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Predicted loss and gain of function mutations in ACO1 are associated with erythropoiesis

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Description scientific article published on 23 April 2020

author: Anna Helgadottir  Brynjar O Jensson  Patrick Sulem  Gisli H Halldorsson  Daníel F. Guðbjartsson  Gudmundur L Norddahl  Gudny A Arnadottir  Hilma Holm  Egil Ferkingstad  Kári Stefánsson  Erna V Ivarsdottir  Asmundur Oddsson  Folkert Asselbergs  Thorunn Rafnar  Stefania Benonisdottir  Gísli Másson  Unnur Þorsteinsdóttir 

Publication date April 23, 2020
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