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List of works by Michael E. Watkins

Absolute branching fraction measurements for D+ and D0 inclusive semileptonic decays

scientific article

Absolute branching fraction measurements of exclusive D+ semileptonic decays

scientific article (publication date: 24 October 2005)

Absolute branching fraction measurements of exclusive D0 semileptonic decays

scientific article (publication date: 24 October 2005)

Absolute branching fractions of Cabibbo-suppressedD→KK¯decays

scholarly article

Absolute measurement of hadronic branching fractions of the Ds+ meson

scientific article published on 23 April 2008

An investigation ofD+→τ+ν

scholarly article

Antideuteron production inΥ(nS)decays and the nearby continuum

scholarly article

Branching Fractions for ψ(2S)-to-J/ψ Transitions

scientific article (publication date: June 2005)

Branching fraction for the doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed decay D + → K + π 0

scientific article (publication date: 10 October 2006)

Branching fractions for transitions ofψ(2S)toJ/ψ

scholarly article

Branching-fraction measurements ofψ(2S)decay to baryon-antibaryon final states

article by T. K. Pedlar et al published 30 September 2005 in Physical Review D

Cabibbo-suppressed decays ofD+→π+π0,K+K0,K+π0

scholarly article

Charm meson spectra ine+e−annihilation at 10.5 GeV center of mass energy

article by Marina Artuso et al published 6 December 2004 in Physical Review D

Charmonium Decays of Y(4260), psi(4160), and psi(4040)

scientific article

Comparison of D--> KS0 pi and D--> KL0 pi decay rates.

scientific article

Comparison of particle production in quark and gluon fragmentation ats∼10  GeV

scientific article

Confirmation of theY(4260)resonance production in initial state radiation


Dalitz plot analysis of the D + → π − π + π + decay

scientific article

Dalitz plot analysis of theD+→K−π+π+decay

scholarly article

Decay of theψ(3770)to light hadrons

article by G. S. Adams et al published 18 January 2006 in Physical Review D

Determination of the strong phase in D0-->K+pi- using quantum-correlated measurements.

scientific article published on 4 June 2008

Determination of theD0→K+π−relative strong phase using quantum-correlated measurements ine+e−→D0D¯0at CLEO

scientific article

Dielectron Widths of the Υ(1S,2S,3S) Resonances

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Erratum: Dielectron Widths of the Υ(1S,2S,3S) Resonances [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 092003 (2006)]

scientific article

Erratum: J/ψ and ψ(2S) Radiative Transitions to ηc [Phys. Rev. Lett.102, 011801 (2009)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Erratum: Measurement of Absolute Hadronic Branching Fractions ofDMesons ande+e−→DD¯Cross Sections atEc.m.=3773  MeV[Phys. Rev. Lett.95, 121801 (2005)]

scientific article published on 18 May 2006

Erratum: Measurement of σ(e+e−→ψ(3770)→hadrons) at Ec.m.=3773  MeV [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 092002 (2006)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence for the decay D0-->K(-)pi(+)pi(-)e(+)nu(e).

scientific article published on 5 November 2007

Evidence forBs(*)B¯s(*)Production at theΥ(5S)Resonance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Experimental limits on weak annihilation contributions to decays

scientific article

Experimental study ofχb(2P)→ππχb(1P)

article by C. Cawlfield et al published 19 January 2006 in Physical Review D

First observation and Dalitz analysis of the D0-->K(0)Setapi(0) decay

scientific article

First observation of a Υ ( 1 D ) state

scientific article

First observation of exclusiveχcJdecays to two charged and two neutral hadrons

scholarly article

First observation of the decay Ds+-->pn

scientific article (publication date: 7 May 2008)

Improved Measurement of the Form Factors in the DecayΛc+→Λe+νe

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Improved measurement of B(D+ --> mu+nu) and the pseudoscalar decay constant fD+

scientific article

Improved measurement of branching fractions for ππ transitions among Υ(nS) states

scholarly article

Improved measurement of the branching fraction and energy spectrum of η′ from Υ(1S) decays

scientific article

Inclusive radiativeJ/ψdecays

scientific article

InclusiveχbJ(nP)decays toD0X

scholarly article

J/ψ and ψ(2S) Radiative Transitions to ηc

scientific article published on 5 January 2009

Limits on neutralDmixing in semileptonic decays

article by C. Cawlfield et al published 1 April 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of Absolute Hadronic Branching Fractions of D Mesons and e + e − → D D ¯ Cross Sections at E c . m . = 3773 MeV

scientific article

Measurement of B(Υ(5S)→B(*)s¯¯¯B(*)s) using ϕ mesons

article by G. S. Huang et al published 9 January 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of absolute hadronic branching fractions ofDmesons ande+e−→DD¯cross sections at theψ(3770)

article by S. Dobbs et al published 28 December 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of charm production cross sections in e+e− annihilation at energies between 3.97 and 4.26 GeV


Measurement of exclusive D meson decays to η and η' final states and SU(3) amplitude analysis

scholarly article

Measurement of exclusive baryon-antibaryon decays ofχcJmesons

scientific article

Measurement of inclusive production of η , η ′ and ϕ mesons in D 0 , D + and D s + decays

scientific article

Measurement of interference between electromagnetic and strong amplitudes inψ(2S)decays to two pseudoscalar mesons

scholarly article

Measurement of interferingK*+K−andK*−K+amplitudes in the decayD0→K+K−π0

scientific article

Measurement of prominent eta-decay branching fractions

scientific article (publication date: 18 September 2007)

Measurement of the Decay Constant fD+s Using D+s→l+ν

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Muonic Branching Fractions of the Narrow Upsilon Resonances

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of Ds+ --> tau+ nutau decay.

scientific article published on 21 April 2008

Measurement of the branching fractions forJ/ψ→ℓ+ℓ−

article by Z. Li et al published 22 June 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the charge asymmetry inB→K*(892)±π∓

scholarly article

Measurement of the decay rate of Ξc0→pK-K-π+ relative to Ξc0→Ξ-π+

scholarly article

Measurement of the direct photon momentum spectrum in Υ ( 1 S ) , Υ ( 2 S ) , and Υ ( 3 S ) decays

scientific article (publication date: 14 July 2006)

Measurement of the eta-meson mass using psi(2S) --> etaJ/psi

scientific article (publication date: 18 September 2007)

Measurement of the total hadronic cross section in e + e − annihilation below 10.56 GeV

scientific article

Measurement of theB-meson inclusive semileptonic branching fraction and electron-energy moments

scholarly article

Measurement of theη′-Meson Mass usingJ/ψ→γη′

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of upper limits forΥ→γ+Rdecays

scholarly article

Measurement of σ(e+e−→ψ(3770)→hadrons) at Ec.m.=3773  MeV

scientific article published on 08 March 2006

Measurement ofB(Ds+→l+ν)and the decay constantfDS+

scholarly article

Measurement ofΓee(J/ψ),Γtot(J/ψ), andΓee[ψ(2S)]/Γee(J/ψ)

scholarly article

Measurements of the Exclusive Decays of theϒ(5S)toBMeson Final States and ImprovedBs*Mass Measurement

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

MeasuringB(D+→μ+ν)and the pseudoscalar decay constantfD+

article by G. Bonvicini et al published 17 December 2004 in Physical Review D

Model independent measurement of form factors in the decayD+→K−π+e+νe

scholarly article

Moments of theBmeson inclusive semileptonic decay rate using neutrino reconstruction

scholarly article

New measurement of the masses and widths of theΣc*++andΣc*0charmed baryons

article by S. B. Athar et al published 8 March 2005 in Physical Review D

New measurements of Cabibbo-suppressed decays of mesons with the CLEO-c detector

scientific article (publication date: 28 February 2006)

New measurements ofΥ(1S)decays to charmonium final states

scholarly article

Observation of 1(-)0(-) final states from psi(2S) decays and e(+)e(-) annihilation

scientific article (publication date: 13 January 2005)

Observation of D+ --> etae + nue.

scientific article published on 25 February 2009

Observation of J/psi-->3gamma.

scientific article

Observation of Thirteen New Exclusive Multibody Hadronic Decays of the ψ ( 2 S )

scientific article

Observation of a narrow resonance of mass 2.46 GeV / c 2 decaying to D s * + π 0 and confirmation of the D sJ * ( 2317 ) state

scientific article (publication date: 28 August 2003)

Observation of the Hadronic Transitionsχb1,2(2P)→ωΥ(1S)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of the P 1 1 state of charmonium

scientific article

Observation of the h c ( P 1 1 ) State of Charmonium

scientific article

Observation of Υ ( 3 S ) → τ + τ − and Tests of Lepton Universality in Υ Decays

scientific article (publication date: 29 January 2007)

Observation of η c ′ Production in γ γ Fusion at CLEO

scientific article (publication date: 5 April 2004)

Observation ofBsProduction at theΥ(5S)Resonance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofΥ(2S)→ηΥ(1S)and Search for Related Transitions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofψ(3770)→γχc0

article by R. A. Briere et al published 15 August 2006 in Physical Review D

Observation ofψ(3770)→γχc1→γγJ/ψ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofψ(3770)→ππJ/ψand Measurement ofΓee[ψ(2S)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Photon Transitions inΥ(2S)andΥ(3S)Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Photon transitions in ψ(2S) decays to χcJ(1P) and ηc(1S)

scholarly article

Precision Determination of theD0Mass

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Precision Measurement of the Mass of the hc(1P1) State of Charmonium

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Precision Measurements of the Timelike Electromagnetic Form Factors of Pion, Kaon, and Proton

scientific article (publication date: 21 December 2005)

Precision measurement ofB(D+→μ+ν)and the pseudoscalar decay constantfD+

article by B. I. Eisenstein et al published 11 September 2008 in Physical Review D

Publisher’s Note: Branching fraction for the doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed decay D+→K+π0 [Phys. Rev. D 74, 071102 (2006)]

scientific article

Publisher’s Note: Improved measurement of the branching fraction and energy spectrum of η′ from Υ(1S) decays [Phys. Rev. D 74, 092006 (2006)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Measurement of the Decay Constant fD+s Using D+s→l+ν [Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 071802 (2007)]

scientific article

Publisher’s Note: Observation of a narrow resonance of mass2.46  GeV/c2decaying toDs*+π0and confirmation of theDsJ*(2317)state [Phys. Rev. D68, 032002 (2003)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Search for the non-D¯¯¯D decay ψ(3770)→K0SK0L [Phys. Rev. D 74, 012005 (2006)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Searches forCPviolation andππSwave in the Dalitz-plot analysis ofD0→π+π−π0[Phys. Rev. D72, 031102 (2005)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Study of Exclusive Charmless Semileptonic B Decays and |Vub| [Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 041802 (2007)]

scientific article

Publisher’s Note: Study of exclusive charmless semileptonic B decays and extraction of |Vub| at CLEO [Phys. Rev. D 76, 012007 (2007)]

scientific article

Publisher’s Note: χc0 and χc2 decays into ηη, ηη′, and η′η′ final states [Phys. Rev. D 75, 071101 (2007)]

scientific article

Radiative decays of theΥ(1S)to a pair of charged hadrons

article by S. B. Athar et al published 3 February 2006 in Physical Review D

Radiative decays of theΥ(1S)toγπ0π0,γηηandγπ0η

scholarly article

Search for D 0 − D ¯ 0 mixing in the Dalitz plot analysis of D 0 → K S 0 π + π −

scientific article

Search for Exclusive Multibody Non-DD¯Decays at theψ(3770)Resonance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Rare and Forbidden DecaysD+→h±e∓e+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for X(3872) in gammagamma fusion and radiative production at CLEO

scientific article

Search for baryons in the radiative penguin decayb→sγ

scholarly article

Search for e+e-→Λb0Λ¯b0 near threshold

scholarly article

Search for invisible decays of theΥ(1S)resonance

article by P. Rubin et al published 9 February 2007 in Physical Review D

Search for lepton flavor violation in upsilon decays

scientific article

Search for radiative decays ofΥ(1S)intoηandη′

scholarly article

Search for the Lepton-Flavor-Violating LeptonicB0→μ±τ∓andB0→e±τ∓

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the non-D¯¯¯D decay ψ(3770)→K0SK0L

scientific article

Search for very light CP-odd Higgs Boson in radiative decays of Upsilon(1S).

scientific article published on 10 October 2008

Search forη(1475)→KS0K±π∓in two-photon fusion at the CLEO detector at Cornell

scholarly article

Search forψ(2S)→ηcπ+π−π0

scholarly article

Searches for C P violation and π π S wave in the Dalitz-plot analysis of D 0 → π + π − π 0

scientific article

Study of Exclusive Charmless Semileptonic B Decays and |Vub|

scientific article (publication date: 24 July 2007)

Study of dipion transitions amongΥ(3S),Υ(2S), andΥ(1S)states

article by Daniel Cronin-Hennessy et al published 4 October 2007 in Physical Review D

Study of exclusive charmless semileptonic B decays and extraction of |Vub| at CLEO

scientific article (publication date: 31 July 2007)

Study of the DecaysD0→π−e+νe,D0→K−e+νe,D+→π0e+νe, andD+→K¯0e+νe

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the Semileptonic Charm DecaysD0→π−ℓ+νandD0→K−ℓ+ν

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of the semileptonic charm decays D0→π−e+νe, D+→π0e+νe, D0→K−e+νe, and D+→¯¯¯¯K0e+νe

article by S. Dobbs et al published 20 June 2008 in Physical Review D

Study of τ Decays to Four-Hadron Final States with Kaons

scientific article

Suppressed decays of D(s)(+) mesons to two pseudoscalar mesons.

scientific article published on 9 November 2007

Two-photon width of the charmonium state χ c 2

scientific article

Two-photon widths of theχcJstates of charmonium

scholarly article

Wess-Zumino Current and the Structure of the Decayτ−→K−π−K+ντ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

χc0 and χc2 decays into ηη, ηη′, and η′η′ final states

scientific article

χcJdecays toh+h−h0

scholarly article