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Immunogenicity of chimeric haemagglutinin-based, universal influenza virus vaccine candidates: interim results of a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 1 clinical trial

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Description scientific article published on 17 October 2019

author: Adolfo García-Sastre  Carine Claeys  Christopher J van der Gast  Florian Krammer  Bruce L. Innis  Jenna J Guthmiller  Raffael Nachbagauer  Charles Emmanuel Jebaraj Walter  Alicia Solórzano  Patrick C Wilson  Haley L Dugan  Francesco Berlanda Scorza  Weina Sun  Jeffrey T Guptill  Abdollah Naficy  Anna-Karin Palm  Marie Van der Wielen  Peter Palese  Teddy J Wohlbold  Carole Henry  Linda Yu-Ling Lan  David I Bernstein  Jodi Feser  Monica McNeal  Christopher T Stamper  Micah E. Tepora  Megan E Ermler  Randy A. Albrecht 

Publication date October 17, 2019
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