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Exosome-carried microRNA-based signature as a cellular trigger for the evolution of chronic lymphocytic leukemia into Richter syndrome

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Description scientific article published on 21 September 2018

author: Emil Burzo  Adrian Pavel Trifa  Nicolae Leopold  Alin Moldovan  Ciprian Ionuţ Tomuleasa  Ioana Berindan-Neagoe  Rares Stiufiuc  Sergiu Pasca  Cristian Berce  Ancuța Jurj  Vlad Moisoiu  Delia Dima  Grigore Gafencu  Laura Pop  Bogdan Fetica  Sonia-Emilia Selicean  Ioana-Codruța Frinc  Alexandra Sacu  Andrei Coliță  Horia Bumbea  Minodora-Silvia Desmirean  Alina D Tanase  Angela Dăscălescu  Bobe Petrushev  Mihnea Zdrenghea  Romulus Tetean  Wilhelm-Thomas Micu  Dalma Deak 

Publication date September 21, 2018
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