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List of works by Christopher Brian Mee

(H.) Whittaker Mycenaean Cult Buildings: A Study of their Architecture and Function in the Context of the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean. (Monographs of the Norwegian Institute at Athens 1.) Bergen, 1997. Pp. x + 338. Sw.Kr. 250. 8291626030

(M.) Benzi Rodi e la civiltà micenea. Rome: Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, 1992. 2 vols. Pp. xxiii + 482; 186 (plates). PNS

Aegean Trade and Settlement in Anatolia in the Second Millennium B.C

article by Christopher Mee published December 1978 in Anatolian Studies

Art and Archaeology (L.) Marangou, (C.) Renfrew, (C.) Doumas and (G.) Gavalas Markiani, Amorgos. An Early Bronze Age Fortified Settlement. (British School at Athens Supplementary Volume 40). London: British School at Athens, 2006. Pp. xvi + 296, illu

scholarly article by Christopher Mee published in November 2008

Buoyant at the crossroads of Aegean and Greek archaeology

scholarly article by Christopher Mee published in March 2002

Excavations at Kouphovouno, Laconia: Results from the 2001 and 2002 Seasons

article by W. Cavanagh et al published November 2007 in Annual of the British School at Athens


encyclopedia article

Lucia Nixon & Simon Price The Sphakia Survey (Crete). 50-minute video. 1995. Oxford: Educational Technology Resources Centre Television Service

Orchomenos. 5. Mycenaean pottery from Orchomenos, Eutresis and other Boeotian sites. By P. A. Mountjoy. (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Abhandlungen, n.F. 89.) Munich: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

P.A. Mountjoy. Mycenaean decorated pottery: a guide to identification. Göteborg: Paul Åströms Förlag, 1986. 238 pages, 283 figures, 4 tables. Paperback


encyclopedia article

Spectrographic Analyses of Mycenaean Pottery from Ialysos on Rhodes: Results and Implications

The Islands of Karpathos, Saros and Kasos in the Neolithic and Bronze Age. By E. M. Melas. (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, 68.) 30.5 × 22.5 cm. Pp. 337, 140 pls. Göteborg: Paul Åströms Förlag, 1985. ISBN 91-86098-23-3. Price not stated

scholarly article by C. Mee published in March 1987

The Middle-Late Neolithic Transition at Kouphovouno

The Spatial Distribution of Mycenaean Tombs

The re-use of earlier Tombs in the LH IIIC period

‘Sparta before Sparta’: report on the intensive survey at Kouphovouno 1999–2000