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List of works by Steven F. Perry

"Alveolar septal structure in different species"

scientific article published on 01 September 1994

2nd International Congress of Respiratory Sciences

scientific article published on 10 March 2010

A caseian point for the evolution of a diaphragm homologue among the earliest synapsids.

scientific article

A first look at how fish gills work

scientific article published in November 2008

Activity of three muscles associated with the uncinate processes of the giant Canada goose Branta canadensis maximus.

scientific article published in March 2005

Alcian blue as an en bloc stain for turtle lung goblet cells, with and without prior periodate oxidation

scientific article published in July 1971

Avian-like breathing mechanics in maniraptoran dinosaurs

scientific article

Bimodal breathing in jumping spiders: morphometric partitioning of the lungs and tracheae in Salticus scenicus (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae).

scientific article published in December 2001

Biology of the sauropod dinosaurs: the evolution of gigantism

scientific article

Boundary conditions for heat transfer and evaporative cooling in the trachea and air sac system of the domestic fowl: a two-dimensional CFD analysis.

scientific article

Bronchial casts of human lungs using negative pressure injection

scientific article published on 01 January 2000

Chordate phylogeny and the meaning of categorial ranks in modern evolutionary biology

scientific article

Classification of annual non-stand replacing boreal forest change in Canada using Landsat time series: a case study in northern Ontario


Computational fluid dynamics model of avian tracheal temperature control as a model for extant and extinct animals

scientific article published on June 21, 2013

Deconvoluting lung evolution: from phenotypes to gene regulatory networks

scientific article published on 26 July 2007

Descriptive study of the diaphragm and lungs in the short-nosed echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus (Mammalia: monotremata)

scientific article published on 01 March 2000

Differences in ingestive balance of two populations of neotropical Thrichomys apereoides (Rodentia, Echimyidae).

scientific article published on July 2004

Diffusivity of various inert gases in rat skeletal muscle

scientific article published on September 9, 1975

Effect of histological processing and methacrylate sectioning on the area of gill tissue in teleost

scientific article published in May 2009

Evolution of Air Breathing: Oxygen Homeostasis and the Transitions from Water to Land and Sky

scientific article published on April 1, 2013

Evolution of air-breathing and central CO(2)/H(+) respiratory chemosensitivity: new insights from an old fish?

scientific article published on 01 November 2000

Evolution of central respiratory chemoreception: a new twist on an old story.

scientific article

Fetal lung growth. Influence of pulmonary arterial flow and surgery in sheep

scientific article published on April 1994

Fictive respiratory rhythm in the isolated brainstem of frogs

scientific article published on 01 May 1995

First assessment of the endoparasitic nematode fauna of four psammophilous species of Tropiduridae (Squamata: Iguania) endemic to north-eastern Brazil

scientific article published on 16 December 2012

Fractal geometry of airway remodeling in human asthma

scientific article published on 23 June 2005

Functional significance of the uncinate processes in birds

scientific article

Histological Structure of the Lungs of the Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta, before and after Hatching

scientific article published on 27 December 1989

Implications of an avian-style respiratory system for gigantism in sauropod dinosaurs

scientific article published on 01 October 2009

Improved method for demonstration of cut surfaces of tissue in paraffin blocks

scientific article published on February 1, 1981

Intrinsic Lung Musculature and Associated Ganglion Cells in a Teiid Lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus Spix

scientific article published in 1989

Introduction to special section on respiratory biology

scientific article published on 01 October 2007

Large Area Mapping of Annual Land Cover Dynamics Using Multitemporal Change Detection and Classification of Landsat Time Series Data


Laryngeal motor control in frogs: Role of vagal and laryngeal feedback

scientific article published on 01 September 1997

Lung architecture volume and static mechanics in five species of lizards

scientific article published on July 1, 1978

Lung morphology in rodents (Mammalia, Rodentia) and its implications for systematics

scientific article published in December 2000

Lungs of the first amniotes: why simple if they can be complex?

scientific article

Lungs of the gecko Rhacodactylus leachianus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae): a correlative gross anatomical and light and electron microscopic study

scientific article published on January 1989

Metabolic response to feeding in Tupinambis merianae: circadian rhythm and a possible respiratory constraint

scientific article published on 4 April 2006

Model of exchange barrier and respiratory surface area in the lung of the tortoise (Testudo graeca) and its practical application

scientific article published on 01 December 1976

Molecular systematics of mantelline frogs from Madagascar and the evolution of their femoral glands


Morphometric analysis of pulmonary structure: methods for evaluation and comparison of unicameral lungs

scientific article published on 01 October 1981

Morphometric analysis of the larval branchial chamber in the dragonfly Aeshna cyanea Müller (Insecta, Odonata, Anisoptera).

scientific article published in July 2004

Morphometric analysis of the tracheal walls of the harvestmen Nemastoma lugubre (Arachnida, Opiliones, Nemastomatidae).

scientific article published in February 2002

Morphometric comparison of the respiratory organs in the South American lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa (Dipnoi).

scientific article published on 25 May 2005

Morphometric diffusing capacity and functional anatomy of the book lungs in the spider Tegenaria spp. (Agelenidae)

scientific article published on 01 December 1984

Morphometric partitioning of respiratory surfaces in amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum Pallas)

scientific article published on 01 November 2000

Morphometric study of the role of pulmonary arterial flow in fetal lung growth in sheep

scientific article published on February 1990

Morphometric study of trout gills: a light-microscopic method suitable for the evaluation of pollutant action.

scientific article published on April 1976

Neural organization of the ventilatory activity in the frog, Rana catesbeiana. I

scientific article published on 01 September 1994

Pulmonary oxygen diffusing capacity of the South American lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa: physiological values by the Bohr method

scientific article published on 18 May 2005

Quantitative anatomy of the lungs of the red-eared turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans

scientific article published on December 1, 1978

Reconstructing the evolution of the respiratory apparatus in tetrapods

scientific article

Reptilian lungs. Functional anatomy and evolution

scientific article published on 01 January 1983

Respiration in a changing environment

scientific article published on 08 April 2010

Respiratory Science

scientific article published in February 2016

Respiratory organs in wolf spiders: morphometric analysis of lungs and tracheae in Pardosa lugubris (L.) (Arachnida, Araneae, Lycosidae).

scientific article published in December 2002

Respiratory system of arachnids I: morphology of the respiratory system of Salticus scenicus and Euophrys lanigera (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae).

scientific article published in January 2000

Respiratory system of arachnids II: morphology of the tracheal system of Leiobunum rotundum and Nemastoma lugubre (Arachnida, Opiliones).

scientific article published in January 2000

Role of the post-hepatic septum on breathing during locomotion in Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae).

scientific article published in July 2003

Staining method for cut surfaces of whole reptilian lungs suitable for morphometry

scientific article published on August 1, 1978

Static lung compliance and body pressures in Tupinambis merianae with and without post-hepatic septum

scientific article published in April 2003

Stereological determination of tracheal volume and diffusing capacity of the tracheal walls in the stick insect Carausius morosus (Phasmatodea, Lonchodidae).

scientific article published in March 1999

Stereological estimation of surface area and barrier thickness of fish gills in vertical sections

scientific article published in January 2007

Structure of the posthepatic septum and its influence on visceral topology in the tegu lizard, Tupinambis merianae (Teiidae: Reptilia).

scientific article

Strychnine eliminates reciprocation and augmentation of respiratory bursts of the in vitro frog brainstem

scientific article published in March 1997

The anatomy of the respiratory system in Platysternon megacephalum Gray, 1831 (Testudines: Cryptodira) and related species, and its phylogenetic implications

scientific article published on 31 December 2009

The coupled evolution of breathing and locomotion as a game of leapfrog

scientific article published on 3 October 2006

The evolutionary origin of the mammalian diaphragm.

scientific article published on 19 January 2010

The frog brainstem preparation as a model for studying the central control of breathing in tetrapods

scientific article

The hairy frog, a curly fighter ? – A novel hypothesis on the function of hairs and claw-like terminal phalanges, including their biological and systematic significance (Anura : Arthroleptidae : Trichobatrachus)

scientific article published in 2010

Transpleural diffusion of inert gases in excised lung lobes of the dog.

scientific article published in February 1974

Two regions in the isolated brainstem of the frog that modulate respiratory-related activity

scientific article published on 01 January 1995

Which came first, the lung or the breath?

scientific article

Why respiratory biology? The meaning and significance of respiration and its integrative study

scientific article published on August 30, 2007