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List of works by Xinliang Zhang

40 Gb/s reconfigurable optical logic gates based on FWM in silicon waveguide

scientific article published on 01 February 2016

A dual-detector optical receiver for PDM signals detection

scientific article published on 20 May 2016

A proposal for two-input arbitrary Boolean logic gates using single semiconductor optical amplifier by picosecond pulse injection

scientific article published on 01 May 2009

All-optical 1st- and 2nd-order differential equation solvers with large tuning ranges using Fabry-Pérot semiconductor optical amplifiers

scientific article published on February 2015

All-optical AND gate at 10 Gbit/s based on cascaded single-port-couple SOAs

scientific article published on 01 February 2004

All-optical UWB generation and modulation using SOA-XPM effect and DWDM-based multi-channel frequency discrimination

scientific article published on November 22, 2010

All-optical binary phase-coded UWB signal generation for multi-user UWB communications

scientific article published on May 23, 2011

All-optical computation system for solving differential equations based on optical intensity differentiator

scientific article published on March 25, 2013

All-optical control of ultrahigh-Q silica microcavities with iron oxide nanoparticles

scientific article published in December 2017

All-optical differential equation solver with constant-coefficient tunable based on a single microring resonator

scientific article

All-optical differentiator based on cross-gain modulation in semiconductor optical amplifier

scientific article published in October 2007

All-optical format conversion from CS-RZ to NRZ at 40Gbit/s

scientific article published on 01 April 2007

All-optical parallel NRZ-DPSK to RZ-DPSK format conversion at 40 Gb/s based on XPM effect in a single SOA

scientific article published on 01 July 2011

All-optical ultrawideband monocycle generation utilizing gain saturation of a dark return-to-zero signal in a semiconductor optical amplifier

scientific article published on 01 August 2007

All-optical wavelength conversion for mode division multiplexed superchannels

scientific article

An SOI based polarization insensitive filter for all-optical clock recovery

scientific article published on 01 March 2014

An optically tunable wideband optoelectronic oscillator based on a bandpass microwave photonic filter

scientific article

An ultra-low crosstalk and broadband two-mode (de)multiplexer based on adiabatic couplers

scientific article published on 06 December 2016

Analysis on dynamic characteristics of semiconductor optical amplifiers with certain facet reflection based on detailed wideband model

scientific article published on 01 July 2007

Application of Coupled Optoelectronic Oscillator on Optical Sampling

Bandwidth improvement for germanium photodetector using wire bonding technology.

scientific article published in October 2015

Calibration-free time-stretch optical coherence tomography with large imaging depth

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

Chip-integrated all-optical 4-bit Gray code generation based on silicon microring resonators

scientific article published in August 2015

Chip-integrated optical power limiter based on an all-passive micro-ring resonator

scientific article

Circulator-free on-chip bidirectional four-wave mixing

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Compact double-part grating coupler for higher-order mode coupling

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Compact, flexible and versatile photonic differentiator using silicon Mach-Zehnder interferometers

scientific article published in March 2013

Comparison analysis of optical frequency comb generation with nonlinear effects in highly nonlinear fibers

scientific article published on April 8, 2013

Crossing-free on-chip 2  ×  2 polarization-transparent switch with signals regrouping function

scientific article published on 01 August 2018

Demonstration of the temporal illusion and mosaic

scientific article published on May 2017

Design of an ultra-short coupler in an asymmetric twin-waveguide structure using transformation optics

scientific article published on 01 November 2014

Deterministic design of focusing apodized subwavelength grating coupler based on weak form and transformation optics

scientific article published on 01 November 2020

Discrete optics in optomechanical waveguide arrays

scientific article published on 01 September 2020

Double metal subwavelength slit arrays interference to measure the orbital angular momentum and the polarization of light

scientific article published in June 2014

Dual-band optical filter based on a single microdisk resonator

scientific article published on 01 December 2011

Dynamic interferometry measurement of orbital angular momentum of light

scientific article published on 01 October 2014

Energy-efficient on-chip optical diode based on the optomechanical effect

scientific article published in April 2017

Expanded all-optical programmable logic array based on multi-input/output canonical logic units

scientific article published on 01 April 2014

Experimental demonstration and devices optimization of NRZ-DPSK amplitude regeneration scheme based on SOAs.

scientific article published in December 2014

Experimental observation of all-optical non-return-to-zero-to-return-to-zero format conversion based on cascaded second-order nonlinearity assisted by active mode-locking

scientific article published in August 2007

Flat-top bandpass microwave photonic filter with tunable bandwidth and center frequency based on a Fabry-Pérot semiconductor optical amplifier.

scientific article

Fractional-order photonic differentiator using an on-chip microring resonator

scientific article published in November 2014

Frequency-domain light intensity spectrum analyzer based on temporal convolution

scientific article published in July 2017

High speed and high power polarization insensitive germanium photodetector with lumped structure.

scientific article published in May 2016

High-contrast and low-power all-optical switch using Fano resonance based on a silicon nanobeam cavity

scientific article published on 01 December 2018

High-order all-optical differential equation solver based on microring resonators.

scientific article

High-speed all-optical differentiator based on a semiconductor optical amplifier and an optical filter

scientific article published in July 2007

Hybrid coding method of multiple orbital angular momentum states based on the inherent orthogonality

scientific article published on February 2014

In-line polarization-dependent microfiber interferometers and their applications in UWB signal generation

scientific article published on 01 April 2013

Integrated all-optical programmable logic array based on semiconductor optical amplifiers

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Integrated dual-mode 3 dB power coupler based on tapered directional coupler

scientific article published on 22 March 2016

Integrated nonlinear interferometer with wavelength multicasting functionality

scientific article published on August 2016

Integrated switchable mode exchange for reconfigurable mode-multiplexing optical networks.

scientific article published in July 2016

Integrated tunable mode filter for a mode-division multiplexing system

scientific article published on 01 August 2018

Integrated tunable optical add/drop filter for polarization and wavelength multiplexed signals

scientific article published on 01 April 2016

Manipulation of orbital angular momentum beams based on space diffraction compensation

scientific article published on 01 July 2014

Mode measurement of few-mode fibers by mode-frequency mapping

scientific article published in April 2018

Mode-assisted Silicon Integrated Interferometric Optical Gyroscope

scientific article published on 10 September 2019

Monolithically mode division multiplexing photonic integrated circuit for large-capacity optical interconnection.

scientific article published on August 2016

Multimode waveguide crossing with ultralow loss and low imbalance

scientific article published on 01 May 2020

Numerical analysis of polarization splitter based on vertically coupled microring resonator

scientific article published on 01 November 2006

On the Hamiltonian form of cross-mode modulation in nonlinear optical waveguides

scientific article published on 01 October 2018

On-chip WDM mode-division multiplexing interconnection with optional demodulation function.

scientific article published in December 2015

On-chip data exchange for mode division multiplexed signals.

scientific article

On-chip multiplexing conversion between wavelength division multiplexing-polarization division multiplexing and wavelength division multiplexing-mode division multiplexing.

scientific article published in February 2014

On-chip switch for reconfigurable mode-multiplexing optical network.

scientific article published on September 2016

Operation bandwidth optimization of photonic differentiators

scientific article published in July 2015

Optical gradient forces in PT-symmetric coupled-waveguide structures

scientific article published on 01 April 2018

Optical phase erasure and its application to format conversion through cascaded second-order processes in periodically poled lithium niobate

scientific article published in August 2008

Optical solver for a system of ordinary differential equations based on an external feedback assisted microring resonator

scientific article

Phase regeneration for polarization-division multiplexed signals based on vector dual-pump nondegenerate phase sensitive amplification

scientific article published on 01 February 2015

Photonic generation of a microwave signal by incorporating a delay interferometer and a saturable absorber

scientific article

Photonic generation of ultra-wideband doublet pulse using a semiconductor-optical-amplifier based polarization-diversified loop

scientific article published on June 15, 2012

Photonic generation of ultrawideband monocycle and doublet pulses by using a semiconductor-optical-amplifier-based wavelength converter

scientific article published on 01 May 2009

Photonics-based simultaneous measurement of distance and velocity using multi-band LFM microwave signals with opposite chirps

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

Real-time broadband radio frequency spectrum analyzer based on parametric spectro-temporal analyzer (PASTA).

scientific article published in April 2017

Reconfigurable photonic temporal differentiator based on a dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator

scientific article published in May 2016

Reconfigurable symmetric pulses generation using on-chip cascaded optical differentiators

scientific article published in September 2016

Reduction of patterning effects in SOA-based wavelength converters by combining cross-gain and cross-absorption modulation

scientific article published on 01 December 2008

Retrieving orbital angular momentum distribution of light with plasmonic vortex lens

scientific article published on 03 June 2016

Route-asymmetrical optical transmission and logic gate based on optical gradient force.

scientific article published in October 2014

SOI based ultracompact polarization insensitive filter for PDM signal processing

scientific article published on 01 July 2013

Short and efficient mode-size converter designed by segmented-stepwise method.

scientific article published in November 2014

Silicon Integrated Interferometric Optical Gyroscope.

scientific article

Silicon based polarization insensitive filter for WDM-PDM signal processing.

scientific article published in November 2013

Silicon mode multiplexer processing dual-path mode-division multiplexing signals

scientific article published on 01 December 2016

Silicon-on-insulator-based microwave photonic filter with narrowband and ultrahigh peak rejection

scientific article published in March 2018

Simulation and analysis of OOK-to-BPSK format conversion based on gain-transparent SOA used as optical phase-modulator

scientific article

Simultaneous all-optical demodulation and format conversion for multi-channel (CS)RZ-DPSK signals

scientific article published on 01 June 2011

Simultaneous demonstration on all-optical digital encoder and comparator at 40 Gb/s with semiconductor optical amplifiers

scientific article

Simultaneous multiple DWDM channel NRZ-to-RZ regenerative format conversion at 10 and 20 Gb/s

scientific article published on 01 March 2009

Single SOA based 16 DWDM channels all-optical NRZ-to-RZ format conversions with different duty cycles.

scientific article published in September 2008

Single SOA based simultaneous amplitude regeneration for WDM-PDM RZ-PSK signals

scientific article published on March 25, 2013

Single step etched two dimensional grating coupler based on the SOI platform

scientific article published on 01 December 2015

Spectrum Control through Discrete Frequency Diffraction in the Presence of Photonic Gauge Potentials.

scientific article

Subwavelength polarization splitter-rotator with ultra-compact footprint

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

Switchable in-line monitor for multi-dimensional multiplexed photonic integrated circuit.

scientific article published in June 2016

Switchable microwave photonic filter between high Q bandpass filter and notch filter with flat passband based on phase modulation

scientific article published on November 22, 2010

Temporal imaging using a time pinhole

scientific article published on 01 April 2014

Temporal radio-frequency spectrum analyzer, based on asynchronous optical sampling assisted temporal convolution

scientific article published on 01 August 2018

Theoretical analysis and experimental verification on optical rotational Doppler effect

scientific article published on 28 April 2016

Time-domain characteristics of ultrafast transverse mode switching based on Si nanowires

scientific article published on 01 April 2018

Tomographic polarization analyzer by polarization-mode-frequency mapping

scientific article published in June 2017

Transmission characteristics of dual microring resonators coupled via 3x3 couplers

scientific article published on 01 October 2007

Triangular-shaped pulse generation based on self-convolution of a rectangular-shaped pulse

scientific article published on 01 April 2014

Tunable Fano resonance with a high slope rate in a microring-resonator-coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometer

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

Tunable all-optical NOR gate at 10 Gb/s based on SOA fiber ring laser

scientific article

Tunable bandpass microwave photonic filter with ultrahigh stopband attenuation and skirt selectivity

scientific article

Tunable fractional-order differentiator using an electrically tuned silicon-on-isolator Mach-Zehnder interferometer

scientific article published in July 2014

Tunable polarization beam splitter and broadband optical power sensor using hybrid microsphere resonators

scientific article published on 01 October 2020

Tunable polarization beam splitter based on optofluidic ring resonator

scientific article published in July 2016

Tunable sub-kHz single-mode fiber laser based on a hybrid microbottle resonator

scientific article published on 01 November 2018

Two-dimensional grating coupler with a low polarization dependent loss of 0.25  dB covering the C-band

scientific article published on 01 September 2016

Two-dimensional silicon photonic grating coupler with low polarization-dependent loss and high tolerance

scientific article published on 01 August 2019

Ultra efficient silicon nitride grating coupler with bottom grating reflector

scientific article published on 01 October 2015

Ultra-compact bent multimode silicon waveguide with ultralow inter-mode crosstalk.

scientific article

Ultra-compact multi-channel all-optical switches with improved switching dynamic characteristics

scientific article published on 01 October 2018

Ultra-compact waveguide crossing for a mode-division multiplexing optical network

scientific article published in December 2017

Ultracompact optical switch using a single semisymmetric Fano nanobeam cavity

scientific article published on 01 April 2020

Ultrafast all-optical NOR gate based on semiconductor optical amplifier and fiber delay interferometer

scientific article published on 01 October 2006

Ultrafast all-optical three-input Boolean XOR operation for differential phase-shift keying signals using periodically poled lithium niobate

scientific article

Ultrafast discrete swept source based on dual chirped combs for microscopic imaging

scientific article published on 01 February 2019

Ultrafast electrical spectrum analyzer based on all-optical Fourier transform and temporal magnification

scientific article published in April 2017

Ultrafast time-stretch microscopy based on dual-comb asynchronous optical sampling

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Ultrahigh-Q microwave photonic filter with Vernier effect and wavelength conversion in a cascaded pair of active loops

scientific article published on 01 April 2010

Ultrawideband monocycle generation using cross-phase modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier

scientific article published on 01 May 2007

Whispering gallery modes in a single silica microparticle attached to an optical microfiber and their application for highly sensitive displacement sensing

scientific article published in January 2018

Wideband tunable optoelectronic oscillator based on a microwave photonic filter with an ultra-narrow passband

scientific article published on 01 May 2018