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Establishing the Link Between Lean Mass and Grip Strength Cut-points With Mobility Disability and Other Health Outcomes: Proceedings of the Sarcopenia Definition and Outcomes Consortium Conference

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Description scientific article published on 14 March 2019

author: Quian-Li Xue  Vasant Hirani  Douglas P. Kiel  Jay Magaziner  Ellen F. Binder  Linda J Woodhouse  Francesco Landi  Roger A Fielding  Peggy M Cawthon  Laura A Schaap  Marco Pahor  Suzette L Pereira  Karol M Pencina  Thomas Travison  Ralph B. D'Agostino Sr.  Jack Guralnik  Todd Matthew Manini  Denise L Orwig  Anne B. Newman  Rosaly Correa-De-Araujo 

Publication date March 14, 2019
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