired in patients with selective hippocampal damage

scientific article published in March 2004

Recognition memory and the hippocampus: A test of the hippocampal contribution to recollection and familiarity

scientific article

Recognition memory and the human hippocampus

scientific article published in January 2003

Recognition memory and the medial temporal lobe: a new perspective

scientific article

Recognition memory for single items and for associations is similarly impaired following damage to the hippocampal region

scientific article published on September 2002

Recognition without awareness: an elusive phenomenon.

scientific article

Remembering and knowing: Two different expressions of declarative memory

scientific article published on May 1, 1995

Reversible hippocampal lesions disrupt water maze performance during both recent and remote memory tests

scientific article

Robust habit learning in the absence of awareness and independent of the medial temporal lobe

scientific article published on July 2005

Role of the hippocampus in remembering the past and imagining the future

scientific article

Semantic Memory and the Human Hippocampus

scientific article published on April 10, 2003

Similarity in form and function of the hippocampus in rodents, monkeys, and humans

scientific article published on June 10, 2013

Single-item memory, associative memory, and the human hippocampus

scientific article

Source memory impairment in patients with frontal lobe lesions

scientific article

Spared Perception of the Structure of Scenes after Hippocampal Damage

scientific article published on 28 May 2019

Spared perception of object geometry and object components after hippocampal damage

Sparing of spatial mental imagery in patients with hippocampal lesions

scientific article published on 17 October 2013

Sparse and distributed coding of episodic memory in neurons of the human hippocampus

scientific article

Spatial memory and the human hippocampus

scholarly article

Spatial memory, recognition memory, and the hippocampus

scholarly article

Spiking activity in the human hippocampus prior to encoding predicts subsequent memory

scientific article published on 01 June 2020

Standard delay eyeblink classical conditioning is independent of awareness

scientific article

Strength and duration of priming effects in normal subjects and amnesic patients

scientific article published on January 1987

Successful Recollection of Remote Autobiographical Memories by Amnesic Patients with Medial Temporal Lobe Lesions

scientific article published on April 10, 2003

Sustained dorsal hippocampal activity is not obligatory for either the maintenance or retrieval of long-term spatial memory

scientific article

The anatomy of amnesia: neurohistological analysis of three new cases

scientific article published on 13 November 2006

The beneficial effect of prior experience on the acquisition of spatial memory in rats with CA1, but not large hippocampal lesions: a possible role for schema formation

scientific article published on 15 February 2018

The cognitive neuroscience of human memory since H.M.

scientific article

The familiarity/recollection distinction does not illuminate medial temporal lobe function: response to Montaldi and Mayes

scientific article published on 18 July 2011

The fate of old memories after medial temporal lobe damage

scientific article published on December 2006

The hippocampus and spatial memory: findings with a novel modification of the water maze

scientific article

The hippocampus supports both recollection and familiarity when memories are strong

scientific article published on November 2011

The hippocampus supports both the recollection and the familiarity components of recognition memory

scientific article

The importance of awareness for eyeblink conditioning is conditional: theoretical comment on Bellebaum and Daum (2004).

scientific article published in December 2004

The information acquired during artificial grammar learning

scientific article

The information that amnesic patients do not forget

scientific article

The medial temporal lobe and the attributes of memory

scientific article published on 12 April 2011

The nature of anterograde and retrograde memory impairment after damage to the medial temporal lobe

scientific article published on 14 September 2013

The nature of recollection across months and years and after medial temporal lobe damage

scientific article published on 21 February 2019

The neuroanatomy of remote memory

scientific article published on June 2005

The role of the hippocampus in retaining relational information across short delays: The importance of memory load

scientific article published on April 18, 2011

The role of the human hippocampus in familiarity-based and recollection-based recognition memory

scientific article

True and false memories, parietal cortex, and confidence judgments

scientific article published on 15 October 2015

Visual discrimination performance, memory, and medial temporal lobe function

scientific article published on July 23, 2012

Visual working memory capacity and the medial temporal lobe

scientific article

When eye movements express memory for old and new scenes in the absence of awareness and independent of hippocampus.

scientific article published on 17 January 2017

When recognition memory is independent of hippocampal function

scientific article

Working memory and the organization of brain systems

scientific article published on April 2008

Working memory, long-term memory, and medial temporal lobe function

scientific article published on December 16, 2011