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List of works by William G. Cavanagh

(G.) Hiesel Späthelladische Hausarchitektur: Studien zur Architekturgeschichte des griechischen Festlandes in der späten Bronzezeit. Mainz: von Zabern, 1990. Pp. ix + 269. DM 135

(M. J.) Alden Bronze Age population fluctuations in the Argolid from the evidence of Mycenaean tombs. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, pocket-book, 15.) Göteborg: Åström. 1981. Pp. [xiv] + 436, [8] plates, [1] map. 160


(M.A.) Pantelidou Αί προïστορικαὶ Ἀθῆναι. [With Eng. summary.] Athens: [The Author]. 1975. Pp. 276, 79 plates, 16 text figs. Price not stated. [Available through Wasmuth, Tübingen.]

A! virgo infelix, tu nunc in montibus errasThomas F. Tartaron. Bronze Age Landscape and Society in Southern Epirus, Greece (British Archaeological Reports International Series 1290). vi+240 pages, 121 figures, 29 tables. 2004. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1

scholarly article by W.G. Cavanagh published in June 2006

An Investigation into the Construction of Sardinian Nuraghi

An integrated stable isotope study of plants and animals from Kouphovouno, southern Greece: a new look at Neolithic farming


Athens. The Athenian agora. Results of excavations conducted by the American school of classical studies at Athens, xiii. The neolithic and bronze ages. By S. A. Immerwahr. Princeton: The American school of classical studies. 1971. Pp. xx + 286. 93 p

article by W. Cavanagh published November 1975 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Crossing the river: observations on routes and bridges in Laconia from the Archaic to Byzantine periods

Economics of Religion in the Mycenaean World: Resources Dedicated to Religion in the Mycenaean Palace Economy, by Lisa Maria Bendell, 2007. (Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph 67.) Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology; ISBN-

scientific article published in February 2009

Eleusis. Τὸ δυτικὸν νεκροταφεῖον τῆς Ἐλευσῖνος. By G. E. Mylonas. 3 vols. (Βιβλ. τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις ἀρχαιολ. Ἑταρείας, 81.) Athens: Athenian Archaeological Society. 1975. Pp. [vii

scholarly article by W. Cavanagh published in November 1977

Excavations at Kouphovouno, Laconia: Results from the 2001 and 2002 Seasons

article by W. Cavanagh et al published November 2007 in Annual of the British School at Athens

K. I. Gallis: Kafseis Nekron apo ti Neolithiki sti Thessalia. Athens: Tameion Archaiologikon Poron kai Appallotrioseon, 1982. 256 pp., 32 pls., 17 figs

Kerameikos. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen. vii. (K.) Kübler Die Nekropole der Mitte des 6. bis Ende des 5. Jahrhunderts. 1. Teil. Text and plates. Berlin: De Gruyter. 1976. Pp. xi + 244, 114 text figs., 74 plates, 63 plans. DM 350 (for 2 vols)

Lead Figurines from the Menelaion and Seriation

Soil Phosphate, Site Boundaries, and Change Point Analysis

scientific article published in January 1988

The Middle-Late Neolithic Transition at Kouphovouno

The Spatial Distribution of Mycenaean Tombs

The interpretation of noisy data from archaeological field survey: Phosphate analysis

scientific article

The re-use of earlier Tombs in the LH IIIC period

Tholos tomb

encyclopedia article

‘Sparta before Sparta’: report on the intensive survey at Kouphovouno 1999–2000