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List of works by Oliver Thomas Pilkington Kirwan Dickinson

(C.) Zerner Ed. Proceedings of the international conference ‘Wace and Blegen: pottery as evidence for trade in the Aegean Bronze Age, 1939–89’, Amsterdam: Gieben, 1993. Pp. xi + 428 + illus. Fl. 290


(J. B.) Rutter and (S. H.) The transition to Mycenaean: a stratified Middle Helladic II to Late Helladic IIA pottery sequence from Ayios Stephanos in Lakonia. (Monumenta archaeologica, 4.) Los Angeles: Institute of Archaeology, University of Californ

scholarly article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published in November 1979

(O.) Krzyszkowska Aegean Seals. An Introduction. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Suppl. 85). London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004. Pp. xxx + 425, illus. £75. 0900587970

(P. A.) Mountjoy Four early Mycenaean wells from the south slope of the Acropolis at Athens. Ghent: Comité des Fouilles Belges en Grèce. (Miscellanea Graeca, 4.) 1981. Pp. 91, 28 plates, 34 text figs. Fr. b. 650

Aegina. Alt-Ägina. Ed. H. Walter. 4, i. Mykenische Keramik. By S. Hiller. Mainz: P. von Zabern. 1975. Pp. 101, 38 plates, 43 text figs. DM 98

An island polity. The archaeology of exploitation in Melos. Edited by Renfrew Colin and Wagstaff Malcolm. Cambridge University Press, 1982

scholarly article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published in January 1983

Asine. 2. Results of the excavations east of the acropolis 1970–1974. Fasc. 1. General stratigraphical analysis and architectural remains. By (S.) Dietz [and others]. (Skrifta utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, 24:1.) Stockholm: Åström.

article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published November 1984 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Asine. 2. Results of the excavations east of the acropolis 1970–74. Fasc. 2. The Middle Helladic cemetery, the Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean deposits. By S. Dietz. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, 24:2.) Stockholm: Svensk

article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published November 1982 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies


encyclopedia article

Athens National Archaeological Museum. The Mycenaean world: five centuries of early Greek culture 1600–1100 BC. By K. Demakopoulou and others. Trans. M. E. Caskey and D. A. Hardy. Athens: Ministry of Culture—National Hellenic Committee—ICOM, 19


Book reviews. Pascal Darcque. L'habitat mycénien: formes et functions de l'espace bâti en Grèce continentale à la fin du IIe millénaire avant J.-C. (Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome 319). 450 pages, 113 figures, 163 end

Carl W. Blegen, Marion Rawson, Lord William Taylour, William P. Donovan: The palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia. Vol. III: Acropolis and Lower Town, tholoi and grave circle, chamber tombs. Discoveries outside the citadel. Princeton: Prince


Cist graves and Chamber Tombs

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland, Band 40. Bonn, Akademisches Kunstmuseum, Band 2. By B. Kaiser. Munich: Beck. 1976. Pp. 126, 40 plates, 72 text figs. DM 80

Deconstructing ‘The Sense of Place’? Settlement Systems, Field Survey, and the Historic Record: a Case-study from Central Greece

scientific article published in 2000

Dendra. The Cuirass Tomb and other finds at Dendra. I. The chamber tombs. By P. Åström [and others]. (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 4.) Göteborg: Åström. 1977. Pp. 147, 32 plates, 149 text figs. Sw. kr. 100

scholarly article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published in November 1979

Eretria. Fouilles et recherches. Ausgrabungen und Forschungen. 6. (J.-P.) Descoeudres and others. [6 essays.] Berne: Francke. 1978. Pp. 112, 45 plates, 16 text figs, 2 figs in rear pocket. Sw. fr. 88/DM 98


encyclopedia article

Gisela Walberg. Excavations on the acropolis of Midea: results of the Greek-Swedish excavations—the excavations of the lower terraces 1985–1991. Vol. I:1 (text): 364 pages, figures, tables; vol. I:2 (plates): 7 pages, 145 plates. 1998. Stockholm:

article by Oliver Dickinson published March 2000 in Antiquity


encyclopedia article

Invasion, Migration and the Shaft Graves

article by OLIVER DICKINSON published December 1999 in Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies

J. A. MacGillivray & R. N. L. Barber (eds): The prehistoric Cyclades: contributions to a workshop on Cycladic chronology. Edinburgh: Department of Classical Archaeology, 1984. 328 pp. £12.00

scholarly article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published in November 1985

Joseph W. Shaw & Maria C. Shaw (ed.). Kommos V: The Monumental Minoan Buildings at Kommos (Kommos, An Excavation on the South Coast of Crete by the University of Toronto under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Volume

article by Oliver Dickinson published December 2006 in Antiquity

Late Helladic IIA and IIB: Some Evidence from Korakou


Lindos. Results of the Carlsberg Foundation excavations in Rhodes 1902–1914. 4, i. (S.) Dietz Excavations and surveys in southern Rhodes: the Mycenaean period. (Publications of the National Museum of Denmark, archaeological historical series, 22, 1

scholarly article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published in November 1987

Muhly (J. D.) Copper and tin: the distribution of mineral resources and the nature of the metals trade in the Bronze Age. [Trans. Connecticut Acad. of arts and sciences, 43.] New Haven, Conn.: Connecticut Acad. of arts and sciences. 1973. Pp. 155–5

Mycenae. Well built Mycenae: the Helleno-British excavations within the citadel at Mycenae 1959–1969. Ed. (W. Q.) Taylour [and others]. 1. The excavations. By W. D. Taylour. Warminster: Aris and Phillips. 1981. Pp. [vi] + 63, [3] plans (2 folding),

article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published November 1984 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Mycenae. Ό ταφικὸς κύκλος Β τῶν Μυκηνῶν. By G. E. Mylonas. 2 vols. Text and plates. (Βιβλιοθήκη τῆς ἐν Άθήναις Άρχαιολογικῆς Έταιρείας, 73.) Athens: Athenian Archaeological So

scholarly article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published in November 1976

Orchomenos. Vol. V. Mycenaean Pottery from Orchomenos, Eutresis, and other Boeotian Sites. By Penelope E. Mountjoy. 29·5 × 21 cm. Pp. 118, 42 figs. + 19 pls. Munich: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (philosophisch-historische Klasse, Abhandlu

Pendent Semicircles at Veii: a Glimpse

Rhodes in the Bronze Age: an Archaeological Survey. By C. Mee. 23·5 × 17 cm. Pp. vi +150 + 41 pls., 8 tables + 3 maps and plans. Warminster: Aris and Phillips. 1982. ISBN 0-85668-143-1. £24·00

States and Cities of Ancient Greece: Mycenaean Greece. By J. T. Hooker. 22 × 14 cm. Pp. xiii + 316 + 11 tables + 13 figs. Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. £6·50.

The Aegean Bronze Age

book published in 1994

The Archaeology of Cult. The Sanctuary at Phylakopi. By Colin Renfrew. (British School of Archaeology at Athens Supplementary Volume, 18.) 25.5 × 19 cm. Pp. xiii + 513, 130 figs., 70 pls., 74 tables. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985. ISBN 0-500-96021

scholarly article by O. T. P. K. Dickinson published in September 1987

The Dark Age of Greece. An Archaeological Survey of the Eleventh to the Eighth Centuries B.C. By A. M. Snodgrass. 9¾ × 6¾. Pp. xxiv + 456 + 2 pls. + 138 ills. Edinburgh University Press, 1971. £8

The Definition of Late Helladic I

William A. Parkinson and Michael L. Galaty, eds, Archaic State Interaction: The Eastern Mediterranean in the Bronze Age (School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series, Santa Fe, New Mexico: School for Advanced Research Press, 2010, 330 pp., il