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Microbiomes of Velloziaceae from phosphorus-impoverished soils of the campos rupestres, a biodiversity hotspot

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Description scientific article published on 31 July 2019

author: Simon Roux  Nikos C. Kyrpides  Natalia N. Ivanova  Alex Copeland  Tbk Reddy  Rafael S. Oliveira  Neha Varghese  Alicia Clum  Anna Abrahão  Ricardo A Dante  Grazielle Sales Teodoro  Bryce Foster  Rafael Soares Correa de Souza  Paulo Arruda  Marcel Huntemann  Antonio P Camargo  Emiley A Eloe-Fadrosh  Chris Daum  Supratim Mukherjee  Krishna Palaniappan  Hans Lambers 

Publication date July 31, 2019
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