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List of works by Dale R. Issler

A continuous thermal history for southern Baffin Island, Canada over the past 1.8 billion years: Implications for the assembly of Rodinia and the rifting of Greenland

A multikinetic approach to apatite fission-track thermal modelling using elemental data: data and model results for a Permian and Devonian sample from northern Yukon

A non-linear fit to formation temperature profiles from petroleum exploration wells in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada

An empirical relation between present temperature and vitrinite reflectance for Cenozoic strata of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada

An inverse model for extracting thermal histories from apatite fission track data: instructions and software for the Windows 95 environment

scientific article

Apatite fission track age, length and kinetic parameter (C1, Dpar) data for the Northrock et al. East MacKay I-77 well, central Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories

scientific article

Apparent formation-factor and porosity variation with pressure for Cretaceous shale of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, southern Alberta

scientific article

Characterization, interpretation, and modelling of multikinetic apatite fission-track data using elemental data

scholarly article published 2018

Colour alteration, thermal maturity, and burial diagenesis in fossil foraminifers

scientific article

Compaction zones

scientific article

Cross-formational hydrocarbon fluid flows in the Tertiary deltaic system of the Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin

Determination of geothermal gradient from borehole temperature and permafrost base for exploration wells in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin

Determination of kinetic parameters for hydrocarbon generation: an instruction manual for using a kinetics optimization software package

scientific article

Effective porosity of shale samples from the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada

scientific article

Evidence for deep anaerobic biodegradation associated with rapid sedimentation and burial in the Beaufort–Mackenzie basin, Canada

scholarly article by Stephen E. Grasby et al published April 2009 in Applied Geochemistry

Exhuming the Canadian Shield: preliminary interpretations from low-temperature thermochronology and significance for the sedimentary succession of the Hudson Bay Basin

GIS compilations of depth to overpressure, permafrost distribution, geothermal gradient, and regional geology, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada

Hydrocarbon migration detected by regional temperature field variations, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada

scholarly article by Zhuoheng Chen et al published December 2008 in AAPG Bulletin

Integrated analysis of vitrinite reflectance, Rock-Eval 6, gas chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data for the Mallik A-06, Parsons N-10 and Kugaluk N-02 wells, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada

Integrated analysis of vitrinite reflectance, Rock-Eval 6, gas chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data for the Reindeer D-27 and Tununuk K-10 wells, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada

Inverse modelling of apatite fission track data

scientific article

Late Cretaceous uplift of northern Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, revealed by apatite fission track data, and a schematic model related to Baffin Bay extension

Monazite Fission Track annealing

Numerical model of the geothermal regime on the Beaufort Shelf, arctic Canada since the Last Interglacial

scholarly article by Alan E. Taylor et al published 14 November 2013 in Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface

Oil–source correlation in Tertiary deltaic petroleum systems: A comparative study of the Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin in Canada and the Pearl River Mouth Basin in China


Organic carbon content determined from well logs: examples from Cretaceous sediments of western Canada

scientific article

Organic petrology, organic geochemistry, palynology, and petrophysics data from Lac De Gras kimberlites and associated sedimentary rocks and xenoliths

scientific article

Overpressure detection from geophysical, drilling and well testing data for petroleum exploration wells in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Yukon and Northwest Territories

Paleotemperature history of the Peace River Arch region: constraints from apatite fission track analysis

scientific article

Permafrost investigation by well logs, and seismic velocity and repeated shallow temperature surveys, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin

scholarly article published 2013

Petrographic and geochemical analyses of Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin shales

scientific article

Petrophysical characteristics of post-2000 significant conventional discovery wells in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin

Petrophysical characteristics of shale from the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada: permeability, formation factor, and porosity versus pressure

scientific article

Pore pressure patterns in Tertiary successions and hydrodynamic implications, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada

scholarly article by Z. Chen et al published 1 March 2010 in Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology

Pore-size distributions of shales from the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada

scientific article

Porosity characteristics of shale formations from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

scientific article

Porosity characteristics of shale samples for varied compaction zones in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Northwest Territories

Quantitative analysis of apatite fission track data for the Northrock et al. East Mackay I-77 well, Ft. Norman area, N.W.T

scientific article

Radiation-enhanced fission track annealing revisited and consequences for apatite thermochronometry

scientific article published on 26 February 2019

Radiation-enhanced fission track annealing revisited and consequences for apatite thermochronometry

scholarly article

Radiation-enhanced fission track annealing revisited and consequences for apatite thermochronometry

Radiation-enhanced fission track annealing revisited and consequences for apatite thermochronometry

Reconstructing deep-time histories from integrated thermochronology: An example from southern Baffin Island, Canada


Report of activities for the GEM-2 multi-kinetic apatite fission track (MK-AFT) modelling and method development

Rock-Eval pyrolysis data for the East Mackay I-77 well, Northwest Territories, Canada

scientific article

Rock-Eval/TOC data for data for thirty wells from Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Northwest Territories

Sandstone compaction

scientific article

Sequence stratigraphy, biotic change, 87 Sr/ 86 Sr record, paleoclimatic history, and sedimentation rate change across a regional late Cenozoic unconformity in Arctic Canada


Shale compaction and overpressure in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin of Northern Canada

scientific article

Shale permeability and its relation to pore-size distribution

scientific article

Shale porosity-depth curves

scientific article

Simulating sedimentary burial cycles – Part 1: Investigating the role of apatite fission track annealing kinetics using synthetic data

Simulating sedimentary burial cycles – Part 2: Elemental-based multikinetic apatite fission-track interpretation and modelling techniques illustrated using examples from northern Yukon

Simulating sedimentary burial cycles – Part 2: Elemental-based multikinetic apatite fission-track interpretation and modelling techniques illustrated using examples from northern Yukon

scientific article published in 2022

Simulating sedimentary burial cycles: Investigating the role of apatite fission track annealing kinetics using synthetic data


scientific article

Supplementary material to "Simulating sedimentary burial cycles – Part 2: Elemental-based multikinetic apatite fission-track interpretation and modelling techniques illustrated using examples from northern Yukon"

Supplementary material to "Simulating sedimentary burial cycles: Investigating the role of apatite fission track annealing kinetics using synthetic data"

Synthetic seismograms from borehole seismic data and well logs, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin

The Round Head Thrust, western Newfoundland: a reactivated basement normal fault at the Appalachian structural front

scientific article

The influence of independent geological constraints on apatite fission track modelling and interpretation: some pitfalls illustrated using forward and inverse techniques

scientific article

Thermal and isostatic consequences of simple shear extension of the continental lithosphere

scientific article published in January 1989

Thermal conductivity analysis of Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Paleozoic core samples, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada

Thermal history of the Mackenzie Plain, Northwest Territories, Canada: Insights from low-temperature thermochronology of the Devonian Imperial Formation

scientific article published on 17 July 2019

Thermal maturity (vitrinite reflectance) of Cretaceous and Devonian strata in north Little Bear L-21 and east Mackay I-77, Northwest Territories, Canada

scientific article

Well temperature data compilation, correction and quality assessment for the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin