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List of works by Ying Yang

Amplitude analysis of theD+→KS0π+π0Dalitz plot

scholarly article

Amplitude analysis of theπ0π0system produced in radiativeJ/ψdecays

scholarly article

An improved limit forΓeeofX(3872)andΓeemeasurement ofψ(3686)

Anomalous centrality evolution of two-particle angular correlations from Au-Au collisions atsNN=62and 200 GeV

scholarly article

Azimuthal Anisotropy in U+U and Au+Au Collisions at RHIC.

scientific article published on 24 November 2015

Beam Energy Dependence of the Third Harmonic of Azimuthal Correlations in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC.

scientific article

Beam energy dependence of moments of the net-charge multiplicity distributions in Au+Au collisions at RHIC.

scientific article published on 26 August 2014

Beam-energy dependence of charge balance functions from Au + Au collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

scholarly article

Beam-energy dependence of charge separation along the magnetic field in Au+Au collisions at RHIC.

scientific article published on 30 July 2014

Beam-energy dependence of the directed flow of protons, antiprotons, and pions in Au+Au collisions.

scientific article

Beam-energy-dependent two-pion interferometry and the freeze-out eccentricity of pions measured in heavy ion collisions at the STAR detector

scholarly article

Centrality and Transverse Momentum Dependence of Elliptic Flow of Multistrange Hadrons and ϕ Meson in Au+Au Collisions at √[sNN]=200  GeV.

scientific article published on 10 February 2016

Centrality dependence of identified particle elliptic flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions atsNN=7.7–62.4GeV

scholarly article

Charge-Dependent Directed Flow in Cu+Au Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200  GeV.

scientific article

Charged-to-neutral correlation at forward rapidity in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Confirmation of a charged charmoniumlike state Z c ( 3885 ) ∓ in e + e − → π ± ( D D ¯ * ) ∓ with double D tag

scientific article

Confirmation of theX(1835)and Observation of the ResonancesX(2120)andX(2370)inJ/ψ→γπ+π−η′

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Corrigendum to “Suppression of ϒ production in d + Au and Au + Au collisions atsNN=200 GeV” [Phys. Lett. B 735 (2014) 127–137]

scholarly article published in Physics Letters B

Dark photon search in the mass range between 1.5 and 3.4 GeV/ c 2

scientific article published in November 2017

Determination of the number of J/ψ events with J/ψ → inclusive decays

Determination of the number of ψ(3686) events at BESIII

Determination of the number of ψ′ events at BESIII

Di-electron spectrum at mid-rapidity inp+pcollisions ats=200GeV

scholarly article

Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au + Au and d + Au collisions at STAR

Dielectron Mass Spectra fromAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Dielectron azimuthal anisotropy at mid-rapidity in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Dijet imbalance measurements in Au+Au and pp collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200  GeV at STAR.

scientific article published on 10 August 2017

Directed Flow of Identified Particles inAu+AuCollisions atSNN=200  GeVat RHIC

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Directed and elliptic flow of charged particles in Cu+Cu collisions atsNN=22.4GeV

scholarly article

Effect of event selection on jetlike correlation measurement in d + Au collisions atsNN=200 GeV

Elliptic flow of identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions atsNN=7.7–62.4 GeV

article in Physical Review C 88(1)

Energy and system-size dependence of two- and four-particlev2measurements in heavy-ion collisions atsNN=62.4and 200 GeV and their implications on flow fluctuations and nonflow

scholarly article

Energy dependence of acceptance-corrected dielectron excess mass spectrum at mid-rapidity inAu+Aucollisions atsNN=19.6and 200 GeV

Energy dependence of moments of net-proton multiplicity distributions at RHIC.

scientific article published on 23 January 2014

Energy dependence ofKπ,pπ, andKpfluctuations in Au + Au collisions fromsNN=7.7to 200 GeV

scholarly article

Erratum: Observation of D^{0} Meson Nuclear Modifications in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200  GeV [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 142301 (2014)]

scientific article published on 01 November 2018

Evidence for e+e−→γχc1,2at center-of-mass energies from 4.009 to 4.360 GeV

Evidence for the direct two-photon transition from ψ(3686) to J/ψ.

scientific article

Evidence forηc(2S)inψ(3686)→γKS0K±π∓π+π−

scholarly article

Evidence forηc→γγand measurement ofJ/ψ→3γ

scholarly article

Evidence forψ′Decays intoγπ0andγη

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evolution of the differential transverse momentum correlation function with centrality in Au+Au collisions at s N N = 200 GeV

Experimental studies of di-jets in Au+Au collisions using angular correlations with respect to back-to-back leading hadrons

scholarly article

Experimental study ofψ′decays toK+K−π0andK+K−η

scholarly article

First Observation ofη(1405)Decays intof0(980)π0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

First observation of the M1 transition ψ(3686)→γη(c)(2S).

scientific article

First observation of the isospin violating decayJ/ψ→ΛΣ¯0+c.c

scholarly article

Fluctuations of charge separation perpendicular to the event plane and local parity violation insNN=200GeV Au + Au collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

scholarly article

Freeze-out dynamics via charged kaon femtoscopy insNN=200GeV central Au + Au collisions

scholarly article

Higher-order multipole amplitude measurement inψ′→γχc2

scholarly article

HighpTnonphotonic electron production inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV

article by Geydar Agakishiev et al published 22 March 2011 in Physical Review D

Identified Hadron Compositions inp+pandAu+AuCollisions at High Transverse Momenta atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions atsNN=7.7–39 GeV


Isolation of flow and nonflow correlations by two- and four-particle cumulant measurements of azimuthal harmonics insNN=200 GeVAu+Au collisions

J / ψ production at high transverse momenta in p + p and Au + Au collisions at s NN = 200 GeV

J/ψpolarization inp+pcollisions ats=200GeVin STAR

J/ψproduction at low transverse momentum inp+pandd+ Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

J/ψproduction at lowpTin Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions atsNN=200GeV with the STAR detector

scholarly article

Jet-hadron correlations in √[s(NN)]=200  GeV p+p and central Au+Au collisions.

scientific article published on 28 March 2014

Jet-like correlations with direct-photon and neutral-pion triggers atsNN=200 GeV

Long-range pseudorapidity dihadron correlations in d + Au collisions atsNN=200 GeV

Longitudinal and transverse spin asymmetries for inclusive jet production at mid-rapidity in polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of Azimuthal Asymmetries in Inclusive Charged Dipion Production ine+e−Annihilations ats=3.65  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of charge multiplicity asymmetry correlations in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of elliptic flow of light nuclei atsNN=200, 62.4, 39, 27, 19.6, 11.5, and 7.7 GeV at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

scholarly article

Measurement of longitudinal spin asymmetries for weak boson production in polarized proton-proton collisions at RHIC.

scientific article published on 13 August 2014

Measurement of the Absolute Branching Fraction forΛc+→Λe+νe

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the D → K − π + strong phase difference in ψ ( 3770 ) → D 0 D ¯ 0

Measurement of the Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry in p^{↑}+p→W^{±}/Z^{0} at RHIC.

scientific article published in April 2016

Measurement of the branching fraction forψ(3686)→ωK+K−

scholarly article

Measurement of the branching fractions ofDs+→η′XandDs+→η′ρ+ine+e−→Ds+Ds−

Measurement of the e + e − → π + π − cross section between 600 and 900 MeV using initial state radiation

Measurement of the form factors in the decayD+→ωe+νeand search for the decayD+→ϕe+νe

scholarly article

Measurement of the integrated luminosities of the data taken by BESIII at √s= 3.650 and 3.773 GeV

Measurement of the leptonic decay width of J / ψ using initial state radiation

Measurement of the matrix element for the decayη′→ηπ+π−

scholarly article

Measurement of the matrix elements for the decaysη→π+π−π0andη/η′→π0π0π0

scholarly article

Measurement of the proton form factor by studyinge+e−→pp¯

scholarly article

Measurement of theW→eνandZ/γ*→e+e−production cross sections at mid-rapidity in proton-proton collisions ats=500  GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of thee+e−→ηJ/ψcross section and search fore+e−→π0J/ψat center-of-mass energies between 3.810 and 4.600 GeV

scholarly article

Measurement ofB(ψ(3770)→γχc1)and search forψ(3770)→γχc2

scholarly article

Measurement ofJ/ψAzimuthal Anisotropy inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement ofyCPinD0–D¯0oscillation using quantum correlations ine+e−→D0D¯0ats=3.773GeV

Measurement ofη′→π+π−e+e−andη′→π+π−μ+μ−

scholarly article

Measurement ofχcJdecaying intoη′K+K−

scholarly article

Measurement ofχcjdecaying intopn¯π−andpn¯π−π0

scholarly article

Measurements of baryon pair decays ofχcJmesons

scholarly article

Measurements of dielectron production in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV from the STAR experiment

scholarly article

Measurements of the branching fractions forJ/ψandψ′→ΛΛ¯π0andΛΛ¯η

scholarly article

Measurements of the center-of-mass energies at BESIII via the di-muon process

Measurements of the mass and width of the η(c) using the decay ψ(3686)→γη(c).

scientific article

Measurements ofD0andD*production inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV

scholarly article

Measurements ofψ(3686)→K−ΛΞ¯++c.c.andψ(3686)→γK−ΛΞ¯++c.c

scholarly article

Measurements ofψ′→p¯K+Σ0andχcJ→p¯K+Λ

scholarly article

Near-side azimuthal and pseudorapidity correlations using neutral strange baryons and mesons ind+Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Neutral pion cross section and spin asymmetries at intermediate pseudorapidity in polarized proton collisions ats=200  GeV

scholarly article

Observation and Spin-Parity Determination of theX(1835)inJ/ψ→γKS0KS0η

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Charge Asymmetry Dependence of Pion Elliptic Flow and the Possible Chiral Magnetic Wave in Heavy-Ion Collisions

scientific article published on 26 June 2015

Observation of D0 meson nuclear modifications in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 200 GeV.

scientific article published on 30 September 2014

Observation of Transverse Spin-Dependent Azimuthal Correlations of Charged Pion Pairs in p^{↑}+p at sqrt[s]=200  GeV.

scientific article published on 8 December 2015

Observation of Two NewN*Resonances in the Decayψ(3686)→pp¯π0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of a Charged Charmoniumlike Structure in e + e − → π + π − J / ψ at s = 4.26 GeV

scientific article

Observation of a Neutral Charmoniumlike StateZc(4025)0ine+e−→(D*D¯*)0π0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of a Neutral Structure near theDD¯*Mass Threshold ine+e−→(DD¯*)0π0ats=4.226and 4.257 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of a charged (DD*)± mass peak in e+ e- → πDD* at sqrt[s] = 4.26  GeV.

scientific article published on 15 January 2014

Observation of a charged charmoniumlike structure Zc(4020) and search for the Zc(3900) in e+e-→π+π-hc.

scientific article published on 10 December 2013

Observation of a charged charmoniumlike structure in e+ e- → (D* D*)± π∓ at √s = 4.26  GeV.

scientific article published on 2 April 2014

Observation of a structure at1.84  GeV/c2in the3(π+π−)mass spectrum inJ/ψ→γ3(π+π−)decays

scholarly article

Observation of an Energy-Dependent Difference in Elliptic Flow between Particles and Antiparticles in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of electromagnetic Dalitz decaysJ/ψ→Pe+e−

scholarly article

Observation of the Dalitz decayη′→γe+e−

scholarly article

Observation of the Singly Cabibbo-Suppressed DecayD+→ωπ+and Evidence forD0→ωπ0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of the decayψ(3686)→ΛΣ¯±π∓+c.c

scholarly article

Observation of the electromagnetic doubly OZI-suppressed decayJ/ψ→ϕπ0

scholarly article

Observation of the isospin-violating decayJ/ψ→ϕπ0f0(980)

scholarly article

Observation of the ψ(1 3D2) State in e+e-→π+π-γχc1 at BESIII

scientific article (publication date: July 2015)

Observation of η'→π+π−π+π− and η'→π+π−π0π0

scientific article

Observation ofJ/ψ→pp¯a0(980)at BESIII

scholarly article

Observation ofZc(3900)0ine+e−→π0π0J/ψ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofe+e−→γX(3872)at BESIII

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofe+e−→ηJ/ψat center-of-mass energys=4.009  GeV

scholarly article

Observation ofe+e−→π0π0hcand a Neutral Charmoniumlike StructureZc(4020)0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofηcdecay intoΣ+Σ¯−andΞ−Ξ¯+final states

scholarly article

Observation ofη′→ωe+e−

scholarly article

Observation ofχc1Decays into Vector Meson Pairsϕϕ,ωω, andωϕ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofχcJdecaying into thepp¯K+K−final state

scholarly article

Observation ofχcJdecays toΛΛ¯π+π−

scholarly article

Partial wave analysis ofJ/ψ→γηη

article by M. Ablikim et al published 21 May 2013 in Physical Review D

Partial wave analysis ofψ(2S)→pp¯η

scholarly article

Precision Measurement of the Longitudinal Double-Spin Asymmetry for Inclusive Jet Production in Polarized Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=200  GeV.

scientific article published on 26 August 2015

Precision measurement of the integrated luminosity of the data taken by BESIII at center-of-mass energies between 3.810 GeV and 4.600 GeV

article by M. Ablikim et al published September 2015 in Chinese Physics C

Precision measurement of the mass of theτlepton

scholarly article

Precision measurement of theD*0decay branching fractions

scholarly article

Precision measurements of branching fractions forψ′→π0J/ψandηJ/ψ

scholarly article

Precision measurements ofB(D+→μ+νμ), the pseudoscalar decay constantfD+, and the quark mixing matrix element|Vcd|

scholarly article

Precision measurements ofB[ψ(3686)→π+π−J/ψ]andB[J/ψ→l+l−]

scholarly article

Probing parton dynamics of QCD matter withΩandϕproduction

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Measurements of baryon pair decays ofχcJmesons [Phys. Rev. D87, 032007 (2013)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Observation ofJ/ψ→pp¯a0(980)at BESIII [Phys. Rev. D90, 052009 (2014)]

scholarly article

STAR Collaboration

STAR Collaboration

STAR Collaboration

STAR Collaboration

Search for D 0 → γ γ and improved measurement of the branching fraction for D 0 → π 0 π 0

scientific article

Search for a light C P -odd Higgs boson in radiative decays of J / ψ

scientific article published on 3 March 2016

Search for a light exotic particle inJ/ψradiative decays

article by M. Ablikim et al published 18 May 2012 in Physical Review D

Search for baryonic decays ofψ(3770)andψ(4040)

scholarly article

Search for hadronic transitionχcJ→ηcπ+π−and observation ofχcJ→KK¯πππ

scholarly article

Search for the isospin violating decay Y ( 4260 ) → J / ψ η π 0

scientific article

Search for the lepton flavor violation processJ/ψ→eμat BESIII

scholarly article

Search for the radiative transitionsψ(3770)→γηcandγηc(2S)

scholarly article

Search for the rare decaysJ/ψ→Ds−ρ+andJ/ψ→D¯0K¯*0

scholarly article

Search for the weak decays J/ψ→Ds(*)−e+νe+c.c

scholarly article

Search for the weak decayη′→K±π∓and precise measurement of the branching fractionB(J/ψ→ϕη′)

scholarly article

Search for theY(4140)viae+e−→γϕJ/ψats=4.23, 4.26 and 4.36 GeV

scholarly article

Search forC-parity violation inJ/ψ→γγandγϕ

scholarly article

Search forCPandPviolating pseudoscalar decays intoππ

scholarly article

Search forZc(3900)±→ωπ±

scholarly article

Search forηandη′invisible decays inJ/ψ→ϕηandϕη′

scholarly article

Search forηandη′→π+e−ν¯e+c.c.decays inJ/ψ→ϕηandϕη′

scholarly article

Search forηc(2S)hc→pp¯decays and measurements of theχcJ→pp¯branching fractions

scholarly article

Searches for isospin-violating transitionsχc0,2→π0ηc

scholarly article

Single spin asymmetry A N in polarized proton–proton elastic scattering at s = 200 GeV

Spin-Parity Analysis ofpp¯Mass Threshold Structure inJ/ψandψ(3686)Radiative Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Strangeness Enhancement in Cu-Cu and Au-Au Collisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of decay dynamics andCPasymmetry inD+→KL0e+νedecay

scholarly article

Study of dynamics ofD0→K−e+νeandD0→π−e+νedecays

scholarly article

Study of e + e − → p p ¯ in the vicinity of ψ ( 3770 )

Study of the near-thresholdωϕmass enhancement in doubly OZI-suppressedJ/ψ→γωϕdecays

scholarly article

Study ofD+→K−π+e+νe

scholarly article

Study ofJ/ψ→ηϕπ+π−at BESIII

scholarly article

Study ofJ/ψ→ωpp¯at BESIII

scholarly article

Study ofe+e−→pp¯π0in the vicinity of theψ(3770)

scholarly article

Study ofe+e−→ωχcJat Center of Mass Energies from 4.21 to 4.42 GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study ofχcJdecaying intoϕK*(892)K¯

scholarly article

Study ofχcJradiative decays into a vector meson

article by M. Ablikim et al published 10 June 2011 in Physical Review D

Study ofψ(3686)→π0hc,hc→γηcviaηcexclusive decays

scholarly article

Study ofψ(3686)→ωKK¯πdecays

scholarly article

Suppression of ϒ production in d + Au and Au + Au collisions at s N N = 200 GeV

System size and energy dependence of near-side dihadron correlations

scholarly article

System-size dependence of transverse momentum correlations atsNN=62.4and 200 GeV at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

scholarly article

Third harmonic flow of charged particles in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200 GeV

scholarly article

Transverse single-spin asymmetry and cross section forπ0andηmesons at large Feynmanxinp↑+pcollisions ats=200  GeV

scholarly article

ΛΛCorrelation Function inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Υ production in U + U collisions at sNN=193 GeV measured with the STAR experiment

scholarly article

ηπ+π−Resonant Structure around1.8  GeV/c2andη(1405)inJ/ψ→ωηπ+π−

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

ρ0photoproduction in AuAu collisions atsNN=62.4GeV measured with the STAR detector

scholarly article