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List of works by Francesco Sannino


A safe CFT at large charge

scientific article

Adjoint SU(2) with Four Fermion Interactions

scientific article

An ultraviolet chiral theory of the top for the fundamental composite (Goldstone) Higgs

scientific article

Analytic coupling structure of large Nf (super) QED and QCD

scientific article

Anomalous dimensions of conformal baryons

scientific article

Asymptotically Safe Standard Model via Vectorlike Fermions.

scientific article published on 28 December 2017

Asymptotically free and safe fate of symmetry nonrestoration

scientific article

Asymptotically safe Pati-Salam theory

scientific article

Asymptotically safe and free chiral theories with and without scalars

scientific article

Asymptotically safe clockwork mechanism

scientific article

Asymptotically safe grand unification

scientific article

Asymptotically safe standard model extensions?

journal article; published 2018-05-14

Baryogenesis via elementary Goldstone Higgs relaxation

scientific article

Boosted objects: a probe of beyond the standard model physics


Call for a pan-European COVID-19 response must be comprehensive – Authors' reply

scientific article

Calling for pan-European commitment for rapid and sustained reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infections

scientific article published on 18 December 2020

Charging non-Abelian Higgs theories

scientific article

Charging the O(N) model

scientific article

Charging the conformal window

scientific article

Chiral Perturbation Theory with an Isosinglet Scalar

scientific article

Classification of NLO operators for composite Higgs models

scientific article

Collider tests of (composite) diphoton resonances

scientific article

Complete asymptotically safe embedding of the standard model

article by Steven Abel et al published 19 February 2019 in Physical Review D

Composite Higgs Dynamics on the Lattice

scientific article

Confinement versus chiral symmetry

scientific article published on 6 May 2004

Conformal data of fundamental gauge-Yukawa theories

scientific article

Conformal gauge-Yukawa theories away from four dimensions

scientific article

Conformal phase diagram of complete asymptotically free theories

scientific article

Conformal window 2.0: The large Nf safe story

journal article; published 2018-06-08

Conformal window of SU ( N ) gauge theories with fermions in higher dimensional representations

scientific article (publication date: 26 April 2007)

Conformal windows of SU(N) gauge theories, higher dimensional representations, and the size of the unparticle world

scientific article (publication date: 5 November 2007)

Critical behavior of non-order-parameter fields

scientific article published on 27 August 2003

Dark confinement and chiral phase transitions: gravitational waves vs matter representations

scientific article published in 2022

Dark matter from new technicolor theories

scientific article (publication date: 20 November 2006)

Decaying dark matter can explain thee±excesses

Dual renormalization group flows in 4D

scientific article

Duality in the color flavor locked spectrum

article by A.D. Jackson & Francesco Sannino published January 2004 in Physics Letters B

Editorial: From the Fermi Scale to Cosmology

scientific article

Elementary Goldstone Higgs boson and dark matter

scientific article

Evidence for Complex Fixed Points in Pandemic Data

scientific article

Exploring pi pi scattering in the 1/Nc picture

scientific article published on 01 July 1995

Extending chiral perturbation theory with an isosinglet scalar

scientific article

Flavor physics and flavor anomalies in minimal fundamental partial compositeness

scientific article

Flavour anomalies after the R K ∗ measurement

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 no. 9, September 2017

Framework for an asymptotically safe standard model via dynamical breaking

article by Steven Abel et al published 15 September 2017 in Physical Review D

From the LHC to future colliders

Fundamental composite dynamics: A review

scientific article

Fundamental composite electroweak dynamics: Status at the LHC

scientific article

Fundamental partial compositeness

scientific article

Gauge-Yukawa theories: Beta functions at large Nf

scientific article

Generalization of the bound state model

article by Masayasu Harada et al published 1 October 1997 in Physical Review D

Gravitational waves from Pati-Salam dynamics

scientific article

Hidden structure in a Lagrangian for hyperfine splitting of the heavy baryons

High energy fate of the minimal Goldstone Higgs boson

scientific article

Hyperfine splitting of low-lying heavy baryons

Ideal walking dynamics via a gauged NJL model

journal article; published 2017-07-25

Impact of US vaccination strategy on COVID-19 wave dynamics

article by Corentin Cot et al published 26 May 2021 in Scientific Reports

Inflation and pseudo-Goldstone Higgs boson

scientific article

Instantons in asymptotically safe and free quantum field theories

scientific article

Interplay of social distancing and border restrictions for pandemics via the epidemic renormalisation group framework

scientific article published on 28 September 2020

Isotriplet technicolor interacting massive particle as dark matter

scientific article (publication date: 27 May 2010)

LargeNscalars: From glueballs to dynamical Higgs models

scientific article

Light composite Higgs and precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance: An update

scientific article

Light composite Higgs boson from higher representations versus electroweak precision measurements: Predictions for CERN LHC

scientific article


scientific article published on December 3, 2010

Minimal Coleman-Weinberg theory explains the diphoton excess

scientific article

Minimal composite dynamics versus axion origin of the diphoton excess

scientific article

Minimal fundamental partial compositeness

journal article; published 2018-07-05

Minimal supersymmetric technicolor

scientific article

Minimal walking on the lattice

scientific article

Minimal walking technicolor: Setup for collider physics

scientific article (publication date: 17 September 2007)

Mining Google and Apple mobility data: temporal anatomy for COVID-19 social distancing

article by Corentin Cot et al published 18 February 2021 in Scientific Reports

Mixed dark matter from technicolor

scholarly article

More on the cubic versus quartic interaction equivalence in the O(N) model

scientific article

More on the weak gravity conjecture via convexity of charged operators

scientific article published in 2021

Multiwave pandemic dynamics explained: how to tame the next wave of infectious diseases

scientific article

Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model with Wilson fermions

journal article; published 2017-01-30

Naturalness of Asymptotically Safe Higgs

scientific article

Near-conformal dynamics at large charge

scientific article

Neutrino masses and ordering via multimessenger astronomy

scientific article

On neutrino properties and gravitational waves

scientific article

Orientifold theory dynamics and symmetry breaking

scientific article

Phase diagram ofSU(2) with 2 flavors of dynamical adjoint quarks

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008 no. 11, November 2008

Phase structure of completely asymptotically free SU( Nc ) models with quarks and scalar quarks

scholarly article

Physical spectrum of conformal SU ( N ) gauge theories

scientific article

Quantum Kate - a model for physics outreach

scientific article

Quantum critical behavior of semisimple gauge theories

scientific article

Radiative flavor template at the LHC: g − 2 and the W mass

scientific article published on 21 March 2023

Radiative symmetry breaking from interacting UV fixed points

journal article; published 2017-09-28

Radiatively induced Fermi scale and unification

scientific article

Raising the SUSY-breaking scale in a Goldstone–Higgs model

scientific article

Real and complex fundamental partial compositeness

scientific article

Renormalization Group Approach to Pandemics as a Time-Dependent SIR Model

scientific article

Renormalization Group Approach to Pandemics: The COVID-19 Case

scientific article

Rethinking Naturalness: Can the Higgs be Elementary?

scientific article

Revealing BSM composite dynamics via topological interactions at future colliders

scientific article

SU(2) gauge theory with two fundamental flavors: A minimal template for model building

journal article; published 2016-11-29


scientific article

Safe hologram

scientific article

Safety versus triviality on the lattice

scientific article

Search for high-mass dilepton resonances inppcollisions ats=8  TeVwith the ATLAS detector


Second wave COVID-19 pandemics in Europe: a temporal playbook

scientific article published on 23 September 2020

Simple description of pi pi scattering to 1 GeV

scientific article published on 01 August 1996

Supersymmetric extension of technicolor & fermion mass generation

scientific article

Supersymmetry inspired QCD beta function

scientific article (publication date: 2 September 2008)


scientific article

Technicolor dark matter

scientific article (publication date: 19 August 2009)

Testing the dark SU(N) Yang-Mills theory confined landscape: From the lattice to gravitational waves

scientific article

Tetracritical behavior in strongly interacting theories

scientific article

Thermal history of composite dark matter

scientific article

Thrust distribution for 3-jet production from e+e− annihilation within the QCD conformal window and in QED

scientific article

Towards the QED beta function and renormalons at 1/Nf2 and 1/Nf3

scientific article

Towards working technicolor: Effective theories and dark matter

scientific article (publication date: 12 June 2006)

Ultraminimal technicolor and its dark matter technicolor interacting massive particles

scientific article

Uncovering new strong dynamics via topological interactions at the 100 TeV collider

journal article; published 2017-10-27

Unnatural origin of fermion masses for technicolor

scientific article

Untangling scaling dimensions of fixed charge operators in Higgs theories

scientific article

Vacuum alignment with and without elementary scalars

scientific article

Variant-driven multi-wave pattern of COVID-19 via a Machine Learning analysis of spike protein mutations

scientific article

Viscous conformal gauge theories

scientific article

a -theorem at large Nf

scientific article

extended MSSM

scientific article