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List of works by Emmanuel J. Gabet

7.5 Influence of Chemical Weathering on Hillslope Forms

A theoretical model coupling chemical weathering rates with denudation rates


Assessing glacial modification of bedrock valleys using a novel approach

scholarly article

Bedrock channel geometry along an orographic rainfall gradient in the upper Marsyandi River valley in central Nepal

scholarly article

Biotic origin for Mima mounds supported by numerical modeling

scientific article published in February 2014

Carbon and nitrogen losses by surface runoff following changes in vegetation.

scientific article

Corrigendum: Late Cenozoic uplift of the Sierra Nevada, California? A critical analysis of the geomorphic evidence

scientific article published in June 2019

Gopher bioturbation: field evidence for non-linear hillslope diffusion

scientific article published on 19 October 2000

Hydrological controls on chemical weathering rates at the soil-bedrock interface

scholarly article

Late Cenozoic uplift of the Sierra Nevada, California? A critical analysis of the geomorphic evidence

scientific article published on 22 September 2014

Lithological and structural controls on river profiles and networks in the northern Sierra Nevada (California, USA)

scientific article published on 15 July 2019

Local topography and erosion rate control regolith thickness along a ridgeline in the Sierra Nevada, California

scientific article published in 2015

Minimal net incision of the northern Sierra Nevada (California, USA) since the Eocene–early Oligocene

scholarly article

Modern climate and erosion in the Himalaya

Prediction of sediment-bound nutrient delivery from semi-arid California watersheds

scholarly article

Storage and export of soil carbon and mineral surface area along an erosional gradient in the Sierra Nevada, California

scholarly article


scientific article

The effect of hillslope angle on pocket gopher (Thomomys bottae) burrow geometry

scientific article published in October 2000

Valley asymmetry and glacial versus nonglacial erosion in the Bitterroot Range, Montana, USA

scholarly article