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List of works by Peter Leinweber

A modified method for measuring saturated hydraulic conductivity and anisotropy of fen peat samples

scientific article published in 2008

A new rapid micro-method for the molecular-chemical characterization of rhizodeposits by field-ionization mass spectrometry

scientific article


scientific article published on 01 February 2009

Advances in Understanding Organic Nitrogen Chemistry in Soils Using State-of-the-art Analytical Techniques

Algal richness in BSCs in forests under different management intensity with some implications for P cycling

scientific article published in 2018

Bacterial potentials for uptake, solubilization and mineralization of extracellular phosphorus in agricultural soils are highly stable under different fertilization regimes

scientific article published on 06 May 2018

Biodiversity of Algae and Cyanobacteria in Biological Soil Crusts Collected Along a Climatic Gradient in Chile Using an Integrative Approach

scientific article published on 14 July 2020

Biological Soil Crusts from Coastal Dunes at the Baltic Sea: Cyanobacterial and Algal Biodiversity and Related Soil Properties

scientific article published on 27 October 2015

Biological soil crusts along a climatic gradient in Chile: Richness and imprints of phototrophic microorganisms in phosphorus biogeochemical cycling

scientific article published in 2018

Biological soil crusts as key player in biogeochemical P cycling during pedogenesis of sandy substrate

scientific article published in 2019

Bone Char: A Clean and Renewable Phosphorus Fertilizer with Cadmium Immobilization Capability

scientific article published on March 1, 2013

Bone char vs. S-enriched bone char: Multi-method characterization of bone chars and their transformation in soil

scientific article published on 21 June 2018

Characterization of different decomposition stages of biowaste using FT-IR spectroscopy and pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry

scientific article published on 01 February 2005

Chemical composition of soil organic matter and potential enzyme activity in the topsoil along a moisture gradient in the High Arctic (Svalbard)

scientific article published in 2020

Chemistry and microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera


Clay fraction properties and grassland management imprint on soil organic matter composition and stability at molecular level

scientific article published in 2022

Composition of organic matter in particle size fractionated pig slurry

scientific article published on 14 July 2009

Composition of organic matter in sandy relict and cultivated heathlands as examined by pyrolysis-field ionization MS

scientific article published in 2008

Controlled experimental soil organic matter modification for study of organic pollutant interactions in soil

scientific article published on November 6, 2012

Corrigendum to “Rapid assessment of soil organic matter: Soil color analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy” [Geoderma 278 (2016) 49–57]

scientific article published in September 2017

Cropping of Miscanthus in Central Europe: biomass production and influence on nutrients and soil organic matter


Decontamination Activity of Ryegrass Exudates Towards Bisphenol A in the Absence and Presence of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter

scientific article published on 01 January 2015

Density, metabolic activity, and identity of cultivable rhizosphere bacteria on Salix viminalis in disturbed arable and landfill soils

scientific article published on 15 April 2010

Desert breath-How fog promotes a novel type of soil biocenosis, forming the coastal Atacama Desert's living skin

scientific article published on 13 November 2019

Dissolved organic matter concentration, molecular composition, and functional groups in contrasting management practices of peatlands

Distribution of sulfamethazine, chlortetracycline and tylosin in manure and soil of Canadian feedlots after subtherapeutic use in cattle.

scientific article published on 28 April 2008

Effects of elm bark extracts from Ulmus laevis on human chorion carcinoma cell lines

scientific article published on January 12, 2011

Effects of potentially inhibiting substances on C and net N mineralization of a sandy soil-a case study

Effects of pretreatment on sequentially-extracted phosphorus fractions from peat soils

scientific article published in 2002

Evaluation of agro-industrial by-products as nutrient source for plant growth

Fast and sensitive in vivo studies under controlled environmental conditions to substitute long-term field trials with genetically modified plants

scientific article published on 20 December 2016

From Understanding to Sustainable Use of Peatlands: The WETSCAPES Approach

scientific article published on 12 March 2020

From Understanding to Sustainable Use of Peatlands: The WETSCAPES Approach

From Understanding to Sustainable Use of Peatlands: The WETSCAPES Approach

Glomalin-related soil protein contains non-mycorrhizal-related heat-stable proteins, lipids and humic materials

Glyphosate binding in soil as revealed by sorption experiments and quantum-chemical modeling.

scientific article

Greenhouse and field cultivations of antigen-expressing potatoes focusing on the variability in plant constituents and antigen expression

scientific article published on April 5, 2011

Handling the phosphorus paradox in agriculture and natural ecosystems: Scarcity, necessity, and burden of P.

scientific article published on 20 November 2017

Heavy-metal mobilization and uptake by mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal willows (Salix × dasyclados)

scientific article published in August 2006

How relevant is recalcitrance for the stabilization of organic matter in soils?


How soil organic matter composition controls hexachlorobenzene-soil-interactions: adsorption isotherms and quantum chemical modeling.

scientific article

Human activity formed deep, dark topsoils around the Baltic Sea

scientific article published in 2017

Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass residues: mass spectrometric characterization for ecological effects in the soil-plant system

scientific article published in January 2013


scientific article published in September 2008

Identifying potential antioxidant compounds in NaOH extracts of UK soils and vegetation by untargeted mass spectrometric screening

Implications of Free and Occluded Fine Colloids for Organic Matter Preservation in Arable Soils

scientific article published in 2022

Influence of Sample Pretreatment on P Speciation in Sediments Evaluated with Sequential Fractionation and P <i>K</i>-edge XANES Spectroscopy

scientific article published in 2022

Influence of metal ions on glyphosate detection by FMOC-Cl

scientific article published on 26 March 2019

Influence of the mineral matrix on the formation and molecular composition of soil organic matter in a long-term, agricultural experiment

scientific article published in 1993

Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization of Phosphate Binding at the Goethite-Water Interface

scientific article published on 23 November 2018

Infrared spectroscopic characterization of phosphate binding at the goethite-water interface

scientific article published on 01 February 2019

Inhibitory effects of bark extracts from Ulmus laevis on endometrial carcinoma: an in-vitro study

scientific article published on April 2009

Innovative methods in soil phosphorus research: A review

scientific article

Interaction of polar and nonpolar organic pollutants with soil organic matter: sorption experiments and molecular dynamics simulation.

scientific article

Interactive and Single Effects of Ectomycorrhiza Formation and Bacillus cereus on Metallothionein MT1 Expression and Phytoextraction of Cd and Zn by Willows

scientific article published on 18 August 2011

Leaching and degradation of 13C2-15N-glyphosate in field lysimeters

scientific article published on 21 January 2020

Lichens Bite the Dust - A Bioweathering Scenario in the Atacama Desert

scientific article published on 07 October 2020

Medium-energy microprobe station at the SXRMB of the CLS

scientific article published on 01 January 2017

Molecular level investigation of the role of peptide interactions in the glyphosate analytics

scientific article published on 27 December 2017

Molecular level investigation of the role of peptide interactions in the glyphosate analytics

Molecular level picture of the interplay between pH and phosphate binding at the goethite-water interface

scientific article published on 13 November 2020

Mycorrhizal community structure, microbial biomass P and phosphatase activities under Salix polaris as influenced by nutrient availability

scientific article published in March 2009

New evidence for the molecular-chemical diversity of potato plant rhizodeposits obtained by pyrolysis-field Ionisation mass spectrometry

scientific article

Nitrogen K-edge XANES - an overview of reference compounds used to identify unknown organic nitrogen in environmental samples.

scientific article

Organic compounds in re-circulated leachates of aerobic biological treated municipal solid waste

scientific article

Organo-mineral associations in temperate soils: Integrating biology, mineralogy, and organic matter chemistry

scholarly article by Ingrid Kögel-Knabner et al published February 2008 in Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science

Origin and alteration of organic matter in termite mounds from different feeding guilds of the Amazon rainforests

scientific article

Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile


Phosphorus L(2,3)-edge XANES: overview of reference compounds

scientific article

Phosphorus Speciation in Long-Term Drained and Rewetted Peatlands of Northern Germany

Phosphorus in sequentially extracted fen peat soils: A K‐edge X‐ray absorption near‐edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy study

scientific article published in 2008

Phosphorus speciation in agro-industrial byproducts: sequential fractionation, solution (31)P NMR, and P K- and L(2,3)-edge XANES spectroscopy.

scientific article published in March 2010

Phosphorus speciation in sequentially extracted agro-industrial by-products: evidence from X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy

scientific article published on November 2010

Phosphorus transformations in plant-based and bio-waste materials induced by pyrolysis

scientific article published on 20 November 2017

Plaggen Soils: landscape history, properties, and classification

Plant available phosphorus in soil as predictor for the leaching potential: Insights from long-term lysimeter studies

scientific article published on 20 November 2017

Pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry and nitrogen K-edge XANES spectroscopy applied to bulk soil leachates--a case study.

scientific article

Pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry of rhizodeposits - a new approach to identify potential effects of genetically modified plants on soil organisms

scientific article published in January 2006

Qualitative assessment of rhizodeposits in non-sterile soil by analytical pyrolysis

Rapid assessment of soil organic matter: Soil color analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

scientific article

Reprint of "Fast and sensitive in vivo studies under controlled environmental conditions to substitute long-term field trials with genetically modified plants".

scientific article published on 26 July 2017

Rhizodeposition of maize: Short-term carbon budget and composition


Rice hull biochar enhances the mobilization and methylation of mercury in a soil under changing redox conditions: Implication for Hg risks management in paddy fields

scientific article published in 2022

Shifts in soil organic matter composition following treatment with sodium hypochlorite and hydrofluoric acid

scholarly article

Small scale variability of chlorinated POPs in the river Elbe floodplain soils (Germany).

scientific article published on 26 March 2010

Small-Scale Spatial Variability of Soil Chemical and Biochemical Properties in a Rewetted Degraded Peatland

scientific article published in 2019

Soil amendment with agro‐industrial byproducts: molecular‐chemical compositions and effects on soil biochemical activities and phosphorus fractions

Soil organic matter characteristics in drained and rewetted peatlands of northern Germany: Chemical and spectroscopic analyses

Solid-phase cadmium speciation in soil using L3-edge XANES spectroscopy with partial least-squares regression

scientific article

Spatial Variability of Selected Soil Properties in Long-Term Drained and Restored Peatlands

scientific article published in 2022

Spatial distribution of arsenic and heavy metals in willow roots from a contaminated floodplain soil measured by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

scientific article published on 18 July 2011

Speciation and sorption of phosphorus in agricultural soil profiles of redoximorphic character

scientific article published on 23 April 2020

Sulfur speciation in drained and restored minerotrophic peatland types of northeastern Germany

scientific article published in 2022

The conversion of chicken manure to biooil by fast pyrolysis II. Analysis of chicken manure, biooils, and char by curie-point pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Cp Py-GC/MS)

scientific article published on 01 January 2007

The influence of salt on dissolved organic matter from peat soils

scientific article published in 2018

The significance of rotation periods for mycorrhiza formation in Short Rotation Coppice

scientific article published in November 2010

Tillage-induced short-term soil organic matter turnover and respiration

Towards a molecular level understanding of the sulfanilamide-soil organic matter-interaction.

scientific article published on 15 April 2016

Understanding the Coastal Ecocline: Assessing Sea–Land Interactions at Non-tidal, Low-Lying Coasts Through Interdisciplinary Research

Understanding the Ecology of Restored Fen Peatlands for Protection and Sustainable Use

scientific article published in 2020

Unravelling the nature of glyphosate binding to goethite surfaces by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations.

scientific article published on 20 December 2017

Water availability shapes edaphic and lithic cyanobacterial communities in the Atacama Desert

scientific article published on 09 September 2019

Wood species affect the degradation of crude oil in beach sand

scientific article published on 25 August 2015