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List of works by Ariane Frey

26 Tbit s−1 line-rate super-channel transmission utilizing all-optical fast Fourier transform processing


A DEPFET Based Beam Telescope With Submicron Precision Capability

A measurement of the rate of charm production in W decays

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published September 2000 in Physics Letters B

A measurement of the τ mass and the first CPT test with τ leptons

A measurement of the τ−→μ−ν̄μντ branching ratio

A search for excited fermions in electron-proton collisions at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

A study of W+W−γ events at LEP


A time-over-threshold machine: the readout integrated circuit for the BABAR Silicon Vertex Tracker

Amplitude analysis ofe+e−→ϒ(nS)π+π−ats=10.866  GeV

scholarly article

Angular analysis of the muon pair asymmetry at LEP 1

Angular analysis ofB0→ϕK*decays and search forCPviolation at Belle

scholarly article

Bose–Einstein correlations of π0 pairs from hadronic Z0 decays

Bose–Einstein study of position–momentum correlations of charged pions in hadronic Z0 decays

CMS silicon tracker developments

Charged particle multiplicities in heavy and light quark initiated events above the Z0 peak

Comparison of energy flows in deep inelastic scattering events with and without a large rapidity gap

Constraints on anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings fromνν¯γγandqq¯γγevents at CERN LEP2

scholarly article

Construction and commissioning of the CALICE analog hadron calorimeter prototype

scientific article

Construction and performance of a silicon photomultiplier/extruded scintillator tail-catcher and muon-tracker

DEPFET Active Pixel Detectors for a Future Linear e^{+}e^{-} Collider

scientific article

DEPFET, a monolithic active pixel sensor for the ILC

Determination of the LEP beam energy using radiative fermion-pair events

Determination of α S using OPAL hadronic event shapes at $\sqrt{s} = 91\mbox{--}209~\mathrm{GeV}$ and resummed NNLO calculations

article published in 2011

Diffractive hard photoproduction at HERA and evidence for the gluon content of the pomeron

Dijet angular distributions in direct and resolved photoproduction at HERA

Dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA

Effects of high-energy particle showers on the embedded front-end electronics of an electromagnetic calorimeter for a future lepton collider

Electromagnetic response of a highly granular hadronic calorimeter

scientific article

Evidence for B- → τ- ν(τ) with a hadronic tagging method using the full data sample of Belle.

scientific article published on 25 March 2013

Evidence for the decayB0→K+K−π0

scholarly article

Evidence of a New Narrow Resonance Decaying toχc1γinB→χc1γK

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Exclusive ϱ0 production in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at HERA

Experimental constraints on the spin and parity of theZ(4430)+

scholarly article

Experimental studies of unbiased gluon jets frome+e−annihilations using the jet boost algorithm

scholarly article

Extraction of the gluon density of the proton at x

First measurement of the inclusive branching ratio of b hadrons to φ mesons in Z decays

First observation of Cabibbo-suppressedΞc0decays

scholarly article

First observation of theZb0(10610)in a Dalitz analysis ofΥ(10860)→Υ(nS)π0π0


First-year experience with the BaBar silicon vertex tracker

Flavour independent search for Higgs bosons decaying into hadronic final states in e + e − collisions at LEP

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published September 2004 in Physics Letters B

Genuine correlations of like-sign particles in hadronic Z0 decays

High-statistics study of KFormula pair production in two-photon collisions

Inclusive and exclusive measurements ofBdecays toχc1andχc2at Belle

scholarly article

Inclusive charged particle distributions in deep inelastic scattering events at HERA

Inclusive jet differential cross sections in photoproduction at HERA

Inclusive jet production in photon–photon collisions at s ee from 189 to 209 GeV

Inclusive production of charged hadrons in photon–photon collisions

Inclusive transverse momentum distributions of charged particles in diffractive and non-diffractive photoproduction at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Intrinsic resolutions of DEPFET detector prototypes measured at beam tests

Investigation of design parameters for radiation hard silicon microstrip detectors

Jet production in highQ 2 deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Measurement of B --> K*gamma branching fractions and charge asymmetries

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of CP -Violating Asymmetries in B 0 Decays to CP Eigenstates

scientific article

Measurement of Charged and Neutral Currente−pDeep Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections at HighQ2

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of J/psi production in continuum e(+)e(-) annihilations near square root of s = 10.6 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of branching fractions and search for CP-violating charge asymmetries in charmless two-body B decays into pions and kaons

scientific article

Measurement of branching fractions for B -> J / K decays and search for a narrow resonance in the J / final state

Measurement of branching fractions for exclusiveBdecays to charmonium final states


Measurement of elastic φ photoproduction at HERA

Measurement of elasticρ 0 photoproduction at HERA

Measurement of exclusiveΥ(1S)andΥ(2S)decays into vector-pseudoscalar final states

scholarly article

Measurement of heavy quark forward–backward asymmetries and average B mixing using leptons in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of multiplicity and momentum spectra in the current fragmentation region of the Breit frame at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Measurement of neutral-current four-fermion production at LEP2

Measurement of the B(0) and B(+) meson lifetimes with fully reconstructed hadronic final states

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the B--> J/psiK*(892) decay amplitudes

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the B0 lifetime and oscillation frequency using decays

Measurement of the Neutron Electric Form FactorGE,nin the QuasifreeH2(e→,e′n→)pReaction

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the W+W−γ cross-section and first direct limits on anomalous electroweak quartic gauge couplings

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published December 1999 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of the b quark forward–backward asymmetry around the Z0 peak using an inclusive tag

Measurement of the branching ratio for D−s→τ−ν̄τ decays

Measurement of the branching ratio for the process b→τ−ν̄τX

Measurement of the branching ratio ofB¯→D(*)τ−ν¯τrelative toB¯→D(*)ℓ−ν¯ℓdecays with hadronic tagging at Belle

scholarly article

Measurement of the charm structure function F2,cγ of the photon at LEP

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published July 2002 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of the cross section for the reaction γp → J/ψ p with the ZEUS detector at HERA

Measurement of the decayB→Dℓνℓin fully reconstructed events and determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element|Vcb|

scholarly article

Measurement of the decays B--> phiK and B--> phiK*

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the decays B→ηℓνℓ and B→η′ℓνℓ in fully reconstructed events at Belle

scholarly article

Measurement of the diffractive structure function in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Measurement of the e+e-→W+W- cross section and W decay branching fractions at LEP

Measurement of the hadronic photon structure function F2γ at LEP2

Measurement of the mass and width of the W boson in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

Measurement of the partial widths of the Z into up- and down-type quarks

Measurement of the proton structure function F 2 in ep scattering at HERA

Measurement of the proton structure functionF 2 at lowx and lowQ 2 at HERA

Measurement of the proton structure functionF 2 from the 1993 HERA data

article published September 1995 in European Physical Journal C

Measurement of the reaction in deep inelastic e+p scattering at HERA

Measurement of the strong coupling αS from four-jet observables in e+e- annihilation

Measurement of the wrong-sign decayD0→K+π−π+π−

scholarly article

Measurement of theCPviolation parameters inB0→π+π−decays

scholarly article

Measurement of theF 2 structure function in deep inelastice + p scattering using 1994 data from the ZEUS detector at HERA

scholarly article published September 1996

Measurement of total and partial photon proton cross sections at 180 GeV center of mass energy

article published September 1994 in European Physical Journal C

Measurement of |Vcb| using decays

Measurement of αs from jet rates in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Measurement of αs with radiative hadronic events

Measurement ofe+e−→ωπ0,K*(892)K¯andK2*(1430)K¯atsnear 10.6 GeV

scholarly article

Measurements of R b in e + e − collisions at s between 182 and 209 GeV

Measurements of branching fractions and directCPasymmetries forB→Kπ,B→ππandB→KKdecays

scholarly article

Measurements of the branching fractions of exclusive charmless B meson decays with eta(') or omega mesons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurements of the masses and widths of theΣc(2455)0/++andΣc(2520)0/++baryons

scholarly article

Multi-photon events with large missing energy in e + e − collisions at s = 192 – 209 GeV

Multi-photon production in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

Neutral strange particle production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

scientific article published in 1995

Observation of CP violation in the B(0) meson system

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of direct processes in photoproduction at HERA

Observation of events with a large rapidity gap in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Observation of events with an energetic forward neutron in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Observation of hard scattering in photoproduction events with a large rapidity gap at HERA

Observation of jet production in deep inelastic scattering with a large rapidity gap at HERA

Optimization of the silicon sensors for the CMS tracker



Performance of the BABAR silicon vertex tracker

article published in 2003

QCD coherence and correlations of particles with restricted momenta in hadronic Z decays

Rapidity gaps between jets in photoproduction at HERA

Response of the CALICE Si-W electromagnetic calorimeter physics prototype to electrons

Search for Dirac magnetic monopoles in e + e − collisions with the OPAL detector at LEP2

Search for Higgs bosons and other massive states decaying into two photons in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published October 1999 in Physics Letters B

Search for a Light CP-odd Higgs Boson and Low-Mass Dark Matter at the Belle Experiment

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

Search for associated production of massive states decaying into two photons in e+e− annihilations at s=88–209 GeV

Search for bottomonium states in exclusive radiative Υ(2S) decays

scientific article published on 9 September 2013

Search for charged Higgs bosons in e(+)e(-) collisions at [Formula: see text].

scientific article

Search for charged excited leptons in e+e− collisions at s=183–209 GeV

Search for doubly charged Higgs bosons with the OPAL detector at LEP

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published February 2002 in Physics Letters B

Search for invisibly decaying Higgs bosons in e + e − → Z 0 h 0 production at s = 183 – 209 GeV

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published January 2010 in Physics Letters B

Search for invisibly decaying Higgs bosons with large decay width using the OPAL detector at LEP

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published 6 December 2006 in European Physical Journal C

Search for lepton flavour violation in e+e− collisions at s=189–209 GeV

Search for leptoquarks in electron–photon scattering at see up to 209 GeV at LEP

Search for new physics in rare B decays

Search for radions at LEP2

Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at = 189 GeV at LEP

Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at LEP

Search for single top quark production at LEP2

Search for stable and long-lived massive charged particles in e+e− collisions at s=130–209 GeV

Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in e+e− collisions at –209 GeV

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published February 2001 in Physics Letters B

Search for the decay B0-->gammagamma

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the single production of doubly-charged Higgs bosons and constraints on their couplings from Bhabha scattering

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published December 2003 in Physics Letters B

Search forB0→pΛ¯π−γat Belle

scholarly article

Search forB0→π−τ+ντwith hadronic tagging at Belle

scholarly article

Searches for prompt light gravitino signatures in e+e− collisions at GeV

Studies of jet production rates ine + e ? annihilation atE cm=29 GeV

scientific article published in 1989

Study of D∗ (2010)± production in ep collisions at HERA

Study of charged—currentep interactions atQ 2>200 GeV2 with the ZEUS detector at HERA

Study of e+ e- → π+ π- J/ψ and observation of a charged charmoniumlike state at Belle

scientific article

Study of exclusiveB→Xuℓνdecays and extraction of|Vub|using full reconstruction tagging at the Belle experiment

scholarly article

Study of the hadronic transitionsΥ(2S)→(η,π0)Υ(1S)at Belle

scholarly article

Study of the interactions of pions in the CALICE silicon-tungsten calorimeter prototype

Study of the photon remnant in resolved photoproduction at HERA

Test of non-commutative QED in the process e+e−→γγ at LEP

Tests of a Particle Flow Algorithm with CALICE test beam data

The BABAR detector

scientific article

The BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker

The BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker: Performance, running experience and radiation damage studies

The BaBar silicon vertex tracker

The BaBar silicon vertex tracker

The BaBar silicon vertex tracker, performance and running experience

The BaBar silicon-vertex tracker: performance, running experience, and radiation-damage studies

The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC

scientific article

The CMS silicon tracker

scientific article

The Physics of the B Factories


The design and construction of the BaBar silicon vertex tracker

article by Concezio Bozzi et al published June 2000 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

The effect of highly ionising particles on the CMS silicon strip tracker


The rad-hard readout system of the BaBar silicon vertex tracker

article published in 1998

Updated cross section measurement ofe+e−→K+K−J/ψandKS0KS0J/ψvia initial state radiation at Belle

scholarly article

W boson polarisation at LEP2

W+W− production cross section and W branching fractions in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

Z boson pair production in e+e− collisions at and 189 GeV

Σ−-antihyperon correlations in Z0 decay and investigation of the baryon production mechanism