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article by Jari Salo & Heikki Karjaluoto published 2 October 2007 in Online Information Review
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scientific article published on 19 March 2022
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article by Heikki Karjaluoto & Terhi Alatalo published 2007 in International Journal of Services Technology and Management
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scientific article published in December 2023
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scientific article published in 2021
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article by Jari Salo et al published 22 August 2008 in Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
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scientific article published in February 2023
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article by Jaakko Sinisalo et al published 2007 in International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
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article by Teemu Kautonen et al published 9 November 2007 in Journal of Systems and Information Technology
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article published in 2002
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