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The CAFA challenge reports improved protein function prediction and new functional annotations for hundreds of genes through experimental screens

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Description scientific article published on 19 November 2019

author: George Georghiou  Peter W. Rose  Paolo Fontana  Michael L Tress  Predrag Radivojac  Maria-Jesus Martin  Constance J Jeffery  Claire O'Donovan  Stefano Toppo  Martti Tolvanen  Marco Notaro  Damiano Piovesan  Volkan Atalay  Patricia Babbitt  Michele Berselli  Rabie Saidi  Tunca Doğan  Alexandre Renaux  Enrico Lavezzo  Casey S. Greene  Alexandra J Lee  Rengul Cetin-Atalay  Giuseppe Profiti  Daniel Barry Roche  Jeffrey M Yunes  Alfonso E. Romero  Kimberley A Lewis  Farrokh Mehryary  Hans Moen  Jianlin Cheng  Alice Carolyn McHardy  Tapio Salakoski  Elaine Zosa  Richard Bonneau  Christophe Dessimoz  David Tudor Jones  José M. Fernández  Maxat Kulmanov  Marco Mesiti  Michal Linial  Giovanni Bosco  Marco Frasca  Robert Hoehndorf  Domenico Cozzetto  Iddo Friedberg  Filip Ginter 

Publication date November 19, 2019
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