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List of works by Pierre R. Bérubé

A framework for the use of artificial neural networks for water treatment: development and application

scientific article

A model for analyzing water reuse and resource recovery potential in urban areas

scientific article

Ageing of membranes for water treatment: Linking changes to performance

scientific article

Application of the electrodiffusion method to measure wall shear stress: integrating theory and practice

scientific article

Assessing the effects of sodium hypochlorite exposure on the characteristics of PVDF based membranes

scientific article

Assessment of mass transfer coefficients in coalescing slug flow in vertical pipes and applications to tubular airlift membrane bioreactors

scientific article

Biological Ion Exchange capable of sulphate-based secondary ion exchange during long-term DOC removal

scientific article

Biological ion exchange as an alternative to biological activated carbon for drinking water treatment

scientific article published on 05 October 2019

Biologically active ion exchange (BIEX) for NOM removal and membrane fouling prevention

scientific article

Book Review: Safe Drinking Water: Lessons from Recent Outbreaks in Affluent Nations

scientific article

Characteristics of natural organic matter and formation of chlorinated disinfection by-products from two source waters that respond differently to ozonation

scientific article

Characterization and modelling of soluble microbial products in activated sludge systems treating municipal wastewater with special emphasis on temperature effect

scientific article

Characterization of Shear Forces Inside Gas-Sparged Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules

scientific article

Characterization of anionic surfactant-induced toxicity in a primary effluent

scientific article

Characterization of fouling of tertiary membranes

scientific article

Characterization of performance of full-scale tertiary membranes under stressed operating conditions

scientific article published on 01 February 2020

Coagulation optimization for DOC removal: pilot-scale analysis of UF fouling and disinfection byproduct formation potential

scientific article

Coagulation/flocculation prior to low pressure membranes in drinking water treatment: a review

scientific article

Committee report: recent advances and research needs in membrane fouling

scientific article

Contribution of biofilm layer to virus removal in gravity-driven membrane systems with passive fouling control

scientific article

Distribution of surface shear forces and bubble characteristics in full-scale gas sparged submerged hollow fiber membrane modules

scientific article

Distribution of surface shear stress for a densely packed submerged hollow fiber membrane system

scientific article


scientific article

Effects of elevated operating temperatures on methanol removal kinetics from synthetic kraft pulp mill condensate using a membrane bioreactor

scientific article

Effects of kraft evaporator condensate matrix on methanol removal in a high temperature membrane bioreactor

scientific article

Energy consumption related to shear stress for membrane bioreactors used for wastewater treatment

scientific article

Erratum to¿ The effect of hydrodynamic conditions and system configurations on the permeate flux in a submerged hollow fiber membrane system¿[J. Membr. Sci. 271 (2006) 29¿ 37]

scientific article

Euromembrane Conference 2012 [P3. 089] Efficient gas sparging design through characterising the hydrodynamics inside submerged HF membrane systems

scientific article

Evaluation of adsorption and coagulation as membrane pretreatment steps for the removal of organic material and disinfection-by-product precursors

scientific article

Experimental study and CFD modelling of a two-phase slug flow for an airlift tubular membrane

scientific article

Experimental validation of a hydrodynamic CFD model of a hollow fiber MBR using shear intensity measurements

scientific article

Filtration and cleaning performances of PVDF membranes aged with exposure to sodium hypochlorite

scientific article

Fouling in air sparged submerged hollow fiber membranes at sub-and super-critical flux conditions

scientific article

Hybrid membrane processes using activated carbon treatment for drinking water: a review

scientific article

Impact of PAC Fines in Fouling of Polymeric and Ceramic Low-Pressure Membranes for Drinking Water Treatment

scientific article published on 7 July 2016

Impact of low coagulant dosages on protein fouling of ultrafiltration membranes

scientific article

Integrated oxidation membrane filtration process - NOM rejection and membrane fouling.

scientific article

Investigation of the effect of viscosity on slug flow in airlift tubular membranes in search of a sludge surrogate.

scientific article published in January 2010

Long-term performance of biological ion exchange for the removal of natural organic matter and ammonia from surface waters

scientific article published on 25 July 2018

Measurement of reduced sulphur compounds contained in aqueous matrices by direct injection into a gas chromatograph with a flame photometric detector

scientific article

Mechanisms Governing the Permeate Flux in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Treating Low-Strength/Municipal Wastewaters: A Literature Review

scientific article

Membrane ageing in full-scale water treatment plants

scientific article published on 18 October 2019

Membrane bioreactors for anaerobic treatment of wastewaters: phase II

scientific article

Membrane fouling mechanisms of a membrane enhanced biological phosphorus removal process

scientific article

Messung von Schubspannungen beim Aufstieg von Einzelblasen

scientific article

Model development to access the ageing of polymeric membranes due to chemical cleaning

scientific article

Modeling the impact of permeate flux and hydrodynamic conditions on fouling in submerged hollow fiber membranes

scientific article

Nanofiltration and Tight Ultrafiltration Membranes for Natural Organic Matter Removal-Contribution of Fouling and Concentration Polarization to Filtration Resistance.

scientific article published on 2 July 2017

Numerical and experimental investigation of pulse bubble aeration with high packing density hollow-fibre MBRs

scientific article published on 20 May 2019

Operation of passive membrane systems for drinking water treatment

scientific article published on 28 February 2017

Optimal Module Configuration and Sparging Scenario for a Submerged Hollow Fiber Membrane System

scientific article

Optimization of air sparging and in-line coagulation for ultrafiltration fouling control

scientific article

Optimizing the sparging condition and membrane module spacing for a ZW500 submerged hollow fiber membrane system

scientific article

PFAS removal by ion exchange resins: A review

scientific article

Performance of thin-film composite hollow fiber nanofiltration for the removal of dissolved Mn, Fe and NOM from domestic groundwater supplies

scientific article published on 22 August 2018

Physical cleaning efficacy of hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes in drinking water applications.

scientific article

Power induced by bubbles of different sizes and frequencies on to hollow fibers in submerged membrane systems

scientific article published on 11 September 2013

Promoting the biological oxidation of reduced sulphur compounds by pH adjustment in a high temperature membrane bioreactor treating Kraft Pulp Mill Foul Condensate

scientific article

Pulse bubble sparging for fouling control

scientific article

Pulse bubble sparging for the control of hydraulically reversible fouling in submerged hollow fiber membrane systems

scientific article

Quantifying the shear at the surface of submerged hollow fiber membranes

scientific article

Rate and extent NOM removal during oxidation and biofiltration

scientific article published on 21 December 2013

Relationship between types of surface shear stress profiles and membrane fouling

scientific article published on 22 September 2011

Removal of disinfection by-product precursors with ozone-UV advanced oxidation process

scientific article published in May 2005

Reuse of Air for Return Activated Sludge Pumping in Submerged Membrane Bioreactors

scientific article

Roles of various mixed liquor constituents in membrane filtration of activated sludge

scientific article

SEM imaging of membranes: Importance of sample preparation and imaging parameters

Seeking realistic membrane ageing at bench-scale

scientific article

Student Learning in Teams: Viewpoint of Team Members, Teachers and an Observer

scientific article

Study of submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) treating municipal wastewater

scientific article

Surface shear stress and membrane fouling when considering natural water matrices

scientific article

Surface shear stress and retention of emerging contaminants during ultrafiltration for drinking water treatment

scientific article

The Effect of Concentration Factor on Membrane Fouling

scientific article published on September 2017

The effect of hydrodynamic conditions and system configurations on the permeate flux in a submerged hollow fiber membrane system

scientific article

The impact of loading approach and biological activity on NOM removal by ion exchange resins

scientific article published on 9 February 2018

The importance of fluid dynamics for MBR fouling mitigation.

scientific article published on 23 May 2012

Ultrafiltration fouling: Impact of backwash frequency and air sparging

scientific article

Ultrafiltration organic fouling control: Comparison of air‐sparging and coagulation

scientific article

Variability and limits of the unified membrane fouling index: application to the reduction of low-pressure membrane fouling by ozonation and biofiltration

scientific article