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Draft Genome Sequences of Bacillus glennii V44-8, Bacillus saganii V47-23a, Bacillus sp. Strain V59.32b, Bacillus sp. Strain MER_TA_151, and Paenibacillus sp. Strain MER_111, Isolated from Cleanrooms Where the Viking and Mars Exploration Rover Space

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Description scientific article published on 25 June 2020

author: Michael D Lee  Afshin Khan  Parag Vaishampayan  Tyesha L Farmer  Keneshia O Johnson  Roxane Saisho  Tiffany R Farr  Sergio S Serrato-Arroyo  Camille J Burke  Elinne Becket  Jeff P Jaureguy  David A. Coil  Courtney A Eggleston  Dylan Steinecke  Marcus J S Cohen  Sophia M Hernandez 

Publication date June 25, 2020
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