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List of works by Anneli Eteläpelto

A Novel Instrument to Measure the Multidimensional Structure of Professional Agency

A multi-componential methodology for exploring emotions in learning

Agency and Learning in the Work of Software Professionals

Agentic perspective on fostering work-related learning

article published in 2017

An Agency-Promoting Learning Arena for Developing Shared Work Practices

scientific article

Between school and working life: Vocational teachers’ agency in boundary-crossing settings

scientific article

CLIL teachers in Finland

Challenges for Surgical Residents’ Practice-Based Learning

scientific article

Collaborative processes during report writing of a science learning project: The nature of discourse as a function of task requirements

scientific article

Collective Agency-Promoting Leadership in Finnish Teacher Education

scientific article

Constraints and Challenges on Learning and Construction of Identities at Work

scientific article

Constructing Knowledge through a Role-Play in a Web-Based Learning Environment

scientific article

Contextual and strategic knowledge in the acquisition of design expertise

scientific article


Developing teachers' professional expertise through collaboration in an innovative ICT‐based learning environment

scientific article

Emerging Conceptualisations on Professional Agency and Learning

scientific article

Emotions in leaders’ enactment of professional agency

Factors promoting vocational students’ learning at work: study on student experiences

scientific article

How do novice teachers in Finland perceive their professional agency?

scientific article

Identity and Agency in Professional Learning

scientific article

Ikääntyneet aikuiset kuntoutustyöntekijöiden puheessa

scientific article

Miten käsitteellistää ammatillista toimijuutta työssä?

scientific article

Mitä mieltä, professorit?

scientific article

Older rehabilitees' life-course agency in Finnish gerontological rehabilitation

scientific article published on 20 June 2015

Opettajien ammatillinen identiteetti, toimijuus ja sitoutuminen väljä- ja tiukkakytkentäisessä koulutusorganisaatiossa

scientific article

Professional Agency, Identity, and Emotions While Leaving One’s Work Organization

scientific article

Professional identity among student teachers of physical education: the role of physicality

scientific article

Professional learning and agency in an identity coaching programme

scientific article

Recent tensions and challenges in teacher education as manifested in curriculum discourse

scientific article

Rehabilitation agency of older adults in group-based intervention

scientific article published on 9 January 2018

Seeking New Perspectives on the Development of Teacher Education

scientific article

Social Processes and Knowledge Building During Small Group Interaction in a School Science Project

scientific article

Students’ accounts of their participation in an intensive long-term learning community

Students’ self-reported learning outcomes after a business start-up education program

scientific article

Surgical learning and guidance on operative risks and potential errors

scientific article

Teacher agency within the Finnish CLIL context: tensions and resources

scientific article

Teachers’ Professional Identity Negotiations in Two Different Work Organisations

scientific article

Teachers’ pedagogical and relational identity negotiation in the Finnish CLIL context

scientific article

The Reciprocal Relationship Between Emotions and Agency in the Workplace

scientific article

The professional agency of teacher educators amid academic discourses

scientific article

Tutkimus ammatti-identiteetin tukijana ja oppimisyhteisöjen rakentajana

scientific article

Vocational teachers in the face of a major educational reform: individual ways of negotiating professional identities

scientific article

Vocational teachers’ pathways in the course of a curriculum reform

scientific article

What is agency? Conceptualizing professional agency at work

scientific article