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List of works by Christopher Hamann

Addendum to “Stöffler, D., Hamann, C., and Metzler, K., Shock metamorphism of planetary silicate rocks and sediments: Proposal for an updated classification system. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 53, 5–49, 2018”

scientific article

Chemical projectile–target interaction and liquid immiscibility in impact glass from the Wabar craters, Saudi Arabia

scholarly article published in 2013

Correlating laser-generated melts with impact-generated melts: An integrated thermodynamic-petrologic approach

scholarly article

Experimental impact cratering: A summary of the major results of the MEMIN research unit

scholarly article

Immiscible silicate liquids and phosphoran olivine in Netschaëvo IIE silicate: Analogue for planetesimal core–mantle boundaries

scientific article published in 2017

Interaction of aluminum projectiles with quartz sand in impact experiments: Formation of khatyrkite (CuAl2) and reduction of SiO2 to Si

scholarly article

Laser-induced melting experiments: Simulation of short-term high-temperature impact processes

scholarly article

Mid-infrared spectroscopy of laser-produced basalt melts for remote sensing application

scientific article

Petrogenesis of main group pallasite meteorites based on relationships among texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry

scholarly article

Petrographic investigation of shatter cone melt films recovered from MEMIN impact experiments in sandstone and iSALE modeling of their formation boundary conditions

scholarly article

Shock metamorphism of planetary silicate rocks and sediments: Proposal for an updated classification system

scholarly article

Silicate liquid immiscibility in impact melts

scholarly article

The reaction of carbonates in contact with laser-generated, superheated silicate melts: Constraining impact metamorphism of carbonate-bearing target rocks

scientific article published on 3 July 2018